Do you tell the truth even when it will hurt?

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Do you tell the truth even when it will hurt?

Not all of the time.

I will begin with a story.

A time in the past - during the cultism era in Aladinma, I saw a young man running so fast you'd tell his life was in danger. He ran into a building and a few minutes later, two other scary looking young men appeared.

They were the ones pursuing him and they asked if someone ran past me.

I understood the situation immediately and I answered in the negative.

I might have told a lie but I like to think that I preserved a life at that moment.

But in as much as I believe that some times, it is necessary to lie, I think truths are very important even when they willl hurt.

Sadly, most truths don't always seem like it until after a long time but I love honesty.

When it comes to me, I love it when people tell me the truth and damn all the consequences.

I might not be this way to another unless I understand they are that kind of person too.

For some people, I would rather not volunteer my honesty unless I am in a situation that requires me to. Although this has led me to some mistakes.

And for some others, I would say the truth - all of it. This has also caused me more mistakes and pains but for most, I never regretted taking it all out.

I think there are more people who appreciate the truth than there are not. The only thing is to tell the necessary truths and always find the proper time to tell and never when it will only rot the heart.

No, I don't tell the truth all the time but I will never lie at the expense of another unless it is really necessary.