
go on...

Oh geez. :) Running a dessert company for a niche diet since 2009, I've become a lot better about letting people making their own choices.

In today's First World, food is emotional far more than it is a physiological necessity, and emotion, my friend, is the most powerful thing known to humans.

To make comments or critiques on someone's food choice is, for some reason, just as provoking as saying you love/hate Trump or that God obviously does/doesn't exist.

For the curious few who want to "prove" how emotional food is, I suggest a 5 day water fast (5 days of only water.)

I think you'll quickly see just how often you reach for food not when you're hungry, but when you're angry/excited/sad/happy/curious/bored etc. It's a fascinating experiment.

Ive been hungry before. I went through intense training in the army. Most people that are vegetarians never went hungry and left alone with an animal. they are couch vegetarians. comfy western ones. throw them in the wild and their ideologies will change no time.

No need to be thrown in the wild actually, just challenge them to live in a hot/humid third world country.

"food is emotional far more than it is a physiological necessity" - Spoken very much like a comfy western, just imagine people starving from third world thinking first "is this food vegan/vegetarian"? XD

exactly. most of them are couch vegetarians.

You DO like to get folks fired up, don't you? ;)

I mainly try to be OK with the choices folks make in the First World; it's their turn to enjoy the party, as long as they're not hurting anyone I let 'em be.

Being hungry can definitely change your food choices, I'm with you there.

You DO like to get folks fired up, don't you? ;)

I love it. I have to admit.