Hive Open Mic ( #openmic ) is a global community working for world peace through a love of live music. Each week is a new invitation to express and connect.
🎵 Hive Open Mic 162
May 15-20, 2023
Global harmony is our mission. World peace is our vision. Our community's weekly live music celebration reaches musicians and listeners globally on a virtual stage, upholding the classic pattern of an open mic event. At the end of each week, we enjoy a community concert, highlighting a Spotlight Artist.
Our song circle is a place of belonging for anyone who appreciates live music. Our creative space offers a chance to build real relationships worldwide between music fans and musicians of every style and any skill level. Every contributor can be proud of the fact we are co-creating a more harmonious world by sharing the joys of music.
For Hive Open Mic 162, we will explore the following theme: "Be Okay." This theme is chosen by our community's recent Spotlight Artist: @maryjacy. Everyone is encouraged to express and connect through: Be Okay.
“Be Okay”
This week's Hive Open Mic theme is: “Be Okay.” This is a pressure-free invitation, encouraging us to explore new territory together as artists, sharing common ground as a community. Musicians always have full freedom to bring whatever music feels inspired in the moment. Here's a timeline, for anyone wishing to look back, be present, or prepare future entries.
How To Play
1. Produce - Introduce your video by saying the words, “Hive Open Mic Week [1],” including your name. Perform a song.
2. Present - Post your video in the Hive Open Mic
3. Promote - Share your link in the comments section of Sunday's open mic invitation in order to ensure your entry is heard.
4. Prosper - Build relationships by engaging with fellow music lovers through uplifting comments. community. Include the tag #openmic.
Edekia (Original)
Surprise Yourself (Cover)
Anhelo / I Long (Original)
Sura (Original)
Esta Bella Noche / This Beautiful Night (Cover)
Donde Estará Mi Primavera / Where is My Spring (Cover)
Son Mis Deseos / It's My Wishes (Cóver)
Llegó el Momento / Time Has Come (Original)
Bringer of Dawn (Original) by @peaq by @auelitairene by @ebingo by @naradamoon by @osomeltrozo feat. @dealtokilate by @esteliopadilla by @musicandreview by @zorajr and @armandolnrs by @fernanblog by @cabelindsay
The greatest gift we can give to an artist is our attention. For this reason, we humbly ask that everyone offer some friendly words. Reward musicians by offering applause as if we're in a pub, a coffee shop, or concert hall. Our comments might be the vital voice that gives a musician the wings to fly, or the gills to dive deep!
In the Hive Open Mic community, every week is an inspiring musical journey. Here, talented musicians bring their gifts to the virtual stage, reaching around the world. Listeners gain human connection on levels of heart and mind, including people of various cultures and languages. This is the harmonizing power of music.
Gratitude goes to the originators of Hive, who planted the seeds for us to grow and flourish here. Gratitude goes to the @OCD Incubation Program and other community cultivators, allowing newcomers to find their niches, and comfort zones. Gratitude goes to all the people who share their energy here, supporting our community.
Wooooooww vamos a estar muy bien en esta semana #162 POR TANTO TALENTO al cual tenemos que apoyar y apreciar porque todos somos unos verdaderos diamantes a lo cual nos hacen falta solo pulirnos poco a poco para llegar a cumplir nuestros sueños en la música, pero más que eso hay que ser completamente agradecido con esta hermosa comunidad de Hive Open Mic por brindarnos un apoyo tan único y especial para demostrar lo que amamos hacer con mucha pasión como lo es la música, también tenemos que agradecer el apoyo de todos nuestros compañeros y compañeras como también los curadores e administradores de Hive!!!! Oyee, pero falta decir que 3speak, por tanto, ni más ni menos mucho love ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Woohoo, I'll be looking forward to different entries.
Hey, Mary. That was a beautiful theme. I am still working on mine though. Lol
It's another opportunity to inspire life's.
I will drop my entry soon
Looking forward to drop my entry
Exelente tema para esta semana
La temática a de esta semana me encantó, me hizo reflexionar y fué bastante positivo. Por acá dejaré mi participación.
Beautiful theme for this week! I hope to see excellent renditions as always.
Bellísima temática para esta semana! Espero ver excelentes participaciones como de costumbre.
Hello everyone, I would like to share my presentation:
Vamos a estar más que OKAY con esta temática. Cortesía de @maryjacy. 😉
We are going to be more than OKAY with this theme. Courtesy of @maryjacy. 😉
Thats a nice theme for the week!
Buen tema. Gracias a @maryjacy. Aqui estaré de nuevo. Saludos.
"Be Okey" (Estar bien) es el deseo de todos, así que a todos nos afecta en forma directa la temática de esta semana propuesta por nuestra reciente artista destacada @maryjacy. Yo estoy "Ok" de poder publicar esta semana y deseo a todos éxito en el evento.
"Be Okey" is everyone's wish, so we are all directly affected by this week's theme from our recent featured artist @maryjacy. I am "OK" to be able to publish this week and I wish everyone success in the event.
I am "okay" and happy today to be able to participate again in Hive Open Mic and that joy is a point of support and strength in the face of the adverse circumstances that arise
wow congratulations @maryjacy. For such a wonderful theme that encourages us to stay positive...
A beautiful week to inspire and be inspired, music runs the world
Fue todo un placer estar con usted una nueva semana, esta es mi entrada
This is my entry 🥰
Por aquí mi entrada de esta semana:
Amazing theme this week, here's my entry below...Enjoy 🎧
Last week for personal situtions, I couldn't participate but I cannot wait to participate this week under this beautiful topic✨
Love the theme this week! here's mine. 😊
Saludos y bendiciones querida comunidad de Hive Open Mic, que buen tema el de esta semana "Be Okey", Estar bien es lo más importante, les deseo el mayor de los éxitos...
I took at shot at "End Of The Road" by Boys II Men this week.
esta es mi entrada
Excelente tema de la semana #162 Vamos a darleeee 😎
hola amigos por aqui mi participacion para esta semana 162 saludos y exitos a todos
Saludos a todo el equipo de @hiveopenmic
Felicitaciones a nuestra colega musical @maryjacy por ser la artista destacada de ésta semana, ésta temática es bien interesante, espero subir pronto mi presentación.
Un abrazo fraternal
Greetings to all the team of @hiveopenmic
Congratulations to our musical colleague @maryjacy for being this week's featured artist, this theme is very interesting, I hope to upload my presentation soon.
A fraternal embrace Aquí mi entrada de esta semana💓
Maravillosa presentacion los saludo y les deseo exito
Fue maravilloso participar queridos amigos, les dejo mi entrada
Saludos por aqui! esta es mi participacion de la semana en el Hive OpenMic, espero les agrade!
🎵 Hive Open Mic 162 - Worldwide Live Music Event. Galilea - Luis Ramirez (Original composition) by @guitarmcy🎸🎵
Saludos a todo el equipo de @hiveopenmic
Aquí está mi participación para la semana 162! Muchas gracias.
Un abrazo fraternal
Greetings to all the team of @hiveopenmic
Here is my participation for week 162! Thank you very much.
A fraternal embrace
Yay! A lovely theme! Ironically I want to sing the blues, but a particular blues song that goes like this:
"I had the blues so bad one time it put my face in a permanent frown, but now I'm feeling so much better I could cakewalk (strut) into town!" This is "Cakewalk into Town" by the fabulous Taj Mahal!
Saludos amigos aquí les dejo el enlace a mi participación de esta semana ¡espero les guste!
Hola muchachos! Esta vez les traigo un Ft conmigo mismo en un tema de LAGOS. Una banda mitad caraqueña mitad mejicana. (la imagen es el link)
Saludos mis amigos. Por aquí mi participación
I'll be dropping my entry soon.Thanks @maryjacy for this beautiful topic.
Yeah, can't wait to see what you'll come up with...
Holaaaaaaaaaa amigas y amigos de Hive Open Mic!!!!, por aquiii quiero compartir con todos ustedes mi presentación para esta semana #162, espero que les guste mucho!!!, Saludos y Bendiciones!!!!
Saludos a la gran familia de Hive open mic. Porque eso somos. Una gran familia. Aquí les dejo mi participación de la semana 162.
Saludos, les comparto mi intrepretación con la trompeta de "Vivir mi vida" de Marc Anthony.
Simon and Garfunkel - Bridge over troubled water - (Cover) @Samgolden
Great posative prompt... which led me right to Bob Marley again.
Let's face it there are scores of songs he's written with that feel-good factor that will make you feel good and Be Okay I just hope I haven't murdered it with my dodgy singing voice 😂
Hello Amigos
Here is my entry.
Thank you very much for stopping by.
Another beautiful time for me in the community. Here is my entry:
Thank you for the opportunity. Thanks to @maryjacy for the theme.
How's it going people? It's your boy vic2ryx right here with another banger..I missed y'all alot.t feels like its been ages but I'm back this week with a cool song.. check it out guys :@vic2ryx presents: Fix You
Hola amigos ¿como están? Acá les comparto con mucho cariño mi entrada para esta semana.
Un abrazo para todos 🤗
I would love to sing a song. Can i send an entry in, it will be my first time though. So do i need to do anything special before i become a member
Hola, comunidad, qué interesante este evento y muy buena la temática seleccionada por @maryjacy, voy a participar esta semana por primera vez.
Hello, community, this event is interesting and the theme selected by @maryjacy is very good. I am going to participate this week for the first time.
Hoping to see your presentation:)