Fortune favors the bold?

in GEMS3 years ago

Starting something new can be hard and impossible but, there is usually that strength that comes from within when a man makes up his mind and goers all in.

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The change factor that is life's happenstances, gives no room for delays or procrastination and it definitely is not one for the weak and lazy, image.png image.png

Fortune favors the bold and the weak at heart will stay down below the line where the good lies.
After so many years doing the same thing over and over again expecting to get a different result but failing to, you must be ready to open your mind to a new set of ideas and ride with it.

I understand that there may be some resistance that will bother on pride and the environment making you see what isn't an issue as something with an issue.
Trust me, you must be willing to boldly step out and put aside that worry and focus on making yourself better.
>After what seems like 2 decades, a friend is returning to school to start all over again and not just that, under the tutelage of one of his students from 6 years back.
Talk about a twist of fate.

No matter how hard it seems or may seem at the start, never forget that, Fortune Favors the Bold and only the bold can make the move to make change constant.