Baked Whole Sweet Potato With Edamame And Peanut Sauce

Starting to get used to eating healthy food with a clean eating style.



Social media such as Tiktok creates a lot of food content that only focuses on trends, which goes viral. Just that.

There are lots of sweet foods, and lots of them have been processed many times just for variety in the food on the show. As a result, there are also many young people who are increasingly happy to follow their appetites because it seems to be justified by what they watch on social media.

Well, becoming completely clean eating for me is still a process. But I am proud of my own achievements. At least I have succeeded in reducing sugar and food using the deep-frying method. Also, I no longer buy snacks in supermarkets instead I only eat fresh fruit to replace my snacks.

That's not easy for anyone who is used to growing up in a family that is used to sweet foods, as well as oily and starchy foods. Not easy doesn't mean it's impossible. Just need to get used to it.

We just need to find the right motivation. For example, like me, I want to live a healthier, fitter life and have a mental state with well-controlled emotions. The sad incident at the beginning of this year, my miscarriage, was a turning point for me that made me change many things.

So, this time I will show you one of my favorite clean eating food menus. I often make a similar menu but with a variety of vegetable combinations and different sauces.

Sweet potatoes are always in stock in my kitchen. I made breakfast from this menu. I will combine it with fresh edamame and also with tempeh as a protein source.

Air-fryer Sweet Potato


I just used a sweet potato. Meanwhile, my husband will eat rice. Often we have a different breakfast menu. My husband eats rice and I eat sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, or potatoes.

I heated the air-fryer, then prepared sweet potatoes. Because I used whole sweet potatoes, I had to pierce the sweet potatoes with a fork.

Actually, we can also not pierce sweet potatoes. But in my opinion, the taste of the sweet potato flesh inside is less tasty because the oil and salt from the outer surface do not penetrate completely into the sweet potato flesh.

After cleaning the surface of the sweet potato skin with a brush, I dried the sweet potato. Then, I poked the sweet potato with a fork.



Finished with the work of poking the entire surface of the sweet potato, I smeared the sweet potato with oil first. Then, followed by coating it evenly with a little salt.



Switching to Tempeh, I also pierced the Tempeh, then sprayed olive oil on the surface of the Tempeh. But don't add salt.



I also put a sweet potato with tempeh in the air-fryer basket. Bake them for 25 minutes first.

Remove Tempeh for the first 25 minutes. Meanwhile, bake the sweet potatoes for another 25 minutes on the other side.

Boiled Edamame

While waiting for the sweet potatoes in the air-fryer, I prepared the edamame. First, boil water. About 500 ml of water.

Then, add a handful of fresh edamame that have been washed thoroughly. Add 1/2 tablespoon salt. Boil them for 5 minutes.

Remove them then drain. Can transfer them into ice water to speed up their cooling. But this method is just optional and I skipped this process.



I immediately took out the peas from the pods as soon as the edamame felt warm in my hands.

Peanut Sauce

For the sauce, I mixed 1 tablespoon of peanut butter with a slice of lemon. Also with a little warm water.


You can also add sesame seeds or a little plant-based milk for a tastier and creamier sensation.

Serving Methods

I split the baked sweet potato into two parts. After that, use a fork to slice the sweet potato flesh.

Topped with boiled edamame. Also, with roasted Tempeh served with ice cream sticks.

Place the peanut sauce in a small sauce bowl on different sides. Well done.


*So, what's your favorite clean eating menu? ❤️❤️❤️ See you, Veggie Lovers!

Thank you for reading my blog and reblog if you want my blog this time worthy of reading by others.




Best Regards,
Anggrek Lestari


Who is Anggrek Lestari?

Anggrek Lestari is an Indonesian fiction writer who has published two major books. Now She is a full-time content creator. She has a goal to share life, poem, and food content that makes others happy and can get inspiration.

Contact Person:
Discord: anggreklestari#3009


I really like this healthy recipe, and how well you present it so that it calls you to sit at the table and want to eat it.
Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge
hope you enjoy it a lotHow great that you are changing your diet by consuming healthier products dear friend @anggreklestari

That looks delicious and very healthy. Eating healthy is the first step to better living. Thanks for sharing your recipes!👌

Wao! this is a lovely process and and i love your new process of making sweet potatoes

👍 ❤️ Upvoted ❤️ 👍

This dish looks very delicious and I will definitely try to make it at home once and try it.

Looks delicious and healthy!

I have an air fryer I don't know why but I haven't tried tried sweet potatoes in it yet. Next time I will :) Yours looks so good 😋

With oven or air-fryer, no problem. But I prefer using air fryer for now. I thought the result much better than oven. With my oven, need more time.

What temperature do you set the air fryer at? I do oven but more often than not I use microwave because it's so quick but don't get crispy outside though.

I'm like you, I stop consuming sugar or sweet snacks. But sometimes I'll have something sweet if I crave for it, but usually I just eat a little bit of rice and focus more on dishes like chicken and vegetables. This recipe is game changing.

We just need to find the right motivation. For example, like me, I want to live a healthier, fitter life and have a mental state with well-controlled emotions. The sad incident at the beginning of this year, my miscarriage, was a turning point for me that made me change many things.

That's why I don't want to eat sugary and pastry things anymore. Because I think these things really affect our mood very badly. Now I eat mostly vegetables and legumes. But I also try different recipes like this from time to time.

I think sweet potatoes are a great choice. Because the sugar and carbohydrate content in sweet potatoes does not increase the sugar level in our blood too much.

yeah sweet potato is super food and better than potato in general. We can also replace frech fries with sweet potato fries ❤️

On social media, people love to eat things that are overly sugary or have something "extreme" in them. Tiktok is the top spot for this. I try to avoid it as much as possible. What you shared looks as good as the ones on tiktok and it's very healthy. Maybe you should become a tiktok influencer too :P

I never downloaded tiktok apps honestly 🤣

but I have Youtube. So maybe I will share on Youtube shorts

Sounds like a nice idea. I'm sure your videos will be watched like thousands. You just need to be consistent like you do on Hive!