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RE: The Loss of Lottery

in LeoFinance2 years ago

I do always dream and talked about this with my friends and family on this topic. Hopeful and wishful thinking but well they don't cost anything right? :D With that amount of money, one can definitely do a lot but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities in handling them. At the end of the day, always remind myself to not be a enslave to all these worldly things and just be contented with where life leads me! :)


How much money do you think you would need to be okay for the rest of your life?

Haha that is a very good question! I guess we will never really know the exact amount. What I do know is how I feel at the moment and whether I am contented or not. Of course it is much easier without social media when there is less exposure to compare with people around the world. But yeah, I just enjoy my life right now with love ones and have enough finances to not need to worry about the daily necessities :D