CPS & the Children's Defense Funds: A Partnership To Destroy Families

in #familyprotection7 years ago

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The fact that Child Protective Services destroys families by removing children on no more than rumors and whims is bad enough, but what concerns me is what becomes of the children after the "advocates" get their hands on them. The abuse they suffer in foster care is often (and usually, it seems) far worse than what they experienced at home- if any abuse occurred at all. CPS couldn't have accomplished it at all without help from non-governmental organizations (NGO's) such as the Children's Defense Fund (CDF). This is the reason that these advocacy groups such as the CDF are so dangerous... as long as they can hold their dinners for wealthy patrons and parade two or three "success stories" in front of TV cameras, it shows that the system works- while children who aren't at the gala dinners pay, often with their lives.

A closer look at the CDF show that they are less advocated for children and more centered in destroying families and replacing them with governmental agencies. First, the CDF validates CPS by creating a perception of widespread child abuse. It's axiomatic that if there's no child abuse, there's little or no need for CPS- the two organizations work off each other. Like all governmental institutions, CPS competes for a portion of the financial pie... the more prevalent the child abuse (or perception thereof) the bigger the slice of the pie. That's where CDF comes in... the CDF is responsible for the "no child left behind" programs.

The brainchild of Marion Wright Edelman, a holdover from the anti-war protests of the 1960's, the CDF has become one of the most well funded and powerful lobbying groups in Washington DC, boasting powerful people such as Hillary Clinton, prior to becoming First Lady, was the Chair. The CDF was instrumental in legislation killing school choice. According to Ms. Edelman it would take money away from "proven programs." (Proven to do what, one may logically ask). Ms. Edelman wants the State to become the parent of America's children. Conversely, the family would be "transformed" into unwitting accomplices in the Humanist's nefarious social engineering experiment. She wants to replace "private charity" with what she calls "public justice." Note the use of the word justice- it has a double meaning here. Every decent American (an overwhelming majority) believe in the Constitutional concept of justice. However, what Ms. Edelman is referring to is distributive justice- which asks the question: how should we distribute scarce resources? What the CDF is really concerned with is how to get you to fund more of their Humanist agenda. In other words how can families be replaced by government.

One glaring inconsistency in the CDF ideology is that the government doesn't actually raise children... it is "farmed" out to foster families who are rarely investigated (except in the most cursory manner) before receiving children from the state. Child abuse in foster care is far more rampant than in nuclear families. The CPS is responsible for more deaths per capita of children than nuclear families by more than 2 to 1. Moreover sexual abuse has skyrocketed. In the 1990's and up until her death in 2010, State Senator of Georgia Nancy Schaefer was investigating CPS.

After releasing her findings, CNN began an investigation into sex trafficking in Atlanta (where Sen. Schaefer was formerly Mayor) but when Ms. Schaefer and her husband died in a mysterious murder/suicide, the investigation abruptly stopped. The Schaefers were devout Christians who friends told reporters would never even contemplate suicide... to many, their deaths are attributed directly into her ongoing investigation into CPS. It is inarguable that child abuse is a terrible thing, however when the government agency charged with keeping children safe become the abusers and "advocacy groups" such as the CDF remain silent, even supportive, it makes one wonder.

GIF by @papa-pepper



Governments around the world,
are using "Child Protection Agencies"
to take children away from loving families
and place them in foster care or group homes.
This post has been Resteemed and Upvoted by @familyprotection

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Thank you @richq11 for supporting @familyprotection

Thank you so much and I will pledge more SBD when I get a respectable amount!

I concur, and have seen these findings in person.

What really irks me is that the people who really are abusing their children will rarely lose them. As they will lawyer up immediately and never let CPS into their homes.

It is the trusting people who think they have nothing to hide that get destroyed.

Further, the worst people, the ones who psychologically torture their own children, never have their children taken away. They know exactly what to say to CPS, and there is never any real evidence. So, the children that need the help the most, are the ones who are least likely to ever receive the help.

On a scale of 0-10 of how well CPS is doing, they deserve a -10.

Then there's the other side of the coin... neglect- it wouldn't be PC to remove children from single parent homes where the parent is black or gay.

Thanks for posting this. So crazy that she lost her Senate seat for her report. I wonder if it can be found online. Crazy that her death was declared a murder/suicide. There is definitely something fishy going on. CPS is definitely a system that needs to be overhauled.

It stinks! It's a conspiracy (I hate to use that word) world-wide to destroy families because families (values) are what makes cultures strong and that's antithetical to governments.

Very true. And they use TV, movies, music to start breaking down those family units. Kids cartoons make parents look so dumb. It's crazy.

THis will tell you why... It's all a part of the same strategy, CPS is only one small (but very important) facet of a globalist agenda. I know I sound like a nutty conspiracy theorist, but these people don't make any secret about it.



It isn't really much better here, or anywhere else for that matter. During the war in Serbia kids were snatched up and trafficked for sex. The same in Haiti after the earthquake in 2010... All of the wars going on means displaced kids that are being trafficked... and the deaths are great for organ harvesting (that's the new drug) The CIA took over the drug trade from the mafia in the 70's, first heroin then cocaine- now it's kids and organs... anything to make a buck. In the US kids are taken from loving homes and sold on the black market.

Thanks for putting together this background information on the CDF which also gives us more info with regards the CPS, it's always good for people to be educated about the system they are dealing with.

Thank you! I'm doing one today about CPS being used as a p[olitical tool.

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good writing @ richq11 .

Thanks for such a nice awarness post. very good job

i should familly potection always.. i think one man get protect from one family..i appreciate to your concept..

Thanks for posting this. great post..