The @FamilyProtection Community is Growing Strong. Plus An Important Annoncement.

in #familyprotection7 years ago (edited)


I do believe that state-backed 'Child Protection' agencies will one day have to answer to a huge online community.

People who have come together to support and protect families from the ever increasing threat of having their children taken by an organisation whose only goal seems to be keeping foster homes and group homes full to the brim for maximum profit.

In a short space of time, @familyprotection has proven that even in this relatively small online community it appears there are many voices from people who have been terrorised by the CPS gang.

We have also seen a large number of people coming forward to help us spread awareness. These are people who recognize the importance of getting suppressed information out to people who are completely unaware or refuse to believe it's happening.

Post after post filled with thousands and thousands of words all with one message,



@familyprotection is succeeding by bringing together these people and their stories to the blockchain, a place where we will not be muted, threatened or made to feel alone. A place where we can get the support and encouragement that's needed when backed up into a corner by the legal kidnappers.

We at @familyprotection, are very confident that as Steemit grows, so will we, and when crypto-currencies go to the moon, not only will we have a huge support network of people ready to help but we'll also have some serious funds that could actually help families stay together.


Linda, @canadian-coconut is in charge of all finances and has been doing a fantastic job with investing some of the donations we receive in various other cryptos that all seem to be going up. Well done Linda!

One of the Great thing about our foundation is that all the funds we raise are transparent and accounted for on the blockchain.

Here is a breakdown of all the funds we have raised and where they are, but we also encourage that go take a look for yourself.

Our family-protection Bitshares wallet has various
coins that are currently worth:
6,770.99 BTS = $1,168


We also have 608 steem = $1,046



@officialfuzzy with 200 Beyondbit coins deposited to our Bitshares Wallet

@kryptocoin with 93 SBD + 3 x OMG's

@crosheille with 50 SBD

@tonyr with 15 SBD

@richq11 with 20 SBD

@joalvarez with 10 SBD

@steeminganarchy with 25 SBD

@progressivechef with 5 SBD

@tecnosgirl with 5 SBD

@madlenfox with 0.5 SBD

@fishyculture with 2 SBD

@markwhittam with 117 SBD

@daudimitch with 10 SBD

@apanamamama with 5 SBD

@em3 with 12 SBD

@nainaztengra with 10 SBD

And a huge thank you to @fulltimegeek for delegating 15k to @markwhittam to help support @familyprotection

If we have missed anyone please comment on this post.

** TO OUR AUTHORS: Because #familyprotection posts often receive one or more generous whale votes, and therefore likely earn more than your average Steemit post, PLEASE consider being equally generous by returning some or all of the liquid half of your rewards back to the initiative.

























@familyprotection are already helping families stay together.

When we started @familyprotection we assumed it would be some time before we were in a position to start helping families but as we speak, both I, @markwhittam and Linda, @canadian-coconut are currently involved in 2 separate cases of miss-justice by CPS. Details to be announced very shortly.

Believe in family protection,

Support family protection,

Be a part of Family Protection.


I have donated my time to write this post for @familyprotection, anyone who feels they would like to do the same just contact me or Linda.

Together, we will make a difference.

Support @familyprotection

Hey @markwhittam great post , thanks for your time to write this post and to keep the people informed . I really support your movement in the community and would love to contribute something of value .

I support @familyprotection , @canadian-coconut , @fulltimegeek

Keep doing what you are doing

Hello @markwhittam,

I think am interested.

I'm interested in doing the same thing
@markwhittam, @familyprotection, @canadian-cocunut I can be reached on discord and steemitchat with same username @samiwhyte

Very much interested. I am in a country in which children are constantly being taking from their own parent in the bid that they want to help them train them in the city but they are used for servant and maid in return with money.

What a shameful thing in this world, we must bring am end to this, the world will be a better place for these kids if we all join this fight for familyprotection.

Yes.... Join this fight is all we need.

Thank you Mark for taking the time to create this progress report and share it with us. I’m overjoyed to see how fast this community has grown and how many supporters continue to hop on board. It’s so great to see so many writers come forward to help spread awareness. I can’t thank you and Linda enough for all of the work you do with this. I look forward to hearing about the cases you are already involved in and supporting.

Thank you for also reaching out to us and announcing your wishes that we would give back generously a portion or all of our liquid half. I normally let my SBD build up
and give a portion for the cause but I will also start giving back all of my liquid half to help build up this initiative. I’ve noticed @kryptocoin doing this and I will follow and do the same :) Thank you again for what you are doing for families in need. I’m so glad to be apart of this team. ❤️

You are awesome and we are so glad to have you on this team!We really appreciate it @crosheille !

It’s my delight and pleasure! 😊

Thanks for the mention.. I'll probably write up an article featuring how much they have cost me in order to see my children and defend myself. I'll show a picture of the greedy fee's from the lawyers that CAS requested to have present.. - ALL OVER ALLEGATIONS OF ME SPANKING MY KIDS! Whether or not you agree with spanking (which I won't even TRY NOW), it's legal in ONTARIO.. but banned by CAS! They don't even follow the LAW!

What a nightmare!
Yes, the more you and others like you share their experiences,
the more people will change their belief-system that says Social Services is actually there to help families.

For every story that I hear of children whose lives were actually improved by Social Services, there seem to be an extraordinary number more whose lives were made worse if not destroyed.

If children where to be synonymous to a country and village, I would say they have saved a Village few and destroyed a Country many.

This is the best analogy I have ever seen. I hold so much anger and frustration and I try not to cry knowing what they do to families. I pray the funds made here will be used to somehow fight the system. Lobbying will never help.

Oh wow. That is not cool at all. I will be watching your blog for that post. So crazy and so sorry you've had to go through that.

I am all about family! I support this message!

Fortunately, I have never seen any CPS events (good or bad). But I can see how power can be misused and parental rights should be respected most!
I am following! I will start to read some of the resteamed posts as I get a chance! Thank you and the work you are doing!

This is only the beginning. Think of how far we can go! it boggles my mind not just the work that needs to be done but the great crew like @markwhittam,@kryptocoin, @canadian-coconut @familyprotection and others who make a difference. Thank you for working selflessly for the good of children, families and those who cannot speak. The future looks so bright as a team. JUSTICE WILL WIN IN THE END!

Family Protection 101
(Learn how to take ownership of yourself and loved ones)

I can help anyone here with the process of getting your paperwork to claiming your children back. (Getting the Deed back)

You do not own your child right now, the State does, you are only the caregiver in their eyes/laws. (by Deed)

Claim back the "Live Birth Registration document" (the document you signed to get a birth certificate) request one online from the State or Province your child was born in."Vital Statistics" cost about $30 to $50 depending on State or Province. BC is $50 Victoria, Manitoba is $35 Winnepeg

Then take the Live birth registration document to a Notary to be signed, dated and stamped. cost: $30 to $50

Then send letter requesting authentication processs to Foreign Affairs to have the Notaries signature Authenticated. (make sure to send a pre-paid stamped envelope with your address for them to send the documents back to you)

When you receive the documents back, that document you now hold is PROOF of your ownership (Deed to your child) and the only proof that your child is a live Human being.

Not property of the State.

This is all good information to learn and possibly enact.

However, I do not see how it would protect children from being taken away by Social Services / CPS.
In fact, it might even be what puts your child on their radar.

I have seen with my very own eyes, helping people, that they break every law of Canada. They already have zero respect for the well-known and obvious laws ... so they will certainly not respect a law that they have never heard of.

You may win your case in court eventually, but only after your children have already stayed in Foster Care for well over a year. In fact, I just left a comment elsewhere the other day of a friend of mine whose husband was falsely accused by a vengeful neighbour, causing the child to be taken away, and even although 2 years later he won his case in criminal court, and the judge LAMBASTED the Social Workers for making shit up ... the MCFD would STILL not return the child. They claimed that they did not believe the judgement and they were not going to return the child. It was only once the child tried to kill herself because they told her that she would never return home, that they finally let her go home so that she didn't kill herself on their watch and cause bad publicity.

In summary, it is a worthy discussion to discover the benefits of not registering your child in the system,
but it will not stop these monsters -- and that is what they are -- MONSTERS!

OH WOW!!!! That is horrible!! It hurts me to hear that people can tear a family appart so 'easily'.

@canadian-coconut I had come to find you because @public-eye sent me to you. He says you are the go to lady here on Steemit. One of a handful that he recommended to me!

I don't know how active I will be on here. I gave up most Facebook and all 2 years ago. But steemit sounds neat and he has convinced me that it is worth my while.

So I came up with the name from an organization(Optimism Intl) that my aunt had been in years ago. I thought it would be neat to start a Steemit branch of Opti-Mrs to promote active and strong morals ladies out here!

anyway, hello..... I will work on my intro post in next week. Any other great ladies you can recommend that I follow?? Thanks!

(oh... I got setup because @acidyo made an offer to help out setup new accounts! It was so wonderful of him. Very easy with his help!)

Welcome to Steemit! I have now followed you and look forward to reading your Intro post.

Thank you! I appreciate it very much!

Hello Linda, wish you and the family happy holidays.

Yes good information to know and enact.
The online process of request for Live birth registration is annonoumus/ no radar.

It's hard to wrap one's head around that the birth certificate is your registration/ just like registering your car/boat ect... they/State controls registrations. thats their job.

Yes, I agree they are MONSTERS for breaking up loving families with lies.

Best to do this process before ever having a problem with Social Services, your on radar.

You asked how does this protect children.? well without registration papers to take or conduct any child social services can't do anything without being in possession of that record and can not come after any child.

Again, they/State MONSTERS believe they are acting on your behalf because We give our children to them.... thru the Birth certificate process.
Its a DEED. a contract.
Get it back and claim rightful ownership as Mother or Father.
but first you must get your own DEED/birth certificate back if you have not yet; before you can claim your child.

We/You can and Will beat these Monsters!

thank-you and I wish you a Merry Crypto-Christmas too!

I wonder if they would be able to snatch say the child of a tourist, whose papers they do not have access to, if they thought the child was in danger. Or perhaps they can get those papers from Immigration somehow.

I have also heard horrible stories of how possibly human traffickers are using children who are themselves born of slaves. So these children have no papers and when they are killed, there is nobody to report missing.
If the police were to find some of these children (and I think that they have begun to makes arrests like this in the USA recently), would they not hand those children over to State CPS care? It doesn't seem that they would simply put the children out on the streets because they have no birth certificates.

Also, if someone put in a report of an abused child, locked up in a house, but nobody has any idea who the child is because there is no record of the people living there having any children; are you saying that they would not investigate just because they don't have a name and therefore don't have a birth certificate or registration?

... just trying to wrap my head around how not having a Birth Certificate works.
Thanks for your help.


You have noted the inconsistencies with the claim that CPS needs any paperwork to seize children they can't just make up on the spot.

The courts are tools the wealthy can use against the poor, and institutions like CPS are possessed of vast wealth. Family courts are the most corrupt of all in the system.

If your family is threatened, or has been attacked by the CPS, get the best lawyer - and get references from people you can trust! - to fight.

Don't play paper games with your kids lives. Don't be a paper tiger - be a real tiger mom!

Your kids are worth far more than money.

Just ask them.

I cannot agree more that things that cause CPS to sense your kids vulnerability to their seizure is critical to avoid. In my case a divorce in which my ex claimed all sorts of abuse caused my oldest to be seized by CPS - after I was granted sole custody.

They refused to honor the judges order, and I was actually arrested for kidnapping - after my ex's family shot at my child!

The happy ending was that my ex's parental rights were terminated, and I was never officially charged with any crime, despite being arrested and transported to downtown Houston TX at 4:30 am, a place where I had never been before, and knew no one.

Texas Fathers for Equal Rights stepped up and rendered more assistance to me than I probably know they did. All I know is they got me on a plane home, with my son, the next day.

It cannot be stressed enough that divorce and dissolution proceedings are often a cause of CPS taking advantage to seize children. I and my kids were fortunate, yet even after that CPS occasioned my having to act to prevent them from coming after my family.

There is a market for children, and the news is sadly full of horrible examples. CPS is a primary supplier for this market.

Don't let your kids become commodities!

Thanks for all you do!

You mean madam, this is what happen in CANADA literally? Why they did not return the child! And the child is so prustrated... They are not just a monster! They are more than that!

yes, it is a terrible situation that even most Canadians don't realize.
The organization is supposed to protect abused children, but instead they treat every parent like they are an abuser, even when there is no evidence of it.

Correct! They must protect! It appears that they are against the rights of a person. I can't imagine the situation! I am trying to think right now for the other solution for this... But as I see, the government must know about this then act!

It's bothering me...

Because many Filipinos are living there now in CANADA and they are citizens there. And I've also heard about the treatment of children and yet I have seen videos but only 2.

What is the better solution for this...
Even more slowly, the case should move. This is heartbreaking for me!

Proverbs 22:6
6 Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Hi @healthiswealth!

Not that I think parents should own their children, but we are here to guild and protect them which is why we should never surrender our children to the state.

99% of the population are completely unaware that by regestrating the birth of our children we are in fact surrendering them to the state.

Here is my last post on this birth certificate scam.

Thank you for voicing your opinion on this matter.

Hi Mark, I liked your post you provided. If you don't claim your children or yourself as property the State will/does.

I am a HRD - I teach people how to exercise their Human Rights.

You are not considered a human being without proof. The live birth registration is the only proof there is! For you or your children.

After following the procedure above provided. then you must Notify the State with whats called "Declaration of Understanding"

You must claim yourself no longer as a child but as a wo/man that no longer needs or wants the States help(interference).

Waiting on the details about the legal cases you are involved in, sounds worrying!

Thanks for the mention. I really appreciate what you guys are doing. It is definitely needed in this (scary) world. I hope we can help get the word out to people who just don't think it is as bad as it is. I just wonder how bad it has to get before the masses see the truth. Thanks again for all you do.

It's not only CPS attacking families... I've been writing some articles about the public education system (the NEA, teacher's union), the UN, and CDF (Children's Defense Fund [my next one]) all working in concert to destroy families.

Yes, thank-you for making people aware of those.
What is worse about CPS though, is that you do not have the option to pull out of the system like you usually do with public education, etc.
Every family is at risk of the government kidnappers showing up at their door and snatching their children, without any reasonable excuse.

When I pulled my kids out of public ed my war with CPS just began! I had Phys Ed every day and somebody saw my kids outside on a school day (we were playing soccer) and turned me in. The only thing that saved me I think was having a Masters degree.

Nancy Schaeffer did a good job exposing them... right up until they killed her and her husband!

That's terrible! Where I live we have some of the best homeschooling laws in the world, so I very fortunate not to have to worry about that. My husband also has his Bachelor of Education, and his father was a University Professor -- not that any of that is necessary to homeschool, but it should keep some scrutiny off of us.

That is a lot of education in your family! I have an education degree as well. I think that's the ONLY reason my parents are okay with me homeschooling. It's crazy! I probably have used zero of my education background with my kids. We now use the Charlotte Mason method which I heard NOTHING about in any of my education classes!

I have a friend who was at the Mackinaw Center (a think tank) who did studies on education. He interviewed CEO's from major corporations and their biggest complaint was that nobody coming out of college could write. I taught at a community college for a couple of years and saw the same thing. When I homeschooled I would give the kids a reading assignment and have them write a short paper explaining it. Then we would go over it and correct for grammar as well as the subject matter. That way I could teach several subjects at once. By the time my boys were 12 -14 they were reading Plato and Aristotle.

Oh wow. That is crazy, but I can understand how people aren't able to write. We need to get back to the basics one of these days instead of teaching to the different state mandated tests.

That is crazy and none of their business if you're playing soccer with your kids during school hours! Ah!! So annoying. I used to be a public school teacher but now I homeschool. It is insane how crazy public schooling has gotten over the years. And kids have to be there - so they can get money from the government! If you're homeschooling, you're stealing money from them! ;)

When I took my kids out of public school, one of my son's teachers told me it was the best thing I could have done! They see the travesty... I'll do a post today about the Children's Defense Fund today and tag it familyprotection... It's an educational cartel between the Democrats, the UN (Convention on the Rights of the Child) the teachers union (NEA) and other NGO's to destroy families. Families are the building blocks of societies and a threat to these groups and their agenda!

I look forward to reading it! I'll keep an eye out.

I just hope it's ok to use that tag!

This flag must go high, and our voices will begin to echo and resound through all means possible. FamilyProtection all the way!

Yes! I'm so glad this platform is allowing people to organize against government over reach. Thank you to everyone involved, God bless!


Thank you for doing what you do. There is so much needing to be changed around parental rights. I refused to sign custody over to a same sex couple in Colorado after my daughter's mother signed the papers. I called them to tell them i was coming to get my kid, they put a restraining order on me, and then took custody. I was living off grid, working to create a sustainable world, outside of the toxic conditiongs. I am greatful you are here. And all you who support this vision. It truly means alot to me, and i am sure many more. Blessings to all.

The future bot vote.
Good luck guys... @familyprotection

Family protection is a duty for all of us

Hello @familyprotection,

This is a good organisation. I like it. How can i help?

Hello @canadian-coconut,

Am interested in writing about familyprotection of @familyprotection.

excellent project guys
you guys are amazing. keep it up
and a tip. check out elyte presale
best regards

Waiting on the details about the legal cases you are involved in, sounds worrying!

This is a great community
I just got to know about it
I really want to be part of this great community.@familyprotection

Great content. Thank you for sharing. Please keep it up.

very very good..