Are You Living Your Dreams?

in #homesteading7 years ago

I spent most of my life thinking so many things are just out of reach. I realized that kind of thinking is what was limiting me. When something seems overwhelming or impossible most give up or don't even try. If you focus on all the reasons why you can’t that's all you will see so why try. Focus long enough on how you can succeed and ideas will come to you.

I discovered if you make a decision you are going to do something, make a plan, put your attention on it, adjust from time to time, and never give up, you can accomplish anything you want! The universe will combine to give you what you justly desire if you are serious.

The universe will also test you to see if you really want it bad enough, however if you persevere suddenly it will seem, the doors will open and you will see the path. You've already done this before and don't realize it perhaps?

Anything no matter how small and the formula is the same. As Yoda might say. If you have ever built a model plane or car, painted a room, remodeled a room, hopped up your car or motorcycle, etc., etc., it’s the same formula. The size of the endeavor does not matter. Decision + plan + action + perseverance = success!

Stop living your fears! Go for it the time will pass anyway might as well be working on living your dreams.



That is a great thought especially regarding cryptos, for me... :)

Our only limitations are in our own minds. The sky's the limit literally!

Our thoughts actually limit us more than most anything else. We cannot see it until we can believe we can see it

You're right they do because we do not take control of our minds and thought process. Its not easy so most of us just coast and sometimes even feel as though we are just victims of circumstance.

Power in the Community and Cryptos help too