I have seen a goodly number of posts both pro and con regarding peoples intents about being members of the Hive community. In particular there seems to be a good deal of issue with whether one comes here for the community or the money. For myself it's a significant amount of both, but more importantly its about being able to promote stability and social evolution along a positive path while adding to my and others standard of living.
The one observation I would make is, regardless of one's political/economic ideals, tokenized social media is all about property rights. My content, my property...and yours is yours, the ability to earn some revenue from that is a massive bonus. Quite frankly that is capitalism in a nutshell. The great thing about Hive and similar platforms is that there is a concerted effort to keep the system civil and beneficial to all. That last is something I call the 'Success Dynamic' and it can have one of two forms, parasitic or symbiotic. (Saving that discussion for future posts)
Current economic practices, despite the best of intentions (by some), is massively parasitic. Worse still is that the more corruption in political and business affairs the more parasitic the local system. One of the things I love about Hive, despite some of the grumbling I see, is that this system seeks to be symbiotic and a considerable effort has and continues to go into keeping it so. We have the power to change global economic practices and I for one intend to exercise that to the best of my ability.
I cannot express in words how grateful I am for the effort you pioneers have put in to make Hive what it is. This is awesome!! Hive and thrive good people (and the rest of you too).
Blessed Be.
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