Facing the truth, no matter how big and grey it may be

in The Ink Well3 days ago

Long ago, in the Idodo kingdom, a kingdom full of green vegetables and fertile land.
A land envied by all surrounding communities for their wealthy and gifted hands.

There lives a king who is kind and generous; he loves his kingdom with everything. He rules his kingdom with love; his name is King Allen the IV of the Idodo kingdom.
He has a beautiful queen named "Queen Ola"

Queen Ola was a beauty to behold, a woman full of wisdom and knowledge.
Because of her wise council, the kingdom has been able to overcome many hard times and battles.
She is the main reason the kingdom of Idodo hasn't gone to war since the ruins of her husband.

Queen Ola and King Allen the IV have two daughters and two sons.
The first son, Prince Ebubu, is as kind and generous as the father, and he often helps the villagers in their farm work. He was loved by all for this soft and ever-smiling face.

Princess Adaora is an introvert but still kind, always in the garden tending to the flowers and painting; Princess Adaora, being the king's first daughter, was an exceptional being with the gifted hand of healing; she knows everything about herbs.


Princess Chisom, jovial, carefree, and always mischievous, was the clown of the family; as long as Prince Chisom was around, there would be laughter in the palace. She carried joy and laughter everywhere she went.

The last baby of the house, Prince Mezie, is a foodie; in fact, his a glutton and lazy. His attitude of always eating at all times has become a concern to his family; no matter how they try to stop him, he will get angry and storm off.
In his defense, he will say "It's what you eat that you will take to the grave"

The queen will always answer him and say, "It's that same food that can take you to the early grave.
But Prince Mezie doesn't want to hear it, and everybody decides to let him be.

Prince Mezie loved food more than anything in the kingdom. He spent most of his days eating and indulging in lavish feasts. His parents, the king and queen, kept worrying about his health.

Prince Mezie had a friend named Ifeanyi, who was also a glutton like him, so he taught.
Prince Mezie was getting too big for his own sake, but his friend Ifeanyi would eat and eat but would remain slim and fit.
At first, Prince Mezie was thrilled to have a partner in gluttony. But soon, he realized that while he was getting excessive weight, his friend was looking fit and healthy. His attitude was bringing shame and disgrace to his family, and his gluttony way was equally eating away at the kingdom's resources, leaving the people hungry and suffering.


Prince Ebubu and princess adaora couldn't ignore the elephant in the room anymore cause it was being to bring embarrassment to them too, anywhere they went people would point fingers at them, saying that's the elephant in the room brethren at first they didn't understand why people refer to them with such words, when they finally found out, all effort to talk prince mezie out of excessive food lifestyle prove abortive because he couldn't resist its charm. The elephant became his shadow, following him everywhere and encouraging his worst habits.

One day, Prince Mezie decided to take a walk around the kingdom to see its beauty and wealth but was shocked to find out that because of his gluttonous character, the villagers were suffering from malnutrition. The prince feels bad and notices that if he continues in this habit, in the future, the kingdom will be barren and dry, and the people might start dying of starvation and weakness. Prince Mezie realized that he and the elephant would be responsible for this fate.

Heartbroken, Prince Mezie vowed to change. He goes to meet his only friend Ifeanyi and questions why he doesn't add weight like him, but they eat the same way, ifeanyi's reply shocks him, whatever Ifeanyi eats whenever his in the palace that his meal for two days, cause of lack of food in his house and most food he takes back to his house was for his family.

Prince Mezie was unhappy that Ifeanyi never cared to caution him about his habit. Ifeanyi remained him, how he had on several occasions tried to make him see reasons, but he had refused and even threatened to lock him in the guard room.
On realizing his mistake, He began to eat moderately and use the kingdom's resources wisely. The elephant, sensing the prince's change of heart, began to shrink.


As Prince Mezie became a wise and just ruler, the elephant transformed into a noble steed, symbolizing the prince's newfound self-control and wisdom. From then on, the kingdom, the king, and the queen's joy know no bounds for the change in their son and prince's lifestyle. Prince Mezie started working on his health and using his experience to help others overcome their struggles with excess.

Thank you for taking the time to read.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Ah, whilst the fat man politician/king/ruler/CEO gluts and stuff his pockets, the poor man suffers - a very age old story. People's habits and desires make other people suffer. It reads like a fairy tale, which is good, but one thing to try next time is to expose more backstory/character feelings instead of move from plot point to plot point. A good interpretation of the prompt!

Thank you for the observation. I will try well next time

hmm... prince who cares about his stomach alone. thank god he has changed totally' saometimes we just have to identify ourselves as well as weakness just to make us great in life. its so good he changed so fast.

If he hasn't gone out of his comfort zone, he couldn't have seen what is lifestyle was about to cause

make it countHello @coolbabe88, your piece had the making of a decent story with some nice structure, however, it would have benefited from an edit to catch spelling errors and correct punctuation. Both issues affected the flow of your writing and caused jarring distractions for this reader. All writers in The Ink Well are expected as a bare minimum to edit their work so as to present a quality piece of writing. You spent a good portion of your story introducing us to the characters, giving some great detail about their personalities, but for the most part, this did not impact the plot or story line. It is important to remember that everything you write in a story should make a difference. If you can remove a paragraph or character and it does not impact the outcome of the story, then that piece was unnecessary padding. Use your word count to ! It is also important that the reader is able to believe the story that they are reading and in this story it is difficult to imagine that one person's gluttony could impact an entire village and leave them all hungry. I see that you supported other writers via your alt account @cool-babe88. Please ensure going forward that you are supporting writers with the same account that you are using for your submissions to The Ink Well. If you don't we may miss your comments in future and this will impact your curation upvote. Thank you for writing in The Ink Well. We look forward to seeing what you can produce in the future.

Please what's am alt account cause I use same name and account for everything, can you clear me on that

Your story was submitted using @coolbabe88. Your comments were made using @cool-babe88. You mentioned who you had supported but I could not find any supporting comments under coolbabe88. I went directly to those authors' stories and looked in their comments and saw comments from @cool-babe88. I am guessing you have both accounts set up on Hive and for some reason switched between the two last time you commented on stories.

Ok. I get it now; how do I correct it cause it wasn't supposed to be alt? When I try to log in to Inleo, I try using cool-babe88, but it doesn't work, so I put coolbabe88 without the dash, and it works. I didn't know it would keep showing like that

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