
of course. I had no idea I would get so many people pissed though.

You should know this. Try evolution theory, fake moon landing or even flat earth. They'll attack you like mosquitos.

I did tackle some of these before and all hell broke lose. Maybe it is healthy to stir the bees nest once in a while.

It's a lot of new users lately and you have more followers now. Maybe it's time again. You'll earn a fortune on those three topics, hahah.

alrighty then. I will set a schedule and spread them out.

I'm waiting. Let the show begin.

"you'll earn a fortune on these topics"... nailed it @oldtimer This shit is intellectually dishonest and lazy, and is meant to provoke rather than provide insight or to contribute to valuable discussion. This is actualy the problem with mainstream media like CNN, MSNBC... it's all about the dollars, not sound reporting/discussion. You know rachel maddow makes $30,000 a day spouting propoganda about russia? There's insane money in bullshit and manipulation.

Yeah, food is like religion or politics. Ask me how I know. :)

go on...

Oh geez. :) Running a dessert company for a niche diet since 2009, I've become a lot better about letting people making their own choices.

In today's First World, food is emotional far more than it is a physiological necessity, and emotion, my friend, is the most powerful thing known to humans.

To make comments or critiques on someone's food choice is, for some reason, just as provoking as saying you love/hate Trump or that God obviously does/doesn't exist.

For the curious few who want to "prove" how emotional food is, I suggest a 5 day water fast (5 days of only water.)

I think you'll quickly see just how often you reach for food not when you're hungry, but when you're angry/excited/sad/happy/curious/bored etc. It's a fascinating experiment.

Ive been hungry before. I went through intense training in the army. Most people that are vegetarians never went hungry and left alone with an animal. they are couch vegetarians. comfy western ones. throw them in the wild and their ideologies will change no time.

No need to be thrown in the wild actually, just challenge them to live in a hot/humid third world country.

"food is emotional far more than it is a physiological necessity" - Spoken very much like a comfy western, just imagine people starving from third world thinking first "is this food vegan/vegetarian"? XD

exactly. most of them are couch vegetarians.

You DO like to get folks fired up, don't you? ;)

I mainly try to be OK with the choices folks make in the First World; it's their turn to enjoy the party, as long as they're not hurting anyone I let 'em be.

Being hungry can definitely change your food choices, I'm with you there.

You DO like to get folks fired up, don't you? ;)

I love it. I have to admit.

You sort of spouted garbage based on nothing, of course people are going to be pissed. You're not only factually wrong but morally bankrupt.

I give plenty of references in my post. Not a single one dared to tackle them.

including you. Your opinion means little to me if you can'r even argue the title of the post.

Oh wait, yeah you did, you talked about how plants feel pain like how we do, yet they have no central nervous system or recepter to actually FEEL the pain like animals do.
You also are ABSOLUTELY BLIND to the fact that eating animals causes more plants to be eaten by default, which means no matter what you shouldn't eat animals even if this was true.

Then literally everything else is you justifying saying "well we can't be perfect so why try at all :)"

Beyond that there's nothing to address and you've had your face bashed in repeatably in the comments by vegans with facts, and you still aren't getting it. Like I said, you're not worth my time. You're either faking it for money or actually insane.

Oh wait, yeah you did, you talked about how plants feel pain like how we do, yet they have no central nervous system or recepter to actually FEEL the pain like animals do.
You also are ABSOLUTELY BLIND to the fact that eating animals causes more plants to be eaten by default, which means no matter what you shouldn't eat animals even if this was true.

it is inevitable. this is what I am saying. do yourself a favor and stop being so willingly thick.

Then literally everything else is you justifying saying "well we can't be perfect so why try at all :)"

nop. I say, that meat consumption is insignificant to overall carbon footprint. e.g having a child is the biggest source of pollution for the planet.

Beyond that there's nothing to address and you've had your face bashed in repeatably in the comments by vegans with facts, and you still aren't getting it. Like I said, you're not worth my time. You're either faking it for money or actually insane.

not a single one brought a single argument. only emotional ones "you are bad because you eat meat"

well, boo hoo.

it is inevitable. this is what I am saying.

In other words things die and get hurt so why do anything to contibute less to their suffering :))))
Like I said before, that's some sick demented shit right there you're saying.

I say, that meat consumption is insignificant to overall carbon footprint. e.g having a child is the biggest source of pollution for the planet.

It's been proven it's well over 20-30% of human-caused carbon output, how is that insignificant? Insignificant is 1-3% at most.
Regardless, again, you're justifying your misbehavior by blaming other things. It's not hard to ALSO not eat dead animals.

not a single one brought a single argument.

Huh, I saw you reply to people quoting scientific findings and documentaries, did you forget you did that?

In other words things die and get hurt so why do anything to contibute less to their suffering :))))
Like I said before, that's some sick demented shit right there you're saying.

they are food. much like people fly planes, use medicine or other products that have animal parts in it, they are part of the human civilization. you are too sensitive to eat meat. fine. just understand. nobody cares.

It's been proven it's well over 20-30% of human-caused carbon output,

overall. that is, even the animals we use for other things..check the cow in my post.

Huh, I saw you reply to people quoting scientific findings and documentaries, did you forget you did that?

documentaries are not arguments..especially when the executive director takes a private jet back and forth across the country to receive a "green" award.