It's not living ...

in Reflections2 months ago

If you suffer from anxiety, it is better to learn to live courageously because it makes our life look like squares, it overwhelms us, suffocates us and, as if that were not enough, it loads us with irrational thoughts and makes us see dangers where there are none, especially what we do not know about the future.

Know that...

Many times, my brain is full of thoughts of all kinds 😂 and keeping it at bay, is not a task that is easy for me, it is truly terrible, and my mind does not stop or rest, even my sleep hygiene is all messed up.

I have gone to therapy several times for this reason and I have learned to cope with anxiety and not make it an eternal condemnation, because yes, it is possible to get out of it.

I'm here with this today.

When I had cancer, I learned that...

Many times, sadness provides uncomfortable, bitter and painful moments, but at the same time; it generates spaces for reflection and meditation brings learning, makes us more thoughtful and pumps nutrients to keep us in humility, for example, in addition to an illness, it also happens to us when we lose a personal, professional or work project.

When this happens to me, I strengthen a feeling, and I gain greater inspiration, they are the first steps to take anxiety out of our blessed life.

It was very difficult for me to manage the anxiety during the illness, obviously I did not want to die and the fear came for days in a row, I managed with a lot of help and therapy, patience, a lot of love and talking to myself nicely to get out of that "out of control", now when it wants to enter my head I make a braid with my hair and under its intensity.

Something that helps me a lot when I'm anxious and here I leave them as a tip because someone from this community in Hive wants to try it is : rub the palms of the hands or feet with some towel-type fabric and breathe deeply. This is a great tool to bring me to the.also present the feeling it gives me is of pleasant relaxation.

Also when during the day, if we had some argument or personal, work discomfort, before going to sleep, what to do so that this contradiction, or karmic moment does not cause distress at bedtime? It works for me to do a lot of breathing exercises, I avoid watching screens (platforms and social networks) as light and if possible before 7:pm, I take a shower, all this helps, even listening to classical music.

It has also worked for me if I am at home it is always to have ice in the fridge, and when I feel collapsed I quickly go to the Freezer and put my hand on the ice, or on a towel I place some ice cubes and fry it gently to my face, my mind immediately comes out of that panic I feel when I am anxious.

And if it happens to me while I'm on the street, I take out my cell phone and I try to initiate a conversation with my contacts vitamins, I breathe, I start counting the cars of X color, I do whatever forces me to focus, it's my way of approaching it with courage.

Anxiety is very unpleasant, it is really and truly hellish. Do you feel anxiety frequently?

It is true that it is never good to suppress emotions, for example sadness, which is very valid in our life, at least it makes us reflect and connect more with our human essence (soul), with reality and incidentally eclipses the ego, that one that makes us suffer and diminishes our reasoning.

And no one escapes from it, from rage.

We become our shadow, when we are angry we become gloomy, very dark and almost unrecognizable, there is only one step to depression. That is why it is vital not to swallow such a destructive emotion.

We have to learn to manage it, to channel it is to be responsible but as it costs 😂 . We are emotions first, and secondly we are rational...but how do we explain the fact of falling in love, lol.

Do you find it difficult to express your sadness, anger, or do you explode and every man for himself? Do not hesitate to share your tips to combat anxiety, to learn the lesson and move on.

Janitze 🌹

Any images in this post are taken with my iPhone 12, the Infinix pro-note 30 or with the camera Rolleiflex 2.8 f, and edited with Canva

Separator made with Canva by @janitzearratia

Translation with |DeepL