Immortality and my swim to the centre of the Earth

in Weekend Experiences2 years ago (edited)

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I was maybe ten years old when the thought first struck me; a journey to the centre of the earth. It seemed so fantastical and filled me with excitement, but it also seemed very unattainable. How would I get there? I was only ten years old after all.

It was 1980 and I'd just finished reading Jules Verne's book, Journey to the Centre of the Earth, first published in 1864 and had seen the 1954 movie of the same name so knew it could be done, the question was how would I do it? Alas, I couldn't answer the question. I eventually moved on to more attainable goals, but my fascination with a journey to the centre of the Earth didn't disappear.

This week I posed the question of, what would you do if you were immortal, but for only a weekend,herechallenged me suggested it would be nice to see me answer one and clearly I obliged in this post. as part of the #weekend-engagement concept I run each week. You can find the post if you're interested in taking a look at the other writing suggestions. Now, I don't normally answer my own writing prompts as I have enough to write about as it is, but @oceanbee

A couple days ago I read a post entry to the concept by another user whose post I have linked at the end of this one. In it, she said she'd like to jump into a volcano just to see what swimming in molten lava would be like. If one is invincible then why not right? That got me thinking...Wouldn't that be an excellent way for me to get to the centre of the Earth? I know, my logic is unimpeachable folks.

So, I decided to write about my journey to the centre of the Earth by jumping into a volcano and swimming down through lava.

Swimming through lava

Now, as everyone knows, the centre of the Earth is 6,371km below the surface depending upon one's geographical location. It's a bit of a swim, but I was up for it. I gathered some snacks for the journey and made my way to the edge of the volcano, peered in and thought, what the fuck could go wrong?

Now remember, I was immortal for only the weekend so I'd have to make the swim down and back within the weekend; besides, I had to go to work Monday so yeah, I better swim fast...I was on a schedule so it was time to get to it.

Anyway, I dipped my toe into the lava and thought, hmm, that's toasty, but I wasn't dissuaded. I stripped off...come on, all lava swims are done naked, everyone knows that, and jumped in. I say jumped because I'm not very good at diving; I tend to belly flop instead of gracefully enter the water. Anyway, it was pretty warm in there, but down I swam, with my snacks in tow, tied to a rope around my ankle. (No, the rope didn't burn, it was immortal tool.)

Eating snacks in lava

If you've ever taken a long swim you'll know how difficult is, but swimming 6,371km through lava to the centre of the Earth is on a whole other level. Let's just say it's the most difficult swim you could possibly imagine. I took a few breaks along the way though, ate some snacks and took a look around, but soon moved on; I was on a schedule after all as my immortality-status would soon come to an end. Also, don't ask how I ate my snacks while submerged beneath lava; some professional secrets should never be divulged to amateurs.

As I swam I began to wonder what I might find down there. I feared there would be nothing at all and that Jules Verne got it wrong in his book; with that thought in my mind I backstroked my way ever downward through the lava.

I also found, the further down I got the better I felt; it seems the stresses and complications of modern-day life and society, you know, people, were weighing on me. You know how people can be right? I felt a renewed vigour, and it wasn't just because I was swimming through lava - I guess that's what adventure, something new, and having purpose, something one is passionate about, brings to a person. Anyway, down I swam.

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The arrival

It wasn't too long before I realised I had arrived; one minute I was swimming through lava and the next I was falling through a vast nothingness. I wasn't falling fast though, I was just sort of floating; some anomaly of physics and gravity due to this being the centre of the Earth I presumed. As I float-fell I looked around and realised the centre of the Earth resembled a beautiful verdant series of mountains and valleys, lush forests, waterways and lakes extending as far as the eye could see. Don't ask me how it's possible, it just is - You can verify it if you go there.

It was incredibly beautiful and as my head hit the ground, I was falling head first, and I came to a stop I felt like I was exactly where I'd wanted to be forever. I felt like I belonged.

It was strange at first, a little uncomfortable, but I wasn't afraid. Soon though, I became accustomed to it and began to explore. It seemed time had stood still since the beginning of time in this place; there were plants and animals long-extinct on the planet's surface and everything seemed so perfectly in-tune with each other; symbiotic. It was primeval and the cool thing is, I felt like I had come home. It was then that I decided not to return to the surface.

And if you believe that you're bonkers. Something else actually convinced me to stay...Someone.

A reason to stay

It had been a few weeks and I'd spent some time getting settled in. Remember I'd made my lava-swim naked so I had to fashion some clothing, but first it was shelter, fire for warmth in the evenings and to cook on, and then clothing.

I had just pulled on my clothes and was checking out my style when I heard a noise behind me and when I turned I saw the most beautiful sight...A lovely cavegirl with long brown hair and large green eyes. She was wearing a little fur mini skirt, knee-high fur boots tied with strings and the skimpiest fur bikini top. I'm not sure how we communicated, but she decided to stay and share dinner with me that night, we had brontosaurus burgers, and the next, and the one after that.

The rest, as they say, is history.

We managed to communicate on all sorts of different levels. We communicated in the cave, beside the creek, on the shore of the lake, in the long grasses of the tundra, in rainforests dripping with moisture...We communicated a lot, and we didn't need to speak at all.

After one such communication I decided that staying here was exactly where I needed to be...and then it occurred to me; I couldn't leave anyway, my powers of immortality were long gone and I'd never be able to swim back up to the surface through the lava. I didn't mind a bit and just settled in, drew my cavegirl a little closer and communicated again.

I know, it's all a bit silly right? But is it?

I remember back to being that ten year old. I was full of wonder, thoughts that were limited only by my imagination which was vast and vivid and seemingly endless. I truly wanted to find that centre of the Earth adventure and now, as a fifty two year old, I find that I still do. Sure, it looks different, but has many of the same elements of freedom and simplicity life would have held for those who lived in the primeval ages. I know I'll not find exactly the same thing, but I can create it often and that's why I'm most likely to be found away from others and in wilderness places. It's where I feel at home...I don't even need to be immortal to get there.

here if you would like.I wrote this in response to the #weekend-engagement concept WE115, and just for some fun. You can read the post by @madamnaomi

Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Any images in this post are my own and none of them are for your use, ever.


This is awesome, a really, really good spin on a prompt that I only saw as... hmm, painful. I smiled all the way through and had a few thoughts

besides, I had to go to work Monday so yeah, I better swim fast

How very corporate Australia of you but...

and then it occurred to me; I couldn't leave anyway, my powers of immortality were long gone and I'd never be able to swim back up to the surface through the lava

This sooooo does not sound like you. You totally knew that beforehand not weeks later - just sayin'...

Gotcha!!! Hahahah - it really was a good read and a wonderful escape from reality, no matter if ten years old or fifty-two. Always worth it. Now if I could just figure out all that communicating you were doing sounded loads of fun - LOLOL

Thank you for accepting my challenge. And providing the weekly prompts. I may not partake all the time, but I do appreciate it all, a lot!

 2 years ago (edited) 

I'm glad you liked it and to be honest I had some fun writing it. Much of what I had in my head didn't make it into the final cut, and I resorted to terms like communicating instead of the other more colourful words I could have used.

I tbi K, should the opportunity arise, I'd swim in lava down to a world such as I describe without another thought. This world is, well, unwholesome.

I'm really glad you liked this, and thanks for the prompt. I had fun.

Oh well, that was a deep, long swim and chances of getting back up to the surface would have really been slim. At least cavegirl would keep you company.

Now that you've spent more time there, if you were given another shot to immortality would go want to come back up?

Yeah, I think I had no real chance of making it back but fortunately I stayed and didn't mind at all. Lol.

In truth, should I find such a place, I really don't think I'd want to come back to the surface. The world is, well, the world is a place I don't like much at the moment to be totally honest. Humans have ruined it, and themselves along the way. If I could find a home and cavegirl at the centre of the Earth I'd stay there and be happy to live out my days until I died and my bones got taken back into the Earth to fertilise the plants.

What about you? Would you want to come back?

I am mushy in a way that if my family wouldn't be with me down there in the first place, then I wouldn't dare take the plunge. I would just take my immortality privilege for something else.

But I agree with you. Something is really wrong with our society nowadays, I prefer to just spending my time in my own little nook. I read your earlier post about the entitled fella and wanted to reply there too, but I had to go out and forgot.

But I agree with you. Something is really wrong with our society nowadays, I prefer to just spending my time in my own little nook. I read your earlier post about the entitled fella and wanted to reply there too, but I had to go out and forgot.

Arlyn, the world today is...well I think it's broken. I don't like saying it as many don't like hearing it, but I'm a realist, pragmatic, and so it's how I feel. I wish it was not so as I have two nieces and a nephew that have to live in it when I'm gone, but I think the world (humanity) is doomed. You mentioned the entitled chap and yep, point in case. Modern society in action.

I understand you'd not leave your family so lava swimming to the centre of the earth is not on your agenda, but if you ever care for a general lava swim, look me up, I'll go with you. It's generally done in the nude, but you can wear your bathers if you wish. No peaking at me though. 😂

I don't like saying it as many don't like hearing it,

Many would still like to believe there's hope... But the way people are acting (at least as I see online) it's so far off. I prefer to distance myself from negative people, it's a waste of time and emotions. That said, I hope to prepare my children for the future that awaits them. It's scary. If only I can take them off grid. But that's selfish of me.

Hey, a general lava swim sounds fun! Not that suimsuits are relevant in that environment so I guess nudies it is. 😂 The steam off the lava could be thick so visibility might really be low. No worries about the peeking.

I prefer to distance myself from negative people, it's a waste of time and emotions.

Myself too. There's no point in pulling on the cloak of someone else's negativity.

I hope to prepare my children for the future that awaits them. It's scary. If only I can take them off grid. But that's selfish of me.

Hope for it, and prepare for it. That's all we can do. I have hope too, but hope without action is pointless.

If only I can take them off grid. But that's selfish of me.

It's what I would want to do if I had children. Selfish? Hmm, possibly. It could save them though, and would be a big imposition for the parents brave enough to do it so, selfless maybe.

Hey, a general lava swim sounds fun! Not that suimsuits are relevant in that environment so I guess nudies it is.

Yay! lava swims!

No worries about the peeking.

Ok, but if you think I'm not peeking, you're bonkers! 🤣

Ok, but if you think I'm not peeking, you're bonkers! 🤣

But there's no "unsee" button, so good luck. 😂

Wait, so in're not making it to work on's that going to work out??

I certainly smiled while reading this, I could see myself swimming in the head of a ten year - fifty two year old man and it was beautiful to swim along with you...I wonder though, there was a lot of wondering how those snacks tasted like coupled with the warmth of the Magma must have tasted like cooked snacks.s..
.I'm not going to ask any more questions but your cavegirl surely has taste ... who'd leave such a cave beauty...

It's an amazing swim story...not sure I'll want to go to the center of the earth butt naked next time 😂😂

Well, you're right. I weighed up my options...Cavegirl, or work on Monday. She has boobs, so there wasn't much of a contest. Lol.

You'd be welcome to come lava swimming with me any time's common knowledge that lava swimming is best done naked so you'll have to nude-up prior to jumping into the lava. Also, don't worry about the snacks, one just has to choose the right ones. I heard Cadbury's are bring out a whole range of lava-friendly snacks for lava swimmers so it'll all be ok.

I'll give you a holler next time I go lava swimming and we'll go together...No peaking when I get my kit off though.

Well, you're right. I weighed up my options...Cavegirl, or work on Monday. She has boobs, so there wasn't much of a contest. Lol.

Hehehehe, well that worked out pretty well, boobs over work anytime any day.. certainly not up for contest.

You'd be welcome to come lava swimming with me any time's common knowledge that lava swimming is best done naked so you'll have to nude-up prior to jumping into the lava. Also, don't worry about the snacks, one just has to choose the right ones. I heard Cadbury's are bring out a whole range of lava-friendly snacks for lava swimmers so it'll all be ok.

I don't like common knowledge..but then I'll still lose my clothes while swimming'll just have to conform to naked lava swimming anyways...I can't wait then.. we'll pack a handful or a legful of Cadbury 's lava-friendly snacks for the next swim..

I'll give you a holler next time I go lava swimming and we'll go together...No peaking when I get my kit off though.

Ewwwwww 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂....tell your cavegirl that..í can peak..I don't peak on lava swimming days

You're going to love lava swimming, and those snacks, *oh yeh, so much better when eaten under lava. I heard they were going to put lava swimming into the Olympics you know. Seriously, we should enter.

I certainly think I will...but it'll be nicer with a companion by your side and when eaten under lava..on my..😂😂😂....let's go for gold then..I'm with you!

We'll be famous!

That turn in your tale was unexpected, it sounds like a beautiful place and who doesn't like eating Brontosaurus burgers right?

who doesn't like eating Brontosaurus burgers right?

Once you've eaten brontosaurus burgers everything else will never come close to the magnificence. They're a bugger to catch, you know, they're big as fuck and all, but once slapped between a sesame seed bun with some lettuce, cheese, tomato, red onion, pickles, tomato sauce and mayo...It's a simple matter of one bite at a time.

Sounds delicious! Who would have thought that eating a bronto is similar to eating an elephant right? 😉

Damn you Galen, now you've made me hungry for burgers. For Fuck's sake...this is a craving I know won't just go away until it's satiated. You will be the ruin of my figure!

Bronto-burgers have ruined many a figure, so one must engage in some sort of physical activity to ensure that doesn't happen. You saw me mention communication in my post right? Well...and don't tell anyone this...but I was really talking about sex. Hush now, keep it quiet.

It's good for mitigating bronto-burger weight gain they say.

Hahaha mitigating bronto-burger weight gain...that's like the Heathrow injection but better lol.

I was picking up what you were putting down, I just wasn't going to give it away to all those that didn't 😁

I take my communication and bronto-burger weight-mitigation seriously, as everyone should.

Wooohhh . . .The "lava swimming and the cave girl" make this blog a WIN! 😃 Haha. The immortal rope, dressing in style after swimming naked, the burger and all other details made me laugh. . This write-up is amazing!

An Incredible imagination of a 10-year old boy journeying to the center of the earth.👏👏👏

Wait, did you imagine "Cave girl" also when you were 10?

I'm glad you liked it. I had fun writing it, which is the main goal, although I wanted to take it a bit further. I chose to keep it PG rated and not XXX rated though. Lol.

At ten years old I wasn't thinking about cavegirl...At twelve to thirteen I was. Lol.

Thanks for your comment, I get the impression you liked my little write up and that makes me smile.

I'm glad you liked it. I had fun writing it, which is the main goal, although I wanted to take it a bit further. I chose to keep it PG rated and not XXX rated though. Lol.

I guess ,many things would have happened there if you were given 2 weeks of immortality.!😃Good that its only 1 week! Haha.

But seriously, this was a great read! The details and story telling is awesome!

At ten years old I wasn't thinking about cavegirl...At twelve to thirteen I was. Lol.

Haha. Oh My. Cave girl must be really pretty.

Thanks for your comment, I get the impression you liked my little write up and that makes me smile.

Ooohh, you're one of the writer That I look up to in this platform. Your blog is entertaining and informative. I am learning while reading.

I'm glad you liked it and thank you for your kind comments, they are never taken for granted and are always appreciated.

Wow! It's actually my first time reading a blog that you answered your weekend-engagement concept. I was like, ooh, it seems he's really interested in his topics as well.

Going back to lava swimming, it is absurd to think to go near an active volcano and swim because before you touch it. You'll definitely burn. But with the power of immortality, yeah, you can definitely swim back and forth just like a fire dragon in movies and animes.

How I wish I can travel to the center of the Earth too. That must be the best experience out of all experiences we can have. Hoo! You write this beautifully and you really lived up to your name. Let's go the center of the center! Come on! Just kidding.

I am always interested in my topics but always seem to have something else to write about so I rarely respond to the #weekend-engagement suggestions. I should make more of an effort though.

Trust me, if you ever become immortal you have to do some lava swimming. It's the best thing ever. Lol. Also, if you're ever in the centre of the Earth look me up, we'll go hunt a brontosaurus, make some burgers and hang out a bit.

Swimming through lava seems incredibly frightening 😵, but then it's a good thing you're immortal... Now that I think about it, I want to try it.

As I float-fell I looked around and realised the centre of the Earth resembled a beautiful verdant series of mountains and valleys, lush forests, waterways and lakes extending as far as the eye could see.

Omg 🥺, you describe it so well, damn I almost forgot I was reading fiction 😅

It can be, and is not recommended for those who are not immortal.

Omg 🥺, you describe it so well, damn I almost forgot I was reading fiction

Thank you, it is a compliment to me when I get comments like this and it means I did a good job. The idea is to make the reader feel something.

Exactly, now I wish to be immortal or perhaps just indestructible 😅.

You did a great job Sir, I really felt it ❤️ .

If you want to go for a lava swim let me know, there's a few of us planning a dip.

Oh please count me in! 😃
Let me go pack my backpack of snacks. I won't be needing swim wears would I? 🤔

Nah, no bikini required, lava swimming is done nude. ✅

Ay ay captain, bikinis are off the checklist ❎.

Being immortal no food required, venture anywhere.., it would be the deep, not through lava, deep blue go visit what one never finds, a bit of Jules Verne too.

Perhaps one of the nine Muses of Greek mythology could also be fun, a Terpsichore for a weekend, remember movie Xanadu did not get great rating but incredible all the same for imagination.

Being immortal no food required, venture anywhere

True, but life without snacks isn't work living.

Jules Verne

He knew how to spark people's interest right?

remember movie Xanadu did not get great rating but incredible all the same for imagination.

Yeah, I recall seeing it at the cinema when I was kid. She just died you know, Olivia Newton John.

Most my age group grew up with books, total outlet magic carpet ride with Jules Verne for sure!

Olivia Newton-John was a hot chick many thought would marry Cliff Richards back in the day, oh rumours went everywhere back then! Word of mouth distorts reality as does internet of late, yup she made a reasonable age.

@erikasue sad to learn about this.Talking along the lines #WeekendExperiences lost a young enthusiastic lady who entered

Life is never promised...

Just for experience I think that is really fun. But surely even if we are immortal there's still pain right 😆 so how about it 😆. But if it's me i'll go with it and enjoy swimming in jt 💪

But surely even if we are immortal there's still pain right so how about it.

I knew someone would point this out. I guess you're right, but also, isn't pain a state of mind?

I reckon it'd be worth it though, lava swimming is that good!

Well, yeah. And it'll be more fun if doing it with lot of people.

Not really, immortality also come with the ability to not feel pain. The pain is there but your brain just don't register it anymore

This is very well written! Although I know it's mostly fictional/imaginative writing but it's accurately detailed and gives off a vibe of "true life story". I tried to picture myself in the same imagination of swimming 6000+ km through lava but nope, I starting thinking about not making it in time and getting stuck in the middle of it 😆 that will certainly not be a good way to die

Thanks, I spent an enjoyable hour writing it.

Getting stuck in lava wouldn't be much fun I think, but swimming through it is glorious and quite enjoyable. A few of us are planning to go molten lava swimming sometime soon. Watch out for the post.

Sounds awesome. I will keep a look out for the post 😊

"No, the rope didn't burn, it was immortal tool."

The immortal man and his lasso of strength...😂

Of course, I sure know how people can be. They be making one feel like desserting them and going on a journey to the centre of the earth.

I sure am not surprised that everything seems like things have not changed since the beginning of time. We humans are very good at not leaving things the way they originally were. God help us.

If not for this mystery cave girl you have found yourself, you definitely may have not chosen to stay forever. But I guess that is what having good company does; it makes you never want to leave. And now, your powers of immortality are long gone, and so is your job too...😁
"Whatever happened to Galen that worked with you." Your boss to your colleague...

This was so much fun to read. I am very young, but it sure reminds me of how I used to have fantasies of going on these kinds of adventures as a kid.

I enjoyed writing this post a lot, it's a bit ridiculous but that's ok, if we can't be that way when we write creatively then when can we?

I used to make up all sorts of adventures as a kid and later in life I lived some of them, and others that were of other people's design as well. When I look back on it I like that about my childhood - it was full of wonder. I don't see any reason for that not to continue.

In truth, I'm going to work this morning, but thoughts of lava swimming and cave girls will go with me.

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Yeah, potentially me swimming nude in molten lava. 🤣

Wow it's a fantastic journey, maybe it's needed more than being immortal for one week to accomplish and diving in lava hehe, but I would try to enter through the poles of the earth ,where is being said there are holes that address to the inner earth and to a city called Agartha. Altought maybe it would take months or years to find the entrance.

Anyways your goals and the way to make it's clear for you, it would be pretty interesting to see the travel to the center of earth, greetings.

The easy option would be to build a subterranean craft that took me down to the centre of the earth, but I don't always take the easy option, so swimming down there is the way to go, it makes one appreciate being there after exerting that effort to get there.

I’m so happy right now. Your post made me smile all through and most importantly it’s nice to know I was the inspiration behind it😇. You’re even more daring than I thought😂

I've been known to be daring in life, sometimes to my own detriment. I still do it though. 😂

That’s nice to know 😇

Loved this - very well written. A dash of adventure, a romance and a thoughtful musing, and clearly a desire to escape the bullshit on the surface. I'd never have thuoght of such a super power.. swimming through lava! How cool was Journey to the Centre of the EArth as a kid - I loved it too. Funny watching it again as an adult though. Great post!

Thanks River, I am pretty sure you'd be a lava swimmer and would seek the centre of the Earth land which I describe here given the chance. It sounds wondrous huh?

I had a lot of fun with this piece, so a big thank you to @oceanbee for haranguing me into it. 😉

Oh yes, I'd go lava swimming after cliff jumping with @trucklife-family and vigilante corruption fighting with @betrayo.

There were some great posts this week, you mentioned a couple here.

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Maybe I hope to read a book from you about the center of the earth swimming in lava for 7 sold days.What a beautiful experience you had at the center of the earth . I'm sure your one week of immortality brought your childhood dreams come through thanks to #Weekend-Experience who brought this idea and made your fascination a reality in a temporary moment.

Thought are very important and very funny most times.