It is true that a wide variety of food exists, each with its different taste and makeup, and sometimes, it could be really difficult to pick one out of the many meals we are used to, as favourite.
Personally, factors like my mood can affect my taste of meals. For instance, I may enjoy eating yam today but would barely taste it some days later. Times of the day also affect my choice of food. I feel this is partly due to the way I was brought up in my feeding habits. We eat more of swallows in the evenings.
Even with the different factors that affect my choice of food, there are foods I can't get tired of eating, be it in the morning, afternoon or evening.
Below are my favourites out of all the meals I eat:
Beans and Plantain
This food combination is very common amongst us Africans. It is very rich and delicious too. I didn't just started loving this meal in a day. It took me some time.
As a child, I disliked eating beans. It tasted stale to me no matter how well prepared it was then. As time went on, coupled with the fact that we prepared more of beans at home then, I was left with no option than to learn how to eat beans, which later became one of my favourites. I enjoy beans more with Plantain whether cooked along with the beans (the best for me), or fried differently, and then combined with the porridge beans. I love the Plantain ripe and soft with the beans slightly more in quantity.
I also love it when there is enough palm oil in the beans since it adds to the colour and texture of the food. I really can do this particular meal all week without getting tired of it.
Pounded Yam and Egusi(melon) Soup
This is another food I love eating especially in the evenings. There are different methods of preparing Egusi soup but the one I prefer most is the cooked one. The other method requires heating and mixing the crushed melon seeds in hot palm oil before toping with water and other ingredients, but I don't fancy it that much.
Egusi soup is best served with goat meat and stock fish, with a blend of some internal organs like liver, kidney, stomach and intestines of the animal. The best vegetable for me is the pumpkin leaves. The leaves are better when properly sliced in bits.
The soup for me is best when it is very thick and warm. I enjoy scooping the melon mass along with some meat chunks.
The good thing about the melon soup is that it is economical to prepare. It doesn't require much to prepare a sumptuous meal. Even without the meats and stockfish, one can make do with crayfish with the other ingredients and still have something tasty.
My favorite meals are easy to make, and economical too, with a wide variety of preparation methods. I believe they can be enjoyed by almost anyone too.
Thanks for reading...
Wow nice, I also love pounded yam and egusi soup, as a matter of fact it's my best food. I enjoy eating that food like anything lols.
That is really good to know. At least I have someone that shares same favorite meal with me. It is very nice having an egusi soup lover here.