The power of this community. No pictures, no hoo haw....just a reflection and a link to an amazing post!

in #freewrite7 years ago

I have been on this platform for just over two weeks. While I am not deeply engrossed into the whole cryptocurrency thing, and clearly don't have as much time as some to invest in my postings or more importantly letting others know how much I appreciate their posts, I have already found so much here.

I love creativity. I see so much of that reflected here in the steemit community. That in itself has been such a gift.

I love learning. Whether it's building upon that which I already know or sparking new interests, that's my jam. I like content that challenges old beliefs and sparks new ones. This platform is seething with opportunity in all regards.

I love sharing and giving. That always sounds super cheesy to write, but it's undeniably true for me.

The feeding of the aforementioned passions of mine could easily keep me coming back over and over, but it is the hidden little unexpected gems I encounter that lock me in.

I've been busy and haven't had a chance to check my feed, let alone post the last 24 hours. Tonight I made it a point to at least come and skim through and get a dose of the awesomeness before bed. A few posts in and I was taken. A woman that I have been following since shortly after I arrived on steemit had posted a story about her father. Not only was the story ever so eloquently written but it did the one thing that I think most of us desire in this world, it created an emotional thread that connected us. As I read the raw pouring out of her recount of a lifetime relationship with her father I was beguiled by the way it touched so many emotions in me. This is the gift of a good story teller, to touch that underlying place in us. A fiction writer can get to that place the same way a non-fictional writer does, but that underlying emotional thread that connects us to another person is undeniable when their story is true and personal.

As I said earlier....I was only to hop on here for a few and skim through my feed, but just couldn't get to bed without paying homage to a wonderful writer and a beautiful soul for sharing such an amazing story.

I hope I am not overstepping my boundaries by mentioning her post. I figure not since that is why we put what we put on here, to release it out to the universal body of the platform, and beyond.

So if you have time, I strongly encourage you to go read @earthmother 's story....

Goodnight fellow steemians, and thank you for all the awesomeness.


Thank you so much. I am so touched, honoured and grateful.
I am so glad we have connected. Thank you for your support as well. Sweet dreams!

I agree with you, that with spending some time in here it's possible to discover so many interesting people and posts. I can be inspired and moved! What I've also learned form my two weeks in here is that it's not only the greatest post being upvoted most. Many posts don't get the credit they need while some posts get a lot of upvotes without being that awesome. I think that's a bit sad, it proves you need to know the right people in here, and that again might cause some "fake" followers and upvotes. What I love is that it's kept real and that great content is rewarded, bad not... But I guess that's an impossible dream. A bit off, just needed to share my thoughts! :) Helen

Tonight I made it a point to at least come and skim through and get a dose of the awesomeness before bed.

I love it. This is so true for me too.. not necessarily before bed, but its what keeps drawing me back to steem... the sincerity, kindness and sharing that is encouraged here :) Thanks for recommending this story.. off to read it!

Was really a touching story. This platform has too much to offer....I am so overwhelmed at times. I hope you enjoyed her heartfelt tribute. So blessed to have encountered so may amazing beings on here.