Journey Into DisMall Land

Of all the things millennials stand accused of killing, shopping malls are likely the least lamented. Did see Gen Z is supposedly trying to bring them back, or at least the media is convinced that's what they're up to. I'll believe that when I start eating avocado toast.

Louisville has four shopping malls that I've always did my best to avoid but recently I've been rethinking that. Well, maybe not, but I do want some photos of them before they go extinct.

Yesterday I paid a visit to Mid-City Mall in the Highlands of Louisville, and it was appropriately disMall. The lights inside are so dim you can barely tell they're on, the dollar store has already gone out of business and the rest of the place doesn't seem too far behind it.

With a thrift shop and a library branch for the main attractions inside, it does a good job of giving the impression that it's on its last legs but it's been doing that act since I moved here in 2004. There's also a movie theater and a supermarket, but they've done their best to wall themselves off from the rest of the mall and are doing their best to go it alone.

Speaking of going extinct, did find one old fossil still in its native habitat. No tone though, think they left it for the kids to take selfies with.

Was reading a while back about Hong Kong's disappearing neon signs and it got me wondering what we take for granted here that will one day disappear. Don't know if it's going to be malls but it won't hurt to document them just in case.

Mid-City is tiny, by far the smallest of the malls here. Going to try and journey back into DisMall Land this afternoon, go see what Jefferson Mall has to suffer. If the dinosaurs don't give me too much trouble, will report back more tomorrow.


Is four shopping malls not too small for Louisville?
Well, I’ve not been there before but the way I hear about it, seem like a big city

Nah, in recent years they have struggled to get enough people to shop there.
For Kentucky it's a big city, about 750,000 people.

Louisville having four malls seems decently-sized, considering each one probably serves different neighborhoods and purposes. Nice photos brother

That would be the logical thing but that's not what they've done here. The two largest malls are right across the road from on another, out on the 'East End' of town. Thank you!

You're welcome brother thanks for the awesome blog and pictures