Rockhounding, a great excuse to get out into nature. After all you just may stumble across Zeolite!!

in #geology7 years ago (edited)

The other day I set out on a wonderful hike with a dear friend. It was such a magnificent day and we were both elated to be out in nature in the unusually warm winter weather.


I was so happy to share one of my favorite trails with her. It's one of those places that is so close to town but few people know about it. I was also really eager to share with her one of the treasures this trail holds.

We meandered through the oak savanna marveling at how lovely the mighty lichen strewn oaks looked against the backdrop of the brilliant blue sky.



I had hinted to her that we may come across one of the geological treasures this side of the mountain had to offer. She and I share a love for rocks and minerals but she hasn't had much experience out and about rockhounding. She was pretty excited to actually hunt some specimens out in the wilds of nature.

About half way in to our hike I told her we should be coming to the area where I had found treasures in the past. I think I may have been just as excited to share this experience with her as she was to be having it.

While rockhounding isn't for everyone, the hunting of treasures definitely carries a certain level of excitement for most people I know. It's a great way to spark that natural hunter gatherer instinct and seek out some really intriguing finds. Not to mention the fact that you get to experience nature in all of her glory.

We took a short offshoot from the trail we were on and quickly discovered what we were looking for....Zeolite.


I won't get into a lot of the geologic details of the treasures we found. While there is so much to learn about all that you stumble across when rockhounding, I'm one of those that is initially just happy to find unique pretty treasures. I do love learning about the scientific aspects of rocks and minerals, but I am by no means an expert. There really is a lot to it and part of the excitement is definitely exploring more about my finds.

The area we were at was littered with unique zeolite crystals.


It was a great place to bring a novice rockhound because while you had to poke around a bit, there were many many cool discoveries easily found.

We enjoyed a short time marveling at all that we were seeing. As is my norm, I was so taken with scouring that I neglected to take field pics.

I even found a makeshift planter that a lovely little moss had chosen to make home, a burly bolt from one of the power lines that traversed the area.


We picked up a few pretty pieces and headed out on the rest of our hike.

~Thankfully there were signs to guide us back to the trailhead ;)

Nature never ceases to amaze me. On the way back to the car we crossed one of the many meandering streams that crisscross the oak savanna. I happened to look down, and thanks to the sun noticed a familiar glimmer. I had heard that there was quartz in this area but had never seen more than a chip here and there. As I looked up the muddy stream bottom I noticed all sorts of chunks sticking up. We poked around a bit but decided to save this area for future exploration.

Here is a sampling of the treasures I brought home.


I have learned from past expeditions that the joy is really in what you take in and not what you take home. These tiny specimens will be a nice reminder of the day and the special time shared with my friend.

Treasures come in all forms. While the handful of material things I took away were beautiful, I was more treasured by the day spent with my friend and the opportunity to share a hobby that I love.

I hope that all of you reading have layers of excitement that you find in the world and that you have a good friend to share them with.


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Thank you so very much @geopolis :) Am hoping to bring more content in the future.

I love your pictures! Lovely view and I love trees xx

Hey Emily :)

I thought zeolite is volcanic ash? I take it as a supplement- absolutely brilliant to get toxins out of your body. It's also used in industrial applications as a chelating agent.
Is this the same thing?

Hi Lizelle. Good to be back to steemit after quite a few very busy days. Hope all is well with you :)
While I am not a geologist nor minerologist from what I have read it is volcanic ash but that over time has reacted with alkaline ground water to come into fruition. All different types of minerals are classified as zeolites. I'm not sure the exact classification of the ones that we found. I know that they use different zeolite for all types of applications due to its amazing absorption capacities. It can absorb toxic chemicals and even radiation. Apparently it was also the primary source for cat litter for many years.
I have been really curious about all of the physiological benefits but unfortunately haven't read too much on it. I imagine that it's industrial chelating properties would very well carry over to the human body system.

I always have a hard time trying to figure out which technical facts I should add to my posts so seem to stick to hoping I've sparked someone to go read more about it.

This is interesting, I also take the Zeolite powder.

Zeolites have so many uses. I will definitely have to go read up on the physiological advantages of them.

It is so fun to see such a landscape without snow these days when I'm covered in it! These rocks that you find keep amazing me! Only solid granite over here! :)

One of the first studies attempted in college was geology. I remember learning about all of the amazing geological formations of Scandinavia. The beauty and geologic phenomenon of the fjords of Norway will always be etched in my mind just as they are in your landscape. You may not have small scale wonders like we have here, but the big scale landscape you have is simply breathtaking.

That is true! The Norwegian Fjords truly are breathtaking and even though I visit them from time to time, I never seem to stop being amazed! You should come and see them sometime! :)

I definitely have a visit on my bucket list. I have always dreamed of a spending a summer hiking through Scandinavia, maybe with a little trip down to the Swiss Alps.
I just started following @photovisions and he has some beautiful pictures of Norway. You sure are blessed to live in a beautiful place.

Hiking in Scandinavia sounds like a great plan! The Alps as well. There are so many places to visit. Thanks for the tip about photovisions, yes we are lucky to live here, but seems like you're lucky as well :)

How cute is that little moss planter!

You found some nice specimens, what are you going to do with them? Your hike looks really fun - such a beautiful landscape and day.

My entire home is filled with specimens I have found. I'm like a crow...anything pretty I find I like to add to my nest. I'm trying to be better about it though and not be such a collector. I do some lapidary work though and use some of the pretties I find to make jewelry.

Have you posted any of the jewelry you've made yet? I'd like to see them ;)

This looks so much like Montana I had to go digging around to see where you are! So pretty. Its still snowy as heck here, so not as much plant life yet but there's some. I love lichen, rocks, moss, tree bark. ... you have captured a lot of my faves here ! :) I have never been good at finding crystals though. But I do take home interesting little rocks of other types, quite often!

It's so hard to resist taking home those pretty little treasures. We have had such a mild winter so far and I have been trying to bask in it as much as I can in case it turns. I do love winter but am happy for the sun as well.
Have you ever tried looking for rockhounding suggestions in your area? I'm not too sure of what there is in Montana but I imagine there might be some adventures to be had.
Thanks for checking out my little posting :) Love connecting with others with the same interests. Lots more nature to come. It's kind of my lifeblood.

I love nature so much as well. My thing is I was raised in a city so I still have fear of the animals and honestly of running into weird people too, so I never go far into any back country. But there are still plenty of places to hike that I am comfortable. I need to find a little group or something to help me get out there more. I wonder if there's a rockhounding club or something. I do know of a couple areas to get smokey quartz but just scared lol. I have also been working a really all consuming job for a couple years so not enough time to coordinate with others ..that's all changed now so it seems like an awesome goal for this summer. I pray we don't get bad fires again! That ruined last summer. We we're breathing bad smoke from early July thru October :(. I hope this year is more of a full summer before the fires hit at least .

I really hope you find ways to get out and overcome those fears. I'm right there with you about heading out to the wilds alone. I try to take baby steps and build up my courage. The animals generally want nothing to do with filthy humans but I too am sketched about other humans. Bringing a buddy is always the way to go.
I just left my all consuming job as well. One would think that I would have more time on my hands to do everything I had neglected. Turns out that freedom has been like opening Pandoras box and I'm simply overwhelmed with what has been stifled for all these years. Time has just been flying by.
I too hope the wildfires are subdued this year. We had the same experience here in the Willamette Valley of Oregon. The smoke just sat here for weeks and weeks. My other half is a wildland firefighter so I am constantly monitoring all the fire stuff throughout his work season. Everyone got slammed this year. It's just the pits.
I hope you find a good hiking buddy and get out there into the wilds. There is no freer feeling than being in nature away from the hustle and bustle of "life"

The same exact phenomenon is happening to me too! I want to make up for lost time and i am kinda wearing myself out trying to do it all! Today was a burnout day i was just a blob and it felt so wasted, haha but even in the happier life we need breaks and i need to remember that and not push so hard every day. I made a bunch of art this week and that seems to have worn me right out! I will focus hard for hours because i am so happy to finally get to. Anyway yes you are so right about nature feeling very free! Coincidentally i went to a coffee shop today and ran into an old friend who had an opposite life schedule from me for the years of my job. We realized we can hang out now! She said she would love to take me hiking, she grew up here and is not afraid so thats why i thought to ask her! So we are going to try to do something next week! Funny how life works, right?

It's just delightful how life works when we let the callings of our souls guide us. Intention is such a sacred thing. I was so scared to leave my soul sucking career. It was one of the most heartbreaking decisions I've ever made. I had nightmares for weeks. I felt like such a failure. It was a field that I had passion for, working with people I loved but the expectations were too high and the company was crumbling around me and my all was no longer making even a drop in the bucket. Now on the other side I have this empty slate. Everything I love and have passion for is crowding around me lobbying for my time. It's overwhelming but the feeling is a different kind of stress. It really has made me look at the patterns of expectations I push on myself. So much to do and what seems like so little time. At the end of the day when I put my head on the pillow, I may be exhausted, but it is a completely different feeling than the exhaustion I felt before. Going to sleep knowing that I am spending my energies reinventing myself rather than being raped of my energy for someone else's livelihood is priceless.

Same same same! I am a social worker. I was a therapist in a school. I gave notice in December but didn't finally leave until just a couple weeks ago. The feeling is similar . I am going through the same process. I am trying meditation to help me align better .. but yes I feel more whole now attending to my own wishes for the first time really since my son was born 16 years ago. It's difficult facing my fears and self sabotage is real...but every day I have little triumphs treating myself better around those high expectations! I feel like a kid in a candy shop as far as all the things I want to do, I get overwhelmed about what to pick.

What a lovely post @mle777 - it sounded like you had such a nice time with your friend 😁 I go with Helen; although I enjoy our snow, looking at your photos make me happy to anticipate spring. 🌸

Thank you Michele. It really was a fun time. Im sure you and Helen have all sorts of great adventures. I am really looking forward to seeing what Spring looks like in Norway :)