Video Games That started it all

in #gamer7 years ago (edited)

I was once a Gamer


I have a 15 year old son, that thinks I am old and out dated. I just don't get todays video games. See I grew up during the birth of video games. I mean who hasn't played Donkey Kong


Yeah, we had fight games, they are nothing like todays fight games, I mean who didn't love Street Fighter


Or even Mike Tyson Punch out. Now this was a classic game and boy was it fun


Yeah I know the graphics are a little simple and plan but they did what they where supposed to do. I mean they wern't as bad as TRON


And Not even close to Asteroids, man that game had shitty graphics.


Centipede, yeah I said it, who hasn't played this one. Every leval looked the same just faster


What about Super Mario Bros, this one is still a classic to play.


You haven't play a video game until you play this one


Thats right, Galaga. Everyone wanted to have the highest score on this one.

I can remember that first Atari I got, I bet I was 10 maybe 11 years old.


I can remember playing Pac-Man on the Atari and even though Pac-Man Never changed the way he was facing it was cool, some power pellets got eaten from the front and some got eaten from the back. See Pac-Man didn't change the direction he was looking.

Then the one and only,,,, Nintendo came out.


This thing changed the gaming world forever. Even if you had to blow in the game cartridge to get it to work.


Man those were the good ole days.

I am an old school gamer for life.

What's your favorite old school game?

follow me @raybrockman

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My games were Galaga and Mrs Pacman. But i was especially badass at stand-up Galaga when there was a good “fire” button. I fucking slayed Ray, like mega-bigtime!!!


Throw in the double fighter with double fire power.... look out.

I played a lot of Donkey Kong as well, plus “Frogger” and a little “Defender.” Good times!

Defender was pretty sweet. But nothing like Galaga!!!

There’s a galaga machine in a bowling alley near me... we had my son’s b-day party there and i took a roll of quarters. After everyone taking a turn it was time for @thedamus to try... well after blowing through the first challenge round (level 3) without even a scratch, the kids started getting ornery. I had to throw the game.

But i’ll be back there soon! Boo ah ha ha!!!

Oh, I was boss at Frogger!

Full bonus points every challenge round!!!

Ha! Good memories of having to blow in to those damn cartridges! I grew up playing the same games and I even play some if the new ones. Or at least I did. I used to play Destiny, Call of Duty on the PS4 but a lot but I have faded away from playing them as much. My neuroligist actually recommended playing video games to help keep my mind and hand to eye coordination sharp. LOL We've came a long ways since Duck Hunt, my friend!

Duck hunt! How good I forget that one.... thanks for stopping by badit.

Just stopping by to personally thank you for all the support
you've shown me...

COIN MAN @pocketechange

Anyone here a fan of the Odyssey? That was the precurser to Atari...and was awesome!

Yeah and Odyssey2 had games similar to atari...kc munchkin to pacman, pick axe pete for donkey kong et al.

Demon Attack and Baseball were the best! I actually thought Pick Axe Pete was better than Donkey Kong. Your axe would go away and you needed a key. It was harder.

Ahhhh.. hell yeah

This whole thread is bringing back the nostalgia. But what the heck happened to Donkey Kong in that pic you posted?!?

Every single game and gaming system you put on this post I played a lot! As a kid I remember my dad's friend had the standup Donkey Kong arcade game in his garage. He was the COOLEST guy ever to me at the time!

I'm old school too :)

A lot of favorites come to mind: Metroid, Mike Tyson's Punch Out, Super Mario Brothers.

Welcome to the club. Good ole days.

My first console was a commodore 64 when i was 6 and best game was heli comand i played that to death!

You had to blow the dust off of that pic Owen. Thanks for bringing up the memories.

Galaga is a great game, was playing that some years ago with my son on one of this retro joystick consoles you could pick-up for $15. Just those twists of getting the extra ship/shooter and the enemy ships looping under you, very cool.

Very cool game, thanks for dropping by.

Brings back a lot of memories,I still have my atari console!

I like games. Video game attraction the kids and also me. Following you and upvoted. Thanks for sharing the post.

games of life...who support it...

love it..


Pac man was always my favorite!

Dude this reminded me! You can go to and earn a little Steem for playing pac man! It is addicting! It takes a little to get used to, but is fun!

Great post, reminded me of so many memories.Those were the days indeed! Asteroids and galaga are classics. Wish I still had my atari! My favorites were definitely Defender, Asteroids, Kaboom, Qbert... Not forgetting Tank, it was so simple but so much fun.

All games very good, u remember me my childhood.

Classics are coming back bud! I'd play every one of these games right now and have a blast 😎 I never could beat Tyson in MTPO, so hard

Very nostalgic. I remember one Christmas morning I got Dragon Warrior for my NES, I spent the entire day playing that. So much that by dinner time my brain was fuzzy. @ironshield

Mario, street fighter, love this game in childhood

Great post that brings back memories that in my business was the best time of my life! My parents bought an Atari 2600 to be shared between my older brother and sister... I was only 5 years old at the time and that's where my interest in gaming began. I personally think alot of the games back then was better than most today. I will have to admit that World of Warcraft is my favourite of all time.

Thanks for the walk down memory lane with this great post, @raybrockman!

My brother in law got this Atari retro thing for Christmas, we played hours of centipede and asteroids on it yesterday. We also hit up space invaders, missile commander and many other lame graphic games. It was all about high scores and getting to the farthest board. But man the graphics look even worse on a 50" TV. We used to play it on 12" ones lol

I use to try to play super Mario work my best friend. If I didn't go first is be lucky if I got a turn. He new all the short cuts and cheats so he could beat the game in less than 20 minutes. Also side note do to you know how mad I was when I realized I couldn't play duck hunt on my flat screen!

I remember those games.

I still have my TurboGraphix 16. It was the balls. 16 bit graphics in the age of 8 bit. But there was one that was my favorite, it was basically Zelda but with racing, called Final Lap Twin. And their flagship game Kieth Courage, lol. I wonder my old RF converter thing will work on new TV's, you had to have it hooked up then put the TV on channel 3.

I would have to say my favourite game would be Mike Tyson Punchout! So much fun punching the crap out of Glassjoe! Lol

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