in StemSocial3 years ago

Although the moon is the closest celestial body to Earth, it still has secrets to share. For instance, it can't be easily accessed by manned spacecraft. Since 1972, no human has walked on the moon. This has led to the launch of numerous probe missions and the discovery of lunar rocks that offer valuable clues about the lunar past.

Since humans have not been back to the moon since 1972, we've launched robotic spacecraft to explore the solar system and study distant worlds. Despite the achievements of the Apollo missions, many mysteries still remain unsolved. Several scientific questions have been raised regarding the Apollo missions. According to Roger Launius, a former NASA official, the agency's investigators still have a lot of questions about the spacecraft.

One of these questions was why did the Moon get so many objects? In 2009, scientists discovered traces of water inside the samples taken by the Apollo 15 mission. The discovery sparked new interest in the lunar region. Aside from water, recent studies also indicated that the moon has frozen sections near its poles.

Hayne noted that this issue is one of the most important questions about the lunar region.
Hayne explained that understanding the amount of ice on the lunar surface is very important to prevent further ice buildup. This issue can be solved using various tools such as thermal cameras and infrared instruments.

Although the Apollo missions' samples came back from the lunar surface, some of them were as old as 4.5 billion years. Despite the discovery, experts are not exactly sure when the volcanic eruptions on the moon occurred. Hayne explained that while it's possible that the eruptions were caused by a massive impact on the moon, it's also not clear if they happened due to cosmic issues or not.

revealed that the moon's rocks are filled with radioactive materials, such as uranium. It was also theorized that the eruptions were caused by the heat-producing elements on the lunar surface. After analyzing the samples returned by Apollo, planetary scientist John Noble noted that it's possible that the moon's age has already been estimated.

Noble noted that it's not yet clear if the age of the moon has been estimated using the samples returned by Apollo. However, he noted that it's one of the big questions the scientific community wants to answer.
Aside from estimating the moon's age, it also helps determine the age of other rocky planets.

By analyzing the number of craters on Mars and the other planets, experts can estimate the planetary age of these cosmic bodies. As the number of craters on the lunar surface increases, Hayne noted that the moon's age is getting older. For scientists, analyzing the data collected by the Apollo missions will help them study the various aspects of the solar system.

In December 2021, a photo of a strange structure on the Moon's far side was released by China's space agency. The term "strange hut" was used to describe the object.
The strange object was selected as the first target of the mission to explore the Moon. Although it's not a massive object, it's widely believed that it's a boulder.

Planetary scientist Paul Byrne previously said that the object in the photo was a large boulder. However, according to Byrne, a definition of a boulder is a piece of rock that's bigger than 256 millimeters wide. It was created by the Udden-worth scale.

After analyzing the details of the object, the team of China's Yutu-2 rover decided to name it the Jade Rabbit. Although it's believed to be a massive boulder, it's also possible that the hut could be a space dwelling for rodents.

The far side of the Moon is usually viewed from Earth. Since it gets its light from the Sun during the Moon's orbital period, it appears to have a strange texture. This was also observed by the Yutu-2 rover, which came to the Moon in January 2019.

This occurrence joins the growing list of odd discoveries on the Moon. One of these includes the concentration of dense oxides that came from the volcanic materials left behind by previous eruptions. Also, the possibility of a Martian meteorite holding traces of life has been presented.
Some of the mysteries that needs to be revealed are stated below.




For centuries, cultures have offered up theories about the moon's existence. Many of these have been based on the notion that the lunar surface was formed as part of a massive impact. This theory states that around 4.5 billion years ago, a massive body slammed into an Earth that was then molten, causing it to eject material from the lunar surface.


However, the materials left on the lunar surface by the impactor, which were identified as Theia, did not have distinctive characteristics. Also, the amount of water ice on the planet was not enough to mesh with a potential catastrophic impact.

Observations made by the LCROSS probe revealed that water ice has formed in certain craters near the poles. Studies also suggest that the moon's interior is significantly wetter than previously believed.

Some of the samples taken by astronauts during their trips to the moon showed signs of agua. Scientists are still trying to figure out how much water was on the lunar surface when the impactor happened.


The moon is mainly composed of magma, which is stored in its dark regions known as maria. Although these features are visible from the back side, they're usually absent from the front.

The dark side of the moon is alsopockmarked with craters. According to scientist Mike Comins, the thickness of the crust on the far side, which is about 9 miles thick, made it easier to crack due to the meteorites that hit the lunar surface.

The appearance of the dark side's craters could be caused by the increased exposure to space on the far side, which is why the crustal asymmetry is an enigma.


Most people think that the Moon is a is actually too big to be considered a moon. It has a diameter of about one-fourth of Earth.

The barycenter is located inside the Earth's crust. This makes it appear that the Moon is orbiting Earth. In fact, it is the reason the moon isn't regarded as a twin planet to earth.
One of the Moon's most surprising characteristics is its dust.

Since it's as fine as flour, the lunar dust is incredibly rough. This contributes to the Moon's low gravity and can cling to the surface like a feather. It has affected the boots and visors of astronauts. It has also caused moon hay fever in the passengers who have inhaled it. It has been estimated that prolonged exposure to this lunar material could cause airlocks to break.


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