I Ching, Hexagram 21 - Discernment/Gnawing Bite

in Threespeak2 months ago (edited)


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Australian broadcaster, Alan Jones,
utterly schools a panel of climate zealots on the reality of the climate scam
"C02 is 0.04% of the atmosphere, and human beings are responsible for 3% of that 0.04%... It's like saying: 'There's a granule of sugar on the Harbour Bridge.
Clean the bridge up, it's dirty'.'

The climax change hoax/carbon credit scam is built on the premise of “global warming” and can only be justified if the world is actually getting warmer. The manmade C02 narrative has been created as the smoking gun that will cause sea levels to rise and glaciers to melt and has been debunked by many in the real scientific community. Remember Al Gore preposterous claim (in 2009) that the ice in the North Pole would be gone during the summers commencing in 2013.
Here we are 11 years later…A definite inconvenient truth Mr.Gore…
When the Beaufort Gyre does move further to the south it will impact the The Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) causing the AMOC to effectively shutdown which will cause a major increase in cloud production and eventually leading to our next (mini) ice age. This could occur in our life time and may well coincide with the coming polar excursion that appears to be well under way. The Agenda 2030 timeline may have been chosen by the ruling Oligarchy as a way of attempting to take total control of the world’s population right at the start of the tipping point of the coming magnetic excursion and related worldwide disaster based on some arcane fore knowledge.
It appears more and more that “we live in interesting times”.
No fear!

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Indeed. Guess what happens if the Arctic Ocean is warm enough to be ice free? Evaporation increases, introducing much more water vapor into the frigid cold arctic air, causing lots of snow. Lots and lots of snow that will fall on the land that rings the Arctic Ocean. That, my friend, is how glaciers are made. From lots and lots of snow.

So, if a warm current makes it's way to the Arctic Ocean - which currently (ahem!) gets very little water from oceans further south to warm it because it's almost completely surrounded by land, except for the Bering Strait and the N. Atlantic. If the Japan Current, that currently (ahem!) heads across the N. Pacific south of the Bering Strait and turns south along the West Coast of N. America, changes it's course and pushes up into the Arctic Ocean, that will cause massive amounts of snowfall onto the lands surrounding the Arctic Ocean, Alaska, Canada, and Siberia. Same thing will happen if the Gulf Stream stops cutting across the N. Atlantic and turning south from Scandinavia along the West Coast of Europe down to Iberia.

We're actually overdue for the return of the ice sheets, possibly because of the Younger Dryas catastrophe (whatever that was that plunged the Earth into a millennia long nuclear winter) changing things up for a few tens of millennia. I'd much rather enjoy some warmer weather than seeing two mile thick glaciers over New York City, and I bet all Canadians would too. Global warming is the best potential climate change that could actually happen, IMHO. Either way the weather turns, more CO2 in the atmosphere is good. Damn good. NASA estimates that ecological production has increased ~30% since the industrial revolution began because of the increase in atmospheric CO2 that has created.

Up to ~10x the current CO2 content of Earth's atmosphere, 4k ppm, instead of the ~400ppm we enjoy now, the fossil record shows ecological productivity increases. We're about at the lowest CO2 content in Earth's atmosphere it's ever been, over ~4B years.




Thanks for the interesting data VC. I'm not well versed in this research, so if you have more info/insights, please drop it here for my investigative reference.

More! More! More data!!!
