Hey, if your language is English, click 👉HERE👈 to read me in your language.

Vivo feliz en el mundo
sin que nadie se queje de mí,
camino, nado…, vuelvo
Soy libre, soy así.
Me levanto a cualquier hora,
de día, de noche, es igual.
Ya bañado, ya comido
Listo para parrandear.
Soy besado, soy amado,
¿qué más puedo pedir?.
Así me percibe el mundo
viviendo mi fantasía.
Son solo sueños
de una vida tan incierta,
que sí hay para almorzar…
el desayuno cuesta.
Paso la noche en vela
Eso nadie lo sabe.
Pensando en el mañana,
la felicidad del ayer acaba.
Disculpen, no soy poeta
y tengo un nudo en la garganta,
pisando la cuerda floja
mi corazón lleno de esperanzas.
¡Amigos! Mm, ¿esa especie existe?
No crean todo lo que escuchen,
la realidad es otra…
enemigos son los que sobran.
Mis amigos virtuales de Hive
pisen firme siempre donde vayan.
Siembren para cosechar primero
Así tendrán amigos verdaderos.

Club de poesía.Bienvenido todos a esta, mi participación de la semana en el Club de Poesía auspiciado por la comunidad @freewritehouse, si es de tu agrado participar, aún estás a tiempo, este es el enlace 👉
- Imágenes
- Imagen de OpenClipart-Vectors en Pixabay
- Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay
- Títulos: CoolText
- Traducción asistida: DeepL Pro
Club de poesía.Bienvenido todos a esta, mi participación de la semana en el Club de Poesía auspiciado por la comunidad @freewritehouse, si es de tu agrado participar, aún estás a tiempo, este es el enlace 👉
- Imágenes
- Imagen de OpenClipart-Vectors en Pixabay
- Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay
- Títulos: CoolText
- Traducción asistida: DeepL Pro

Before you read my poem below, this week's challenge sponsored by @freewritehouse, I would like to apologise in advance to the English-speaking users because it is not my native language. Out of necessity I have learned it, with the thousands of mistakes that an infant makes, so we are forced to resort to online translators, and give it a personal touch. But it is possible that the essence and the rhyme have been lost. Thank you for understanding.
Before you read my poem below, this week's challenge sponsored by @freewritehouse, I would like to apologise in advance to the English-speaking users because it is not my native language. Out of necessity I have learned it, with the thousands of mistakes that an infant makes, so we are forced to resort to online translators, and give it a personal touch. But it is possible that the essence and the rhyme have been lost. Thank you for understanding.

I live happily in the world
without anyone complaining about me,
I walk, I swim…, I come back.
I am free, I am like this.
I get up at any time,
day or night, it's all the same.
Already bathed, already eaten
Ready to party.
I'm kissed, I'm loved,
What more could I ask for.
That's how the world sees me
Living my fantasy.
They're just dreams
of a life so uncertain,
that if there's enough for lunch…
Breakfast costs.
I stay up all night
No one knows that.
Thinking of tomorrow,
Yesterday's happiness ends.
Excuse me, I'm not a poet
And I've got a lump in my throat,
treading on a tightrope
my heart full of hope.
Friends! Mm, does that species exist?
Don't believe everything you hear,
the reality is different...
Enemies are what's in short supply.
My virtual friends of Hive
always tread firmly wherever you go.
Sow to reap first
Then you will have true friends.

Poetry Club.Welcome everyone to this, my participation of the week in the Poetry Club sponsored by the @freewritehouse community, if you would like to participate, you are still on time, this is the link 👉
- Images
- Image by OpenClipart-Vectors in Pixabay
- Image by Gerd Altmann in Pixabay
- Titles: CoolText
- Assisted translation: DeepL Pro
Poetry Club.Welcome everyone to this, my participation of the week in the Poetry Club sponsored by the @freewritehouse community, if you would like to participate, you are still on time, this is the link 👉
- Images
- Image by OpenClipart-Vectors in Pixabay
- Image by Gerd Altmann in Pixabay
- Titles: CoolText
- Assisted translation: DeepL Pro