Larry finds a buddy - FICTION - Chapter 3

in OCD3 years ago

The next two weeks proved exciting and eventful, and helped Larry get over the scathing lecture he’d been subjected to by his father after his folks had seen Miss Ponting at school. The caravan was an old one and had not been well looked after. Mr. Lawrence fitted a new gas fridge, Mrs. Lawrence made new curtains, and they all had a go at scrubbing the walls and floors. The outside also needed a paint job, but that would have to wait, as would the cupboards which would have to be sanded down and revarnished.

But with the bright new curtains hanging at the windows and everything spotlessly clean, the little van began to take on a homely, welcoming appearance. On the left hand side as you entered the door were two single bunks, one on top of the other. Larry would use the bottom one which stretched the length of the side, from one wall to the other. On the other side of the door was a narrow wardrobe and opposite it was the fridge and a wall unit which had once contained a sink and a gas stove. These two areas had been converted into storage space, and above this cupboard, at eye level, was a smaller wall unit which was intended for the van’s crockery. Opposite Larry’s bunk and built up to the cupboards on either side, was Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence’s double bunk, which could be converted into seating space separated by a collapsible table.

The two Sundays before they left were spent in the hypermarkets and camping stores as they shopped for all the camping gear they would need. The list was endless – they had to have sleeping bags, tray tables, folding chairs, gas bottles and burners, a gas light, as well as a whole set of plastic cups, saucers and plates. Mrs. Lawrence had to buy a kettle, plus a few pots and pans, and she had to stock the little grocery cupboard with all the things they would need to eat and all the things they would need to clean up again after their meals. It was all great fun.

And now it was the day before they were to go. There was quite a stir of excitement in the Lawrence’s household and Larry seemed almost as full of life as he’d ever been. Tomorrow they would be off on their five day holiday and he and his Dad were busy packing the van. The one-room tent had been repaired and was now stored under one of the bunks, while the little cupboards were stocked with groceries and all the new cooking utensils, pots and pans, cutlery and crockery. Even the narrow little wardrobe was hung with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence’s clothes and Larry’s jeans, shirts, underpants, socks and jackets were tucked away under his bunk. Mr. Lawrence had lit the fridge which was now busy icing up, and Larry had just rushed off to collect his roller skated, fishing rod and BMX. It was all going to be great fun!

Finally Mr. Lawrence pronounced the caravan to be ready.

”If we’ve forgotten anything now it’s just tough!” laughed Mrs. Lawrence and her heart was warmed as she watched Larry do a little war dance around the van. Perhaps this was just what he needed, after all.

”Come on, let’s go and have supper!” she called. ”The sooner we can get to bed tonight, the sooner we can leave in the morning!”

It was a cheerful little family that sat around the table that night, washed up dishes together afterwards and finally all made their way to bed much earlier than usual. The first one to open his eyes the next morning was to waken the others and they’d set off as soon as they’d had their breakfast.

Larry closed his eye determinedly as the lights went off throughout the house but it was some time before his excitement abated sufficiently to allow sleep to take over. His very last thought as he sank into slumber was that life was getting to be great again.

The next morning went smooth and everyone was all smiles. Larry helped his father to hook the caravan onto the tow-bar and after everyone was ready, they proceeded to take on the long road ahead of them. Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence were full of jokes. They wanted to keep the conversation flowing so they made up silly games that would keep them entertained along the way. Larry also did his part in entertaining them. He made up new words to songs that were playing on the radio and whether it was funny or not, his parents played along and laughed even when it wasn’t funny at all.

Their destination came closer and closer and after more than a couple of stops to top up on snacks and empty their bladders, it was almost time to take the last off-ramp.

... to be continued

Previous Chapters:

Chapter 1 - Chapter 2 -