Hi fellow Hivers
This is going to be an interesting experience. I accidentally messed myself up royally! Lol
There are plenty of situations where we think that we are in great shape but it turns out we are kind of not.. I had one of those the other day!
I’ve been really meaning to update my laptop and use Linux instead of windows for various reasons. One of the primary being the built in AI into the newest software and how that information is for sure not used for great purposes.
I’ve also been meaning to learn how to use Linux for a while as well, since I’ve known about it for decades but haven’t been able to spend the time to get to know it.
I So went to install Linux the other day and sadly I didn’t realize that I had bitlocker turned on.. I thought it was off but nope. I had to change a BIOS setting and after I did that the computer wouldn’t do anything. I accidentally bricked my computer! Shit!
I’ve been pretty annoyed and upset about it because it was an amateur mistake. I shouldn’t have done that without a backup but that’s the thing about learning a lesson: they are most frequently hard ones to learn!
So now that I’m without a computer for a little bit.. I have to write posts on my phone! Ugh! Lol. I can’t believe I used to do this all the time, it’s not easy that’s for sure!! I dislike not having my screen for all the real estate. I even had to not use PeakD because the mobile post writing experience is absolutely horrible. I let them know it needed fixing and hopefully they work on it, but in the meantime I’ll be using Ecency to do some writing!
I think a challenge for me as well is that I don’t have my hundreds of photos to use easily! I can get them as I did upload those to the cloud but it’s just sad that I can’t dig into my gigantic archive right now lol. In the meantime I’ll have to use random photos from my phone :D
The funny thing is.. after all that I wasn’t able to post this on Ecency or PeakD. I had to use old fashioned Hive.blog LOL that was not expected!! I wish some of the layouts could be this simple.. haha. I might be scheduling one of my first posts in years from the hive site! Feels like a throwback haha.
A last minute edit before posting.. turns out I can’t even upload pictures what the fuck! Lol I need to figure out how to fix my damn laptop aASAP posting from mobile is awful lmao.
What about you have you made a mistake like this in the past? Let me know in the comments!
Definitely an amateur mistake lol but it's also part of the learning experience. I'm also thinking of having Linux as an alternative operating system, it offers better privacy and security compared to the newer versions of windows. BUT, it's been a rollercoaster so far to understand two operating systems can work in a single device, the specs needed, tips, tricks and traps etc.
Yeah dude it was haha oh well. I've got a number of posts scheduled otherwise so I've got some insulation but it's annoying as I didn't export all of my data from the laptop, thinking it would be fine lol.
Linux isn't bad, the one I am using is Zorin but I haven’t finished the install fully yet, until I figure out if I can recover my data lol.
I am using an external hard drive for the Linux piece. I was told you could install Linux on the external HD and run it that way which worked partially, it let me run a preview of it but when I wanted to install it would only go onto the main computer HD which I didn’t want.
I’m giving it until Monday night if I can’t figure out how to unlock bitlocker then I’ll sadly wipe it and run with Linux lol
I've heard of that alternative of using an external HD. It might be a good way to test out the system and familiarize myself with its functions, features etc before deciding to fully run it on the device. I'll first have to get a good HD for that, don't know if there's a dedicated HD for such stuffs or an average one will also get the job done.
Monday night is almost here lol, hopefully you'll figure it out before then :)
I got a Sandisk external solid state drive it wasn’t too expensive, I think they run around 80 or 90$, which is really affordable for SSD. It’s a 1 terabyte and it had good reviews plus it’s pretty compact so it’s efficient in terms of space.
You’ll need unetbootin software, that’s a really helpful piece and there’s one other I can’t recall now but they basically help you get it on the drive and then set it up so that it will run there instead of wiping your hard drive.
The cool thing about Zorin is you can “try” it for a while to get familiar. It’s very similar to windows with the layout and stuff. I spent about 45 minutes clicking around it before going back and that’s when I realized I was fucked lol I couldn’t go back.
Hi there. Sorry to hear about your laptop becoming unusable right now after a Linux install. I have no experience yet with Bitlocker, so I have no idea how to fix it.
However, there are plenty of videos on YouTube that show how to fix such problems. Have you tried looking there?
Haha thanks, yeah I'll be looking up videos for sure! A friend said he had a trick I just didn't get it out of him on Friday when I chatted with him. Hopefully I'll get it squared away tomorrow!
I figured out how to edit on PeakD and add photos.. man this is brutal lol