Days of Fantasy - Chapter Six

in Kidz Community2 years ago


<p dir="auto"><img src="" alt="279861451_5469656829792143_3959696816442563956_n.jpg" srcset=" 1x, 2x" /> <pre><code> Chapter Six <p dir="auto">As soon as it was night, we got up and crept to the entrance of the dragon’s cave. Then we slowly walked in. I didn’t see anything - no guards no dragon, but I knew they were here. Then suddenly, we saw a light. I signaled to Ector and Averna to hide. We hid behind some rocks. When I looked over, I saw two guards talking.<br /> “Yeah I know, Master is very mad at him,” one of them was saying.<br /> “Why does he insist that there are some people out here?” the other said.<br /> “Because they might try to save our prisoner,” the first said, as they walked out of the cave. I signaled to them again, and we kept going deeper into the cave. <p dir="auto">As we went deeper into the cave, there were more and more signs of a dragon being there. There were burned rocks and wood everywhere. As we went deeper and deeper, it got darker and darker. Then it got so dark that I couldn’t see my hand in front of my face. Suddenly we saw a lot of fire. We ran in the direction of it, but then it went out. It lit again, and we ran again but still did not catch up with it. It lit one more time, and we caught up to it. Then I realized our mistake. We ran right up to the dragon.<br /> “Run!” I shouted and we ran back through the cave. <p dir="auto">We ran super fast, but the dragon followed us through the cave.<br /> “You cannot escape me,” it said in a deep voice.<br /> “We can try!” I shouted back. We sped toward the exit but the guards got in our way. I pulled out my sword and ran straight toward one and cut it as we ran by. Suddenly Cloud stepped out in front of us.<br /> “Cloud!” I exclaimed, but my happiness quickly died. Cloud didn’t seem to be himself.<br /> “Stop right there, intruders!” he commanded. Uh-oh this is not good.<br /> “Just keep running,” I called to Ector and Averna. Then they ran out of the cave as I confronted Cloud. <p dir="auto">“Cloud, snap out of it!” I shouted at him. He ran toward me and tried to hit me with his sword, but I blocked it.<br /> “I don’t want to hurt you!” I said as he staggered back. He lunged at me again. This time, when I tried to block, I staggered back. When I regained my balance, Cloud was about to strike, but suddenly he dropped his sword and fell to the floor. Ector stood there with a rock in his hand.<br /> “Wow, that was close,” I said to him.<br /> “Hurry, we have to go!” he exclaimed.<br /> “Right,” I said. We picked up Cloud and his sword and ran out of there as fast as we could. A safe distance away, we set Cloud down. I shook him to try to wake him up. He opened his eyes after a while.<br /> “Uh… my head hurts,” he said weakly.<br /> “Take it easy Cloud,” I said. He lay his head back down and closed his eyes.<br /> “He seems to be fine except the bump on his head,” Ector whispered to me and Averna.<br /> “We should give him time to rest,” Averna said.<br /> “I hope that dragon doesn’t try to follow us,” I said, looking in the direction of the cave.<br /> “Me too. You should get some rest Rudlin,” Ector said. I lay down on the ground and fell asleep. <p dir="auto">Someone shook me. “Wake up Rudlin,” Ector said.<br /> “Why?” I asked half awake. Ector pointed. I looked where he was pointing and saw the dragon coming in our direction.<br /> “What should we do?” I asked him.<br /> “We can’t fight it. It’s too strong,” He said.<br /> “Who said we can’t fight it?” I asked, as I got up to confront the dragon.<br /> “Wait for me!” Cloud called. “I have to get back at that thing for what it did to me.”<br /> “I’ll just wait here and you guys will take down the dragon,” Averna said.<br /> “Fine,” Ector said. We hid behind a rock as the dragon got closer.<br /> “On the count of three,” I whispered. “One… Two… Three!” We jumped out and started to run toward the dragon. We started to hit and slice it with our swords. It growled and swiped at us with its claws, but we kept on hitting. Suddenly I felt a sharp stabbing cold in my back. I dropped my sword and fell to the ground, and then every thing went black. <p dir="auto"><em>(Photo of the dragon) <p dir="auto">Sorry for the long wait - my WIFI went out... <p dir="auto">Stay tuned for more exiting chapters and don't forget to upvote and follow. <p dir="auto"><span>Minor editing done by my mom, <a href="/@apanamamama">@apanamamama

I can't wait to hear what happens in the next chapter! You're doing such a great job at writing!!

Yay! 🤗
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