Carnival Writing Challenge || A Sweet Mermaid / Una Dulce Sirena

in Writing Club2 years ago



A Sweet Mermaid

In the carnival season, complexes and manias are released, to give way to joy, color and fun. The carnival has a unique power, it urges to break paradigms, to leave behind shame through the disguise, thus allowing to release the true personality of a person that by social patterns are led to remain hidden; which invites to think if in everyday life many live with an eternal disguise, or if with the costume in carnival time they dare to show themselves as they are. Likewise, the costume also represents a world of fantasy, of experiencing the unknown, of giving free rein to the imagination to create and personify the illusions of a child.

This is how this story manifests itself:

Adara is a very lonely and introverted girl who blushes easily, and is afraid to show herself as she is for fear of ridicule and criticism. To mitigate her loneliness she takes refuge in reading, which has become her passion, because it allows her to discover in each story a world completely unknown to her, her favorite stories, all those concerning the ocean. Her parents are adults, each of them busy in their own reality of work routine, so most of the time Adara lives with her grandmother, who with her tender and delicate care has instilled in her an extreme love for reading. Her enthusiasm is so great that for her 7th birthday, which coincided with Carnival, Adara requested that her birthday celebration be held under the theme of The Little Mermaid. One of her favorite readings; just like Ariel, Adara dreams of seeing the world.

The days went by in a hurry, under the feeling of joy between the preparations of her celebration; to make it more realistic, it was expected that because it was her birthday, little Adara would be dressed up as the central figure of her favorite story: Ariel.

The invitations were not long in coming and were sent to her group of school friends, so that they could attend and share a magical and special day with her. Her best friends Marcus and Andres, to be in line with the theme, decided to dress up as Sebastian and Flounder.

The day arrived, and everything was set to perfection, the room where the reception would take place was so masterfully decorated, it certainly emulated the ocean. The stations where the candy table was set up were represented by seashells, the music section was distributed in a beautiful coral, and the recreators and face painters did the same by dressing up as octopuses, lobsters and seahorses.

At the appointed time, 2:00 p.m., Adara's illusion began, arriving in her brand new Ariel costume, a beautiful mermaid tail style dress, of iridescent color that resembled the reflection of the lights scales, a splendid ruby red hair, decorated with a princess style tiara and subtle neutral colored slippers, making her look barefoot and making contact when walking with the simulation of water. The guests present were dazzled by such a magnificent performance, being the center of attraction of all the attendees. Adara, felt totally excited, a sublime moment for her memory, finally, she felt able to express herself without shame, under the representation of her character and to be free during the whole agazajo.

The sharing was not long in coming, the whole afternoon program began, games, dances, raffles and songs with her guests Adara could enjoy, her friends made an appearance as they had already agreed, Marcus personified Flounder, while Andres represented the famous crab Sebastian, her perfect complement to experience a day like no other. It was time for the piñata, amidst thunderous laughter and unparalleled fervor, it was anxiously pulled down to taste the goodies that were inside to be distributed. The euphoria was present in the birthday girl, a day as she had imagined it was being lived to treasure in the memory of an endearing moment of yesterday.

After the fun, it was time to savor the cake, before snacking, it is typical to sing the happy birthday as a symbol of wishing good luck to the honoree in his new year of life. Everyone sang loudly the ... what a beautiful night, tonight is the night of your day, everyone shows their joy ... at the end of the typical melody, all present realize that it is the time of culmination of a dreamy evening; one by one the guests were retiring, but not before repeating to the beautiful birthday girl how pleasant they had spent it.

Now, alone in the party room, in the intimacy and company of her parents and grandmother, Adara wanted to make a last tour to treasure every detail of the day in which she could be free of social stigmas, to feel full even if it was only for an afternoon. She walked a few steps, approached her grandmother with a hug and surprised her grandmother with a tender thank you and ended with a soft kiss.




Una Dulce Sirena

En la epoca de carnaval, se liberan los complejos y las manias, para dar paso a la alegria, color y diversion. El carnaval tiene un poder unico, insta a romper paradigmas, a dejar atrás la verguenza a traves del disfraz, permitiendo asi liberar la verdadera personalidad de una persona que por patrones sociales son llevados a mantenerse ocultos; lo que invita a pensar si en la vida cotiana muchos viven con un eterno disfraz, o si con el disfraz en epoca de carnaval se atreven a mostrarse tal cual son. Asi mismo, el disfraz tambien representa un mundo de fantasia, de experimentar lo desconocido, de dar rienda suelta a la imaginacion para crear y personificar las ilusiones de un niño.

Es asi, como se manifiesta esta historia:

Adara, es una niña muy solitaria e introvertida que se ruboriza facilmente, y que teme mostrarse tal cual es por miedo a las burlas y criticas. Para mitigar su soledad ella se refugia en la lectura, la cual se ha convertido en su pasion, porque le permite descubrir en cada historia un mundo completamente desconocico por ella, sus relatos favoritos, todos los concernientes al oceano. Sus padres, son adultos ocupados cada uno en su propia realidad de la rutina laboral, por lo que gran parte del tiempo Adara convive con su abuela; la que con sus tiernos y delicados cuidados le ha infundido su extremo amor por la lectura. Su entusiasmo es tanto, que Adara para su cumpleaños numero 7, el cual justamente ese año coincidia con el azueto de carnaval, solicita que su agazajo de natalicio sea llevado a cabo bajo la tematica de La Sirenita. Una de sus lecturas favoritas; al igual que Ariel, Adara sueña con conocer al mundo.

Los dias pasaron de prisa, bajo el sentimiento de alegria entre los preparativos de su celebracion; para hacerlo mas realistico, era de esperarse que por ser su dia conmemorativo la pequeña Adara estaria disfrazada de la figura central de su historia predilecta: Ariel.

Las invitaciones no se hicieron esperar y fueron enviadas a su grupo de amigos del colegio, para que asisitieran a compartir un dia magico y especial con ella. Sus mejores amigos Marcus y Andres, para estar dentro de la tematica, decidieron iban a ir disfrazados de Sebastian y Flounder.

El dia llego, y todo estaba dispuesto a la perfeccion, el salon donde se llevaria acabo la recepcion estaba decorado tan magistralmente, que ciertamente emulaba el oceano. Las estaciones donde se dispuso la mesa de dulces estaban representadas por conchas marinas, la seccion de musica estubo distribuida en un hermoso coral, los recreadores y pinta caritas hicieron lo propio al ir disfrazados de pulpos, langostas y caballitos de mar.

Al llegar la hora pautada, 2 de la tarde, se dio inicio a la ilusion de Adara, llegando en su flamante disfraz de Ariel, un hermoso vestido estilo cola de sirena, de color tornasol que asemejaban al reflejo de las luces las escamas, una esplendida cabellera color rojo rubi, decorada con una tiara estilo princesa y unas zapatillas sutiles de color neutro, la hacian parecer descalza y que hacia contacto al caminar con la simulacion del agua. Los invitados presentes quedaron deslumbrados por tan magnifica representacion, siendo el centro de atraccion de todos los asistentes. Adara, se sintio totalmente emocionada, un momento subllime para su recuerdo, por fin, sentia poder expresarse sin vergüenza, bajo la representacion de su personaje y ser libre durante todo el agazajo.

El compartir no se hizo esperar, se dio inicio a toda la programacion de la tarde, juegos, bailes, rifas y cantos con sus invitados pudo Adara disfrutar, sus amigos entreñables hicieron acto de presencia como ya lo habian acordado, Marcus personifico a Flounder, mientras que Andres represento al famoso cangrejo Sebastian, su complemento perfecto para experimentar un dia sin igual. Llego la hora de la piñata entre risas estruendosas y fervor sinigual, fue derribada ansiosamente para degustar de las golosinas que dentro estaban para repartir. La euforia se hacia presente en la cumpleañera, un dia como se lo habia imaginado estaba siendo vivenciado para atesorar en el recuerdo de un momento entrañable del ayer.

Luego de la diversion, era hora de saborear el pastel, antes de picar, es tipico cantar el cumpleaño feliz como simbolo de desear buenos agurios al homenajeado en su nuevo año de vida. Todos entonaron a viva voz el… hay que noche tan preciosa, esta noche noche de tu dia, muestran todos su alegria… al finalizar la tipica melodia, todos los presentes se dan por enterado que es el tiempo de culminacion de una tarde de ensueños; uno a uno los invitados se fueron retirando, no sin antes repetir a la hermosa cumpleañera lo placentero que la habian pasado.

Ya, sola en el salon de fiestas, en la intimidad y compañía de sus padres y abuela, Adara quiso hacer un ultimo recorrido para atesorar cada detalle del dia en que pudo ser libre de estigmas sociales, sentirse plena aunque fuese solo por una tarde. Camino unos cuantos pasos, se acerco y con un abrazo sorprendio a su abuela para decirle un tierno Gracias y terminar con un suave beso.



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