30 Day Challenge update

in #health6 years ago

sighs I lost track of the day...
I had a busy long labor day weekend but it was a good long weekend. I did lapse of one day as I drove home I was so exhausted that I couldn't even do 30 min stretching.
I was good at doing stairs prior to trip mainly because I had to wash a lot of my clothes and the washer is downstairs. In between the washes I also vacuumed the whole house.
The day I went to Universal I was expecting to walk about 30,000 steps. Fell short but I had a panic moment in which I did a sprint from the middle of the park to the front security gates. I had left my phone in the security bins and ran through the exit gates which are on one side and ran up the hill to the farthest security gates because those were the gates we went through. Luckily the guy still had my phone and did ask me to unlock the phone in front of him to make sure it was my phone. (that's good to know if anyone ever tried to steal the phone).
Sunday we did a lot of walking and shopping, esp downtown Disney. (which is only 0.3 miles). I will still say I exercised my lungs that day because I sang songs straight 4hrs. Then later that night we laughed so hard my back hurt and I started wheezing. It was fun. It might not seem like singing is exercise but it definitely takes a lot of Qi!
Monday was most difficult because I drove all day and didn't get home until late night. So I considered this day skipped. I will have to make it up another day.
On Tuesday, I believe I am getting better because I was less out of breath as we walked about 40mins and also did laundry. Folding those sheets is an arm lift exercise! especially when you have 30+ sheets!

take away. vacation is great with good friends. also, theme parks are a test of your patience! I feel like I get more exercise on vacation than doing this challenge. Its also great stress release so if you haven't taken your vacation days use them! it's good for your mind and body even though some times we need a vacation from our vacation.


What, you went to Universal and Disney?! so fun~~