🎂 Celebrating My Birthday, Receiving Gifts, & Eating Delicious Food! 🎁



Yesterday was my birthday and I am now 15 years old, but I still feel like I am 14. Well below is where I tell you about my day.


Yesterday was my birthday and yes I had fun a lot. First of all I don't have to do chores, unlimited screen time, and eating my favorite foo. It feels kinda weird when I don't have to do chores, I felt so useless. Also my sister was being mean still but nicer than usual, but still mean.


Also yesterday I watched a movie with my family and the movie is called "The Good Son", it was kinda tragic really. I think it was one of best movies that I've watched this year, but at first I want to watch the "Richie Rich" then my dad wanted me to try that movie. It is also a good family movie that both young and old people can enjoy.


So yesterday my dad made two meals, and he said he wanted to make a third meal but he didn't have enough time. I don't really care much and I told him that he could just make me a simple meal but no he wanted to make something difficult. Anyway the food was great, and for dinner my mom wanted to make Hot Pot but it was a bit late since we watch the movie. So my dad made me Pasta with Arrabbiata sauce and it was so good.


Yesterday when I go to school no one wish me a happy birthday, well except for my best friend Ah Hak. I don't really care since I know they won't remember it, I think they also don't know since I am not friends with them on Facebook. Anyway Ah Hak gave me a bracelet, and it was really nice of him to get me something. Me and my other best friend Ah Ya bought a cake for him on his birthday, and he actually cry. It is rare to see him cry, and I also gave him a bracelet that I made.


My sister on the other bought me a keychain probably because she knows that I like to collect keychains. She also bought me slim, since I am not a big fan of slim I gave it back to her along with a hair clip she gave me. Also my grandma gave me some money to buy something for myself, which I don't know what to use it for. I also called my dad's niece in the US and it was really awkward, first I don't know what to say and I've never called her before. Well my dad told me to call her so I did.

Monkey B
 2 months ago  

Happy birthday, many wishes and love for your birthday, wishing you a beautiful and bright future. May your life become more beautiful and colorful with family. May all your endeavors be filled with success.

 2 months ago  

Thank you so much for all of your wishes. I also hope that would happen in the future. Have a wonderful day.

Finally the birthday post I was actually waiting for you to post it wow.. you're growing up so quickly. I actually really like the Harry Potter puzzle very very nice one. Happy Happy Birthday dearest 🎉🎉🎉🎊🎊🎊🎉🎉🎊🎉🌈🌈🌈☺️☺️

 2 months ago  

I am glad that you are waiting for my post. To be honest I am happy to have anything Harry Potter related, and thank you so much. Have a nice day.

You're welcome dear, will definitely not miss any of your posts 💯❤️

Happy birthday dear. Enjoy your age. Whoa, how I missed to be a teenager, but we all grow old, that’s why, my wish for you is to enjoy your younger days like having friends to make beautiful memories together.

 2 months ago  

Thank you so much, and yes I will enjoy my age. Well I will try to make more new friends and have fun with them. Anyway thank you so much for stopping by and have a nice day.

 2 months ago  

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 2 months ago  

Well I will be waiting for the day when you can come to visit then. Have a great day.

Happy belated birthday. I hear you talk about Richie Rich and The Good Son. Have you already seen 'Home Alone' ( with the same actor )?

 2 months ago  

I did watch Home Alone, it is actually how I know the actor. I was hoping that I could watch Richie Rich, since I haven't watch it yet and thank you so much. Have a nice day.

What does pasta Arrabbiata taste? Is it similar to a spaghetti? or something different. Belated happy birthday to you.

 2 months ago  

I think it taste like tomato sauce and a little bit sweet, and it kinda does taste like spaghetti. Thank you and have a nice day.

 2 months ago  

Happy birthday little girl, wishing you all the best

 2 months ago  

Thank you so much. Have a nice day.

 2 months ago  


 2 months ago  

I didn't took a picture of it.