Color wheel

in Freewriters3 years ago

Rueda de colores

Pocos días después de conocer a mi nuevo padre, fuimos todos a una feria que se instaló a la vuelta de la casa, estaba ansioso por subir a la rueda de la fortuna, pero estaban dando un mantenimiento general. Al pie del juego mecánico estaba un sujeto con una brocha en la mano y un bote de pintura vacío.

-Jefe se acabó la pintura amarilla, solo alcancé a pintan una línea-

-Pues vuelve a pintar todo de otro color-

-Ya no tenemos pintura, solo quedan unos botes que nos trajeron de muestra, pero no se alcanza a pintar todo de un solo color-

-Bueno, entonces pinta una línea de cada color-

Así lo hizo, la siguiente vez que venimos había una rueda de la fortuna de colores.

Color wheel

A few days after meeting my new father, we all went to a fair that was installed around the house, I was eager to get on the Ferris wheel, but they were doing general maintenance. At the foot of the amusement ride was a guy with a paintbrush in his hand and an empty paint can.

-Boss the yellow paint is over, I only managed to paint a line-

-Well, go back to painting everything in another color-

-We no longer have paint, there are only a few cans left that they brought us as a sample, but it is not enough to paint everything in a single color-

-Well, then paint a line of each color-

He did so, the next time we came there was a colorful Ferris wheel.



Very creative use of the prompt! Thanks for sharing.

Thank you.