Baby care and exclusive breastfeeding

in Education2 years ago
In the process of growth and development of each child there are several phases that will be passed, as time goes on our child's age is increasing so that little by little changes are seen in the child, the more the child grows the more changes occur. These changes include physical, behavioral, cognitive, emotional, social, mental development and others. Child development here can be interpreted as changes in body structure and size that involve more physical changes so that it can be seen from the results of growth in the form of increased height and weight, a more perfect nervous system and bones. In addition, qualitative changes will also be seen, namely the functioning or not of the child's organs. Child development can also be said as a series of changes that influence each other between physical and psychological aspects and form a harmonious whole. For example, writing will be quickly mastered by children if it is given when the muscles are fully developed, and when the time to understand letter shapes has been obtained.


please note that there are several indicators of newborn development and each baby goes through different and unique stages of growth and development, let's see, newborns weigh 2.8, 2.9, 3.7, 3.9 kg and so on with varying lengths as well. some give birth normally and some have to undergo surgery, there are also babies born prematurely, including different levels of health. Therefore, because the circumstances of the birth of a baby are different, it is necessary for parents to be able to understand the conditions of growth and development of the baby to be more precise in maintaining and caring for him.


As a parent learning and recognizing the stages of growth and development of the baby is very important. Thus, parents provide the right stimuli to help their growth and development. In addition, parents can also monitor and deal with problems or disturbances that may arise.


Newborn babies usually go through very big changes in the first month. Babies who are still weak at this time occur in the maturation of almost all organ systems, we can observe from the baby's skin which is basically reddish and smooth, lanugo hair is not visible, nails are rather long and limp. Well, babies aged less than one month who are still weak and susceptible to disease need special attention, especially their mothers in breastfeeding so that their health is maintained optimally, otherwise it can be fatal and death from a health perspective.
To support the health of mothers and babies, it is necessary to be given breast milk for six months or called exclusive breastfeeding without adding other foods and drinks. Breast milk is an important source of nutrition for babies for brain and physical development and growth.


We need to give exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months because at that time our babies do not yet have the perfect digestive enzymes to digest other foods or drinks. Moreover, all types of nutrients needed by babies can be met from breast milk and at the same time protect our babies from the risk of acute infections such as diarrhea, ear infections, influenza, urinary tract infections and so on. On the other hand, breastfeeding mothers can delay the return of fertility and reduce the risk of postpartum bleeding, breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Breastfeeding is also associated with weight loss, decreased blood pressure and total serum cholesterol.
If you are a working mother you can still breastfeed your baby, this is important. Even if your workplace is far from home, you can still breastfeed your baby. During the period of maternity leave, give exclusive breastfeeding and as often as possible. as long as you have a break or before you start work, your baby has been trained through a spoon or cup to consume expressed breast milk. You must be able to express breast milk or pump breast milk, you can store expressed breast milk in the freezer. Once you have put your breast milk in the freezer or other container, store it in the refrigerator.
While you are working, you can express breast milk every 3 hours or every 2-3 hours. Expressing breast milk is done to empty the breast so that you feel comfortable and reduce dripping milk.
So, breastfeeding is very beneficial for babies and mothers. Breastfeeding will build a strong bond of affection. Work is not an obstacle for you not to breastfeed and give exclusive breastfeeding.


By @latifah1


Amiga @latifah1 I only breastfed my youngest son Sebastian exclusively, no formula and so far he hasn't had any of the illnesses that my older daughter had. Exclusive breastfeeding is a strength.