The Anecdote of Zhang Taiyan

in Threespeak4 months ago (edited)


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Zhang Binglin (January 12, 1869 – June 14, 1936), also known by his art name Zhang Taiyan, was a Chinese philologist,[1] textual critic, philosopher, and revolutionary.

His philological works include Wen Shi (文始 "The Origin of Writing"), the first systematic work of Chinese etymology. He also made contributions to historical Chinese phonology, proposing that "the niang (娘) and ri (日) initials [in Middle Chinese] come from the ni (泥) initial [in Old Chinese]" (known as niang ri gui ni 娘日歸泥).

He developed a system of shorthand based on the seal script, called jiyin zimu (記音字母), later adopted as the basis of zhuyin. Though innovative in many ways, he was skeptical of new archaeological findings, regarding the oracle bones as forgery.

An activist as well as a scholar, he produced many political works. Because of his outspoken character, he was jailed for three years by the Qing Empire and put under house arrest for another three by Yuan Shikai.

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thanks for sharing the story. this place remains an utter mystery and it's incredible just how much we have been lulled into this world as the sole place that "matters".
what we do now has meaning, even when the effect comes back to us much further down the road.

blessings jin

Thank you brotha for watching my vid.

Yes, we humans are meaning making machines in a way and so we must create for ourselves a wholesome context to move forward into.

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