DIY Coffee Table DIYのコーヒーテーブル [English and Japanese]

in Hive Diy6 months ago


DIY Coffee Table

I posted about the DIY Kitchen and Work Table which was my husband's DIY project for our house before. When we moved in, we gradually decided on our home's theme colours. Black, red, green, and natural wood tones became our theme colours during the process of decluttering.

As we started simplifying our lifestyle, we began to feel bothered by the different wood colours in our home. This led us to unify the wood tones throughout the house. Our old table, which also served as my work desk, had a bright, country-style finish that didn't quite fit with our current aesthetic. It stood out too much, both in colour and shape.


After switching to this square table with black legs and a dark-coloured top, the kitchen area feels more spacious, and I feel more comfortable working on it.


The coffee table became our next DIY project. This table reminds me of a traditional Japanese low table used on Tatami (soft rush 藺草 igusa mat) if it were a different colour.

This table sat in our living room in front of the sofa, but, like the old kitchen table, its colour made me feel uncomfortable. Since we still had the same coating colour as the new kitchen table, we decided to give the coffee table a matching dark finish.

This project was much simpler than the kitchen table because we liked the table's shape, so we only needed to change its colour. As you can see, the original table colour didn’t quite match the floor mat.


After the first coat, we let it dry well and then polished the surface to remove the glossy top coat. This process was challenging and time-consuming, but my husband took the time to finish it properly. After polishing, we applied a total of three coats.


Ta-dah! Now, the coffee table’s colour blends much better with the green and black floor carpet. I no longer feel any discomfort with its appearance.

Interestingly, the living room feels more spacious now. I suppose dark colors can make spaces feel cozier or narrower compared to brighter wood tones. Also, the pot mat stands out more. This Italian pot mat, which I found at a garage sale a few years ago, is perfect for holding big pots, teapots, and more.

We’re also considering coating the mini bookshelf in the living room to match the rest of the furniture. It’s exciting to think about these small home improvement projects.

Japanese 日本語



我が家のDIYプロジェクトで主人が作ったDIYのキッチン&仕事のテーブル について以前投稿しました。この家に引っ越してきたとき、なんとなくですが少しずつ家のテーマカラーが決まりました。断活するごとに、黒、赤、緑と自然な風合いの木の色がテーマカラーになっていきました。















Thank you for reading!



Pine wood, I can guess?

Yes! You are right! It used pine wood.

Sending Love and Ecency Vote! 😊

Thank you!

Nicey, it looks even better now. But the old is not bad either. Your diy project looks like a newly bought table now.

Thank you so much! The old one wasn't bad, as you said, but I feel much more comfortable now that it has become a darker colour.

The original looked great as well. But if it's because you need to be comfortable and calm even by just staring at it, then, the new one is better.

Yeah, as you said, the old one wasn't bad. The new one makes me feel calm compared to the old bright colour. The old one matched my previous apartment.

This is so creative and nice
Nice and thanks for sharing

You are very welcome. Thank you so much!!