I often call myself a nutbag and knucklehead but, despite some people actually thinking I am for whatever reason that really doesn't matter to me at all, I am not a knucklehead...all the time.
I know some stuff, have had a lot of experience in many varied things and have been around the block a time or three, for lack of a better way to put it. I get by in life fairly well, have relationships, highs and lows, success and failures, and even manage to hold down a job that challenges me and pays much better than it probably should.
I can't really complain to be honest, but yep, I'm going to because I released my full knuckleheadiness, because of someone else's nutbaggery!
I'm pretty angry right now (as I write this) to be honest; I don't mean storming around breaking things angry, just completely frustrated with a situation that simply shouldn't have come to pass. I'm good at getting angry too and I wouldn't want to be the subject of my anger because...well, I do it well. Fortunately, my anger and frustration, lets call it angstration or possibly frustrangryness, isn't aimed inwardly but externally and at my I.T. department at work. Those fuckers are getting on my last nerve.
My role is to win accounts, among a few other things, and I do a good job at it. I guess I sometimes feel I make it look easy but in truth it's not. It's taken a lifetime of study, research, training, experience, success and failure at all sorts of things to get where I am; one doesn't just fall into it. Mostly those accounts move along smoothly once signed and the service follows - I am in transport and work for a heavy haulage trucking company in case you're wondering.
The money in this industry is huge, transport is costly, and it's been lucrative for me. I perform my job function mostly autonomously and things usually progress nicely, but then there's this one account that I want, but I can't get...because of the lack of effort and ownership by my I.T. department.
The account is worth $8,000/week of revenue; it's not a large account being only $400,000 over a year. Nope, not huge, but it's for a massive global company who do something around thirty million dollars of transport here in Australia...and I want that account, all thirty million of it...but that's start with an initial account that trades much less, the $400,000 I mention.
They require some integration into their accounting software and I don't blame them; it keeps things easy, streamlined and easily managed.
The transport company I hope to steal the work from is currently doing it for them and I assume there's a plug in or some such computer-magicness that needs to happen in the background to facilitate it. I emailed my I.T. nutbags, gave then some information on the version of accounting software this company uses and some screen captures of their as-is situation and...Nothing. I heard nothing.
So I followed up with phone call a week later and received some bullshit and a promise. A week later...nothing. I followed up with another email and...Nothing. Are you getting the picture?
Today, I fucken lost it.
OK, not really, I'm professional...but I had very stern words with the State Manager and swore a lot. For the record, he's on my side and it quickly escalated.
The problem is, that I get the feeling it's too little too late. I believe the opportunity may have slipped through my fingers through lack of response; I mean, it doesn't look very good that I've made this company wait so long right? Fucking fuckety fuckballs.
I know, I know, move on G-dog...but why should I have to? I take ownership and responsibility for what I do personally and professionally and is it too mush to ask for others to do so? Methinks not.
I was building up a pretty good level of angstration, which isn't productive, and decided to quell it somewhat with some breakfast which you can see pictured. It worked. I then had a rather calm conversation with the State Manager and vented a little. The positive thing is this situation has identified an opportunity for the company to do things better but the casualty is (probably) my account as I think as it's very unlikely I'll secure it now.
I'm in a situation in which I get paid a salary then very healthy commissions once I've hit a target revenue amount; with that commission in the 10 percent of revenue region you can understand why I'm angry about this situation. Furthermore, it makes me look bad in front of a customer and that doesn't sit well with me; it's not pride or ego, is self-respect and ownership.
I sat with my second coffee after breakfast and thought about this scenario and what it'll cost me financially, and emotionally. I'll need to accept both losses, but also have to look at the positives I guess, and there are some to be found.
Writing this situation out like this helps me see it from arms length and that's a good thing; perspective. I'll get over it and will eventually stop saying things like fucking fuckety fuckballs...but not this day.
I wasn't angry at my breakfast, but I was angry at breakfast. The moments it took to eat, the coffee, tapping out this post also, brought me down to normal though, something that's critical for my ongoing success. Carrying anger forward isn't going to be very successful in business or relationships and so many other situations. I'm not one that feels anger is a negative thing, but it needs to be controlled, harnessed as such and, at some stage, released.
Now it's your turn, if you like, to talk about your angstration and frustrangryness. Have you worked up a good level of anger at any point and if so why? Was it work, personal life or otherwise and how did you manage it, harness it and then release it. Was there a positive result at the end? Feel free to comment and let me know if you're inclined.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind
See that image above...It's mine, not yours. Savvy?
That's an annoying situation, I've worked in sales and you can be let down by the service delivery you have promised the customer is a shame sometimes. On the bright side you have some toast there with you name on it. I'm going to ask my wife to do the same for me.
I'm pretty frustrated to be honest, but managing it as best I can lest it affect my performance with other opportunities. I guess it's a good example of not being able to win all the time. The thing is that they were happy to have me present in the boardroom which indicates they're open to a new transport situation...but my company let me down. I think its dead, but we'll see, I might be able to resurrect it.
Now, to important matters, personally branded toast. Trust me, once you've eaten toast with your name on it, all other toast will never come close. I don't stop there though; if you look closely even the butter is galenkp branded.
What can I say? One must co-ordinate
Good luck with the resurrection. I'm working in Purchasing right now, so sitting opposite you theoretically! Lol
G Dog butter too!! Nice upgrade!!
I like being out the front, client-facing, as it's always different and I respond well to challenge. Going from sales to purchasing though, how was the transition for you?
I was in sales many years ago and enjoyed it but decided to go back office in Accounting/Finance. I'm just helping out with Purchasing this year, so should really search out a new role externally but not sure where I want to go.
Just do your fucking job people?!!!! Don't get me started about VCAA and that time I ended up an unregistered teacher because they couldn't do their job they get paid to do ....
Right? I'm mean what's the fucken problem. Actually, don't answer that, there's too many things.
I've noticed service and quality decline over the last few years and more. Sure, good service and quality exist, but not as commonly as it once was. I don't know what's to blame, or who, but I'm sure there's responsible people and things, of that there is no doubt.
So...I have to accept it, lose the rev (revenue) and...well, say things like fucking fuckety fuckballs.
The only time I really get angry is when people don't play their roles properly, they either drop in late, forget to notify about an important detail, or don't act quick enough in the moments of urgency.
No matter the form of work, or entertainment even; a consistent trail of slacking is usually the only thing that makes me stack up on a proper amount of angstration.
Oh yes, fine use of my new word! Please accept some additional bonus points for that. 🤔🤪✅
I agree though, people not performing at a minimum level, say like at a work, is annoying and quite damaging really as it affects everyone. This is my issue at the moment, someone who gets paid for revenue. The I.T. clowns get paid regardless. Oh well, we'll see how it goes and if my angstration finds a resolution.
This word right here is one of your best creations I'd say, from the huge collection of words you have in your dictionary haha. So I just had to, you know.
You need to tell these I.T. guys about your angstration, then maybe, just maybe, they'll understand lol. 😝
Unfortunately those I.T. pelicans are in Melbourne and I'm in Adelaide, 1000km away...if I was there, they would feel the full wrath of my angstration. 🤣
It's during times like this when people like us pray for more development and innovation; hoping that someone comes up with some fancy tech that helps you travel through a monitor screen or phone, and then get in one's face. 😵
I like where your head's at!
I imagine my fist coming through the phone from 1000km away to land squarely in some geeky I.T. dudes face followed by the words, get that shit done or I'll double down bro!
Just how I imagined it really, f**ken vivid. 😂
That's one hell of a situation. I can relate since I work for an I.T. department and my wife used to be a consultant for a firm that had to win State contracts in the United States. She's gone off on her own tangents about her firms I.T. department. I won't defend what your I.T. department did to you but hopefully I can give you some perspective. I.T. sucks. I hate working in that industry. I.T. departments are embattled because companies are trying to downsize them while simoltaneosly increasing their workload. If you want longevity in I.T. you have to be constantly proving that you can do more with less. You're literally trying to automate yourself out of a job. The key to survival for them is to take on tasks they can succeed at. Your issue probably had more complexity than they were prepared to deal with and it got buried under less important, but simpler problems that were in their face. Like the guy literally standing in their cube asking them to fix the Interweb. My question for you is, did you create a ticket? Email is a black hole. You have to create a ticket because tickets equal accountability. Customers think we're blowing them off when we say make a ticket. But what were really saying is, if you want to get your problem solved, make a ticket because we got a thousand other issues, plus this guy standing in my cube, that we're dealing with, and you're just talking to the intern, not the guy who's qualified to fix any of them. Tickets have tracking numbers just like FedEx, and you can set it to URGENT. When you set it to URGENT you're going to get the hotshot tech who wants the big problems because they're trying to promote. Also, if two weeks go by without a response you have a name attached to the ticket and a tracking number. Email is no guarantee that things are going to get done. People always make the mistake of emailing I.T. to get shit done faster. Look at the CC line of your emails. If they're are a ton of people cc'd on them that just means no single person is taking ownership of your issue. When you go to Susie she'll say Joe was supposed to do it, when you go to Joe, he'll say Bob was working on it. Here's my best advice for dealing with I.T. Get to know the people, and identify the most ambitious technician. Here's a secret, it's not the senior analyst, and it's definitely not the manager. Find the guy or girl whose trying to climb out of Tier 1 hell and wants interesting problems. Be their pal, take care of them, and they'll start do everything they can to please you.
I understand that, and the I.T. department at work are in this situation. I guess my main problem was the lack of communication that went a long with it and the fact they fail to see that my customer is also theirs. Just because they aren't client-facing it doesn't mean the customer service standards can be nil.
Winning accounts is what pays for everyone in the company to the lowliest little person to the mightiest; it's a team, and when one element of that team breaks down the entire team does.
I could tell them about all the hours I do, the uncomfortable things I have to accept from entitled clients and people who feel they can dominate me because we are seemingly in a position of servitude to them. I could tell them about having to deal with rejection, to see thousands of dollars go begging because I.T. didn't deliver, of weekend work, phone calls and callouts, of the constant grind to find, win and hold new clients...But I don't. I just do my job to the best of my ability expecting others to do the same.
The thing is, no one believes other people's excuses, only they, themselves, believe them. If we all went around whining about things nothing would get done. Communication is the key, and there was a lack of it and it's not acceptable.
Having said that, I do understand the pressures, I've been around for a good while.
This situation was escalated today and there will be a resolution, and probably some rolling heads. The industry I work in is well known for demanding results and that translates to accounts that trade. We'll see how it goes I guess. I was pleased to be able to communicate to the customer and attempt to re-establish the line of communication with the view to moving forward. I.T. will need to deliver.
I agree 100%. IT is this weird support role that isn't treated like it's part of the mission, but is absolutely critical to it. IT managers can get so focused on the thousands of little things that they forget the big picture. But at the end of the day, that direction has to come from the top. I hope things work out.
It's a collective thing we do, the elements of a company, and if everyone pulls in the same general direction things will progress. No element should be seen as better or more valuable than the other, down that path lies dissent and less reliable work-integrity. You're right about those at the top having to lead effectively too, it's the ethos I've always worked to as a leader in past iterations of my life.
Thanks for your commenting.
"It's a collective thing we do, the elements of a company, and if everyone pulls in the same general direction things will progress."
That's very true. A part of me thinks it's human nature to divide the whole into separate competing elements. I can see how that can be used for motivation at lower levels. But if leaders lose perspective that lack of sophistication ends up hurting the collective.
Military units operate as a whole, but have various elements that are completely different. Mortars, heavy machine gunners, riflemen, comms, NCO's officers etc. All have their own job but have to work together, a symphony so to speak. It works, so I know it's possible to do in business also., With some adaptation. It's the same concept, but different.
I think you get it.
I am sorry to hear about your work experience. Science says writing is great to help deal with anger and frustration! Sooo as it turns out, hive is not only fun, but good for our system. haha... I hope next business deals turn out better for you! ☀️
Thanks, it wasn't a good morning but the afternoon turned out ok with a nice juicy opportunity with a national company coming up Friday.
You're right about the writing though, I've used it for years to gain arms length from thoughts and for the last five-plus years Hive has played its part.
I honestly thought I actually saw a GALENKP "branded" slice of bread... moving on.
It's even more difficult to be a man who takes responsibility, professionalism, and ownership seriously and then see that the people who work for you can't simply follow your lead. You try your best to be your best and then some nutbaggery under you is not doing the same, making your whole work look bad.
I have learned to understand that anger should not be seen as a negative emotion but rather a powerful one that can affect change. For that reason, it must be dealt with caution.
I am one to get vexed easily, and my countenance is the worst at concealing it. I used to have poor control over my anger; it was often destructive. But somehow, I gained really good control over it as I grew older. Now, I just vent my words to a friend or some friends that I can confide in. I will then go on to deal with the issue when I am level-headed.
I really hope you do not lose this account, as it would indeed cost you financially and emotionally.
Good evening, sir.
One needs personally branded toast, it is known.
I agree with all you say and am glad you suggest that anger can be positive as it can inspire change, the thoughts, attitudes and actions that bring change. Also, bonus points for your use of the word vexed which I also use from time to time; it is an underused word for sure.
Thanks for your relevant and valid response.
Sorry about the occurrence Sir.
Anger is normal as a human and at one point or the other, we get angry at things happening around us. Like psychologists will always say, depression is anger turned inwards. So it's good to express our anger and let it go. But most importantly is our control over the anger.
I have had a personal experience of using anger to achieve a positive result which I shared in my post yesterday on anger.
It was some years ago during my Post UTME registration (entrance exam into the university). I got to the bank to pay for the form at about 3:45pm, the security man told me that they are done for the day. Whereas the normal closing hour is 4pm. I tried to tell him that it's not the closing hour yet but he wouldn't listen to me. And that was the last day for the registration. I got so angry and frustrated at the same time. I couldn’t imagine waiting for another one year before getting into the university. I stood there calculating on what to do. Immediately he opened the exit door for another customer to come outside, I quickly grabbed the door and insisted that I must go inside. We started dragging the door. That created a scene and people gathered to know what's happening. After we explained ourselves, they finally judged the case to my favour since I got there before 4pm. They told the security man to let me in which he did. I then successfully paid for my exam and headed to the cyber cafe to print my exam slip. That was the exam that gave me admission into the university.
So my anger here brought a positive result, if not, I would have waited for another one year. However, I had control over the anger. When people gathered, I was still able to articulate my points and made a valid argument that won the case.
So, anger is not bad. But the control of it is the most important.
I agree that anger needs to be controlled, I used the word harnessed in my post here. It has a place, it's a human trait and can have value in the right situations as you suggest above.
Thanks for your interesting and valid response.
Exactly 💯. That's very correct Sir. Thanks alot for sharing.
That's really damn. You have to wait for something that the people in the department who are supposed to be in charge never actually do. Dependence on others who do not share our vision is ruined.
I have worked very meticulously and because for one week, I was unable to work for some reason. I delegate it to someone I think I can trust.
Twice a week I called him to make sure it was resolved.
Unfortunately, every time I called him he said he would just do it.
When the day I returned to work, my boss called me and said that my work was not as good as usual because there were many mistakes and a lot to fix.
Damn. The friend I thought was trustworthy had cut in the crease.
You know, He gave me something I hadn't done and he offered to fix it. He had cheapened my trust by telling my boss that I didn't have the time.
We often have to place trust in other people, I wrote a post about it not long ago, and sometimes that trust is abused. In a work situation as you describe it can have a negative effect upon the relationship and yourself if work isn't completed properly or in time.
Unfortunately we have to work with others, and have to learn ways to get the best from them and deal with them when they don't deliver.
A friend was telling me this morning that he hates working with a group or let me say he hates jobs that involve too many processes with different people and his reasons are value, he said not everyone will put an effort just like you will do and it can be frustrating.
Things like this are inevitable when working with people and I know their nonchalant attitude must have pissed you off a lot because of your dedication to work.
The opportunity might be completely gone, but I believe that you might still be able to work something out now that the state manager is involved. Looking at it OG, have you thought about owning some trucks too?
Yeah, working with others can be complicated and frustrating although we need to find ways to do it as we can't keep everything and everyone at arm's length all the time.
I've not thought about owning trucks, it's not quite as simple as all that. The company I work for has hundreds of them so it's easy to win big contracts and have back ups available. Here, a prime mover, say a Kenworth K200, costs about $500,000AUD a trailer is about $100,000AUD on top and that's money I don't have. It's not what I'd want to do anyway.
Thanks for your comment and thoughts.
Wow, that's quite a lot of money to begin with. It is true that we just have to learn to work with people.
I understand I.T. and I.T. departments very well. Unless an issue is assigned to an actual individual, it's likely to get lost in a blackhole of nothingness, which will be defined by the I.T. department as "process and procedure." Ostensibly these processes are put in place to streamline and ensure shit like this doesn't happen; in practice, they're put in place to cover asses and pass the buck. Believe me, I've seen many an email find the trash bin due to a lack of ownership and accountability.
There are ways to fix it, usually with Even More Processes, but since it is impossible to require someone to give a shit about something not their own, it's required to ensure that they have ownership and accountability for a task or project. It's the only way to ensure it'll move forward, and even that can be a crapshoot. I.T. people love - absolutely love - to bitch about the issue that "All of my projects are Critical and my first priority, so which Critical project is more Critical than all the other Criticals?"
Dizzying logic, that.
I've personally found that, along with continual process improvement, continual education is a good path forward. Everyone in the organisation - and I mean everyone - needs to be taught to understand that, ultimately, everyone - including them - is in sales. Everyone exists to make the customer's experience a good and happy one. Everyone. It doesn't matter if you're front line sales, first line support, the dude who prepares computers to be distributed to employees, or the chap who waters the office plants. Everyone plays a role to ensure that the customer's (and potential customers) are happy, comfortable, and wanted. I.T. nerds often don't understand that. (I use the term fondly; I consider myself one)
You say it well and that's exactly what happened. I did speak personally with the head of I.T. who is a rude, self-impressed asshole that probably needs to be fired because he is a rude, arrogant asshole and no one gets along with him...and so the G-dog's account falls through the cracks that resemble chasms more that actual cracks.
To be fair, he wasn't rude to me, promised a replsponse and asked for some more information, that I provided...and then, nothing.
It is what it is I guess...I'll find more accounts. Oh also, there are always two types of customers...external and internal. Unfortunately people fail to understand that.
Ah the IT crowd. The same in every company. They are more than likely scoffing at the email telling the guy next to them with a space invaders t-shirt that some hot shot in sales wants to integrate a new system for a new customer. Hey Andy, get a load of this guy!! Just head down to the basement and talk c-basic with them or buy them a limited edition hulk comic , they will have your system in no time.
Exactly what it's like I think. The problem is we're a national company and they are in another capital city 1000km away. If I went there to see them, well, there may be some slappings.
ah a basement a 1000km away. I see. I can just picture you travelling 1000km and getting the lift to -3 and running riot on the nerds.
It has been (strongly) considered.
IT Dep/Nerds huh? Should've known...
I think I can relate to this a little. In a weird way, i find that most times, I'm actually the opposite of a knucklehead. Whatever that is...
Okayyy... This is weird.... I say the exact same fucking thing when I'm angry🤣
Towards the end of this rantstration(I couldn't help my self) post, I think it's best to say that you've figured the best and most mature way to go about the whole situation. If that's not the opposite of some knucklehead nutbaggery, then I don't know what is...
Hell yeah, atleast the company would know now to get their shit together. Sadly, like you said, it would be at the expense of your own account. Sorry G.
Hmm, maybe I should start practicing the technique of writing on Hive when I'm angry about something. Although, I fear I might break the blockchain with all the swear words I would use.
Ha! angstration. You're a goddamn genius!
Everyone is a knucklead man, it's just that some are honest enough to admit it. I own it, and glad of it actually, as it gives me character. The key is knowing when to deploy and when not to and,once again, I know...usually.
Rantstration huh? That's a good one. I like making up words because sometimes those that exist just don't cut it.
They just pretend to know shit.
How are ya though Galen? It's been a while...
I'm good mate, always good. I hope you're well also.
One thing I learned in life is to be silent when I'm angry and good thing I manage it aside from our home with because of the active kids hehe.
If that works for you then it's the way to go. I guess it's situational though and some situations require someone to speak up. Thanks for your comment.
I have always been a calm, quiet and respectful woman, but now I have realized that people like to see how you defend your points of view. Only my ex managed to make me very angry and he himself used to tell me to express it. Once I managed to throw my cell phone at his head hahaha. I should have expressed myself in my work, when once a boss told me that he would like to see me belly dancing, I did not return to the office, I should have faced him, but those situations frustrated me and made me run away.
Food seems to be a calming agent for many, although others decide not to eat while their anger lasts. I remember that a cousin asked us during my father's funeral: How can you eat during this feeling of mourning? The truth is that in my family we usually eat whether we have the flu, rabies, pain or whatever. Food is always the best medicine to calm feelings and that looks very good hahaha.
Anger doesn't mean one can't still be these things. Anger isn't disrespectful, it's an emotion. People people can be disrespectful whilst they are angry though, but that's a whole other thing. I think anger is healthy as it shows passion and can bring great change.
By respectful, I meant not to say bad words, even when I'm upset.
I guess sometimes we do, we're all human I guess and some human emotions cause us to do things we'd probably not do in other circumstances. I know what you mean though, lashing out isn't always going to end very well, but we need to allow ourselves to be...we,,, ourselves and sometimes we are just more human than at other times.
I love you story...hope you're not still angry at the meal...
Besides, your story reminds me of a scenario that happen few weeks ago when I vented out a passer by for stepping on my shoe... It was a honest mistake which I knew I could have handled professionally but at that moment... I was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode.
But the fun fact is that anger evolved right from the moment I left home... It always funny when I think about it, but you do have a point, sometimes you need to release that anger within, other times you just need to hold it in. But most of all expression by writing is my best method of deal with angerstration..even though sometimes it proves ineffective.
I'm not so sure I'd get angry at a person for accidentally stepping on my shoe, neither was I angry at my breakfast. I was angry at the situation that is likely to cost me a lot of money in lost commissions. I'm happy to hear the shoe incident worked out for the best for you.
Sometimes, I always reflect after I released my anger to someone, Measure it if I just overdo my level of anger then adjust it next time 😅
It's good to evaluate ourselves and what we do as it helps us determine what we should do more of and what we should do less.
We should, for our self improvement
All I can say is to try to dig deeper into the issue to try to know how to manage a similar situation in the future. If it is too much of a tech problem for your company to deal with, then you just forget about this kind of account for the time being, although you should push your company to improve its IT capabilities and be able to compete in the future. But at least you will not waste your time and give a bad image to your client.
On another page, I love that nicely customized slice of bread on your breakfast :)
I paid extra for the customised bread, not too much, but enough. 😉
Oh my! At first, I thought who would be angry at an early morning, sweet breakfast?.
I very much understand the scenario. It happens when you expect the least from someone or something and it just does not come right in. It is okay to be angry and frustrated or angstrated 😅 in this case when you must have even done your due maths and projections. Even you writing it here, I am sure it is a good way of letting it flow away like water.
By the way, was your (toast) bread designed and baked with your name on the side. Or it is just a work of graphics design?😀🤔
It was an annoying situation, but having personally made toast with my name on it made things feel somewhat better. 🤔😊
Wow, you made the toast yourself? I need to come learn from the best hands..😄
Nope, a cafe made it.
Looks delicious 😋😋
Indeed, it was.
Aaarrrgghhhhhh !
I see this with our company sometimes too. I am not in sales, I am in billing, so I get to see/hear when one of our sales folks lands a very lucrative company, only to have our IT not get the interface between us and them right, causing major billing errors, which doesn't make new companies happy at all. Sure we straighten them out.... eventually and hopefully before they go back to who they were with before, but what is worse on our part is that we have done interfaces a LONG time and there are not many office software programs that our clients use that we don't already have interfaces with in with other clients offices, so setting up a new one should be a cake walk.... but is it ?... Ugh... not always, which means headaches all around.
I have faith that with time you will figure out a new strategy to still land this company. I can see how that delicious looking breakfast helped.
I read this late last night and couldn't put the words together to answer. I come back at 2 am... there is something wrong with me.
Hi, Galen!
I'll be back.
Haha, nah there's nothing wrong with you...You're a knucklehead and that's how it should be...But I think you need to find more time for yourself, some sleep too.
It will happen. In a couple of weeks. Sleep... yes. Right now. Good night.
I like to step out of situations (if possible) when I feel I am not in the right frame of mind to talk to others or make a decision. After I have cooled down, then I revisit the issue. It works for me.
Sometimes, time is the solution and the anger dissipates on its own.
I wanted to step out of the situation and onto a plane and fly to Melbourne and kick some fucker in the head. But that's just me.
Hope things will get resolved soon!
It's actually moving forward and I didn't have to resort to intestate travel and violence...or did I?
Hahaha no violence! :P
Well...maybe just a little?