Sweet Potatoes in Oatmeal?! - Oh, It's Rather Lovely!

in #health7 years ago

It's just a sweet day for sweet potatoes!


Have any of you heard of or tried sweet potatoes in your oatmeal? I heard of this the other day and was intrigued. So, I had to try it myself! I love it because it is healthy and inexpensive! There was no particular recipe I saw, but I know sweet potatoes are SO good for you, as well as oatmeal. I've been eating oatmeal more in the morning because I know it is a great breakfast, as well as it is nice and warm on these chilly mornings. A few great qualities of the sweet potato include:


And just for good measure, here are some great things about oatmeal:


Over the holidays, I have been a very terrible vegan...I am at least 100% vegetarian, no doubt about that, but my high goal is to be a vegan. Like, WHY is dairy in EVERYTHING?? So unfair, ok........end rant...At any rate, I fail sometimes and I'm trying to correct that in my life. I found that watching inspiring videos or recipe videos really seem to help keep me on track. So I hope this kind of recipe idea may help someone else out there hit the healthier road.


So, since I didn't have a recipe to follow, I kind of just made it into my own. I put all the ingredients (not the proper brands or anything, except for my almond milk, so don't pay attention below too much). I also added quite a bit of saigon cinnamon because I love the spicy flavor it brings. I did not add sweeteners because I am not a fan of it being too sweet. You could always add your favorite healthier alternative such as dates.

The breakdown of carbohydrates, protein, and fat was rounded at about 80-10-10 percentages. It is considered a high carb, low-fat meal which I aim for in all my meals and it is why I try to avoid using oil because that will add a lot of empty calories and change the ratios considerably. I prefer these types of percentages, but I know others will do what is right for their body. It's honestly kind of hard for me to always make it this perfect, but it seems I made it happen with this dish! WINNING!

All of these were screenshots from Cronometer on my account after I added in my ingredients. It does incorporate my own personal goals, so don't pay too much attention to my total amount of daily calories to consume. This meal did come out to about 400 calories. I'd add in half of an orange if I was still hungry, but this FILLED me up! My sweet potatoes were roughly mashed with a fork, but if you wanted it extra creamy you could really mash the sweet potatoes and they would cook in creamier. Here is what mine looked like:

So I will probably add half of an orange for a snack if I'm hungry before lunch which will bring me up to about 430 calories and still keep my ratios as I intend. Cronometer is a great site to track your nutrients as well. I did not add screenshots the rest of the page, but it breaks down those nutrient targets further and tells you the amount and what foods added to them. You can also add recipes on this website. I highly recommend if you are attempting to track what you eat and make sure your nutrition is also on par with what you need.


[Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, please do what is right for you, I'm just hoping to inspire healthier habits]. I did, however, have 4oz or roughly 125mL of my homemade kombucha, which only adds to the carbs. It is about 15 calories total and has lots of B vitamins, including vitamin B12 and Folate. There are, of course, lots of good bacteria for my gut health as well. I just didn't include it in my breakfast, apologies. I hope you enjoyed this post and are inspired to be healthier!

Note: Photos unsourced were taken either from my computer or I-Phone.

Be well!!!

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Chips and tea during rain in the taris with ur loved ones....

Tea is also very wonderful, I had some hibiscus tea as well!

Sweet potatoes are so good for our body. Thanks for all the information.

Yes, they are one of my favorite vegetables...okay, well I like a lot of vegetables, but they can be used in SO many dishes, they are filling, and wonderful for you. I like the fact that they are good for your skin thanks to the vitamin E! Thanks for stopping by.

I love sweet potatoes <3 I need to start making them again...lol this sounds pretty good! I'm not big on oatmeal myself, but I also don't like making it...haha the extras you added in seem interesting to try in other things though ;) The ideas are great! Thanks for sharing!

Sweet potatoes, as I've said are so amazing! I eat oats almost every morning. Occasionally, I'll eat some white potatoes instead of oats. Those are my two breakfast staples!

This sounds delightful, I'll have to try it!!!

You should! You can be more creative than I have been as well, adding your favorite extras into the combination.

Oats although good for the soul aren't my go to food. I'm always looking for ways to change it up a bit. Might try it

I know a lot of people are not that big of a fan of oats. I honestly like the steel cut oats better than the rolled, but where I am living I cannot find the steel cut, so I am settling for rolled. They are more in abundance and they also cook much faster. Times prior, when I had to work early in the AM on shift, I used to make the whole batch for the week, so that way it didn't take as long to cook each morning. All I had to do was heat it up and add what I wanted. I'm happy I found that sweet potato goes well in it.

Have you tried overnight oats? Works real well with rolled oats, so I hear.
Steel cut oats should be everywhere!! I prefer them too. Fortunately they're accessible to me, now anyway. When I do eat them Bobs Red Mill is my preferred brand. What about an online purchase? Like vitacost.com https://www.vitacost.com/bobs-red-mill-organic-steel-cut-oats-24-oz/?pd_section=pr#ProductReviews

or even amazon?

This is the post of a lifetime for my batata pleasure.

Batana? That's a new one for me.

I wonder if there could be a COOKIE recipe with sweet potato!!! This looks awesome ..!

Oh, you know there are! I did a quick Google search and there appear to be a plethora of ideas! ;)

I never would've considered these two going together, much less with banana in tow. The more I do, the more oddly interesting it sounds.

Neither did I, until the other day. It was worth the decision for me. Although, today I am skipping oats and eating just some sweet potato that I have left. I cooked an entire sweet potato/yam and it's lasted me a couple days and some worth for another recipe I made for dinner. They really go far for your buck.

I used to hate sweet potatoes and now I love them

If I have to eat soup (I'm liking it less and less lately), then I would absolutely want sweet potatos in mine!