Please help this family re-unite by signing this petition. (100% of this post-payout will be returned to @familyprotection)

in #familyprotection6 years ago (edited)

I have been contacted by a lady named Christine Duncan, via FaceBook. I have been quite vocal of late about steemit and the benefits it could bring to helpIng families like this.
Lately, I have been keeping you all up to date with the ongoing story of Debora Milazzo and her own battle to rescue her son from the Social Services in Edinburgh, Scotland. It is because I have been reaching out to those still in Zuckerworld, that my name has cropped up and it appears my efforts have paid off. People are starting to take notice of what I am promoting and it looks like we may have some new members in the not too distant future...


So this is the message I received only a few days ago and it was just before I left to go camping with my family. I made sure to reply and reassured her that I would try to help out when I returned. Obviously, this is what is happening at this very moment in time.

The writing at the top of this picture is a message I posted a while ago. It was when I first saw a post about this family and it seems that Christine has picked up on this and pasted it onto the top of the post.


I do not wish to make gains from this post and nor do I think I deserve to. I just wish help get the signatures needed for this lady to be heard, or at least increase her possibilities if this.As this is my second post of the day and I have much to share with the @familyprotection community over the next few days, I have decided to return the SBD received from this post.

Lawful Rebels, like myself, consider petitions to be a form of begging and that it also validates our enemies status. In the bigger picture of things this will change nothing, but for Christine, it might just get the attention of the right people, who may in-turn help stop what is happening to her family. For that reason alone I am more than willing to break my own code.

So here is the link to Christine's petition and below is the message attached to the petition in question.


These were my babies; happy, healthy, fed, well dressed, under supervision, they had good school reports and fair attendance, regularly in conatct with all family members. My babies were took off me for no other reason than the discrimination of my mental health. After splitting from my ex partner Craig just days before giving birth to my youngest Brooklyn, my mental health started decreasing again. After giving birth I was finding being a young single mother difficult and I cried out for help, I was shouting out to my family and to social services who assured me that it was ok to need/want help and it's ok and natural to struggle. My family helped me, they took me in and they also looked after the children occasionally so that I could have some me time and sort myself out. All of this was manipulated and turned against me by social services.
At the time my ex partner placed an order for no contact with either of the children.

On the 6th March 2015 my babies were snatched from me by social services and given to Craig. The children were under no neglect, no physical, mental or emotional harm. The only thing they had against me was my mental state. As soon as my babies were snatched, my health deteriorated badly. I was in and out of Heddfan doing my very best to get myself better for my babies. I was doing everything that social services were telling me while trying to keep my cool. Occasionally I did loose my patients standing my ground, what mother wouldn't?
My little girl was an emotional wreck after being told she had to go and live with her unbiological father and his latest girlfriend. Kaitlyn at the age of 7 was refusing to go and threatened by the social worker that if she didn't go they would get the police to come. At the age of 7 my daughter was being blackmailed by social services.
After the children moving in with Craig and his partner my contact was little and was supervised. After a while contact was decreasing and becoming a shambles. I was allowed to see my babies when and where Craig wanted me to.
My children are/were only seeing their family when Craig and his partner couldn't cope with all of the children. My sister, 15, was regularly receiving phone calls and texts when Kaitlyn was upset asking if she could have the children overnight or for the weekend. Yet Craig had previously discussed with social workers that he didn't want her taking them because she was too young although I did argue that I personally believed that she was responsible enough.
Both my daughter and my son's grades in school have decreased and their reports have got worse, due to the stress they have been under.
I apparently have no right to attending school plays and doctors appointments which I believe is vital in my babies childhood.
For the 4th time now my little girl has ran away from this household and refused to go back. My daughter has now been at my mother's house for 3 weeks as she ran away because of physical abuse, mental abuse, and neglect (without going into detail with the unimaginable things that she has been through). She now lacks trust in everyone because she thinks that they're setting her up and has been too scared to go to her own school. Craig has been told not to pick her up from school and to not be around her yet my 6 year old little boy and 2 other little girls and still under that roof. Social services has received aligations of Craig doing/selling drugs and have been told from my own children's mouth of the abuse they have been under. Social services wished to keep the children in this house which led to my 10 year old daughter to keep running away.
I applied to court for residency order over both if my children however, Craig didn't reply to any if the letter and the court was adjourned. My little boy has been away form his family for 3 weeks, in a house of supposed danger and social services are doing nothing about it.
There were no drug tests or history checks on either of the guardian's before placing my children in their care and no drug tests or check ups have been done since. I don't want my children being an example of social services just like Baby P was.
Social services need stopping before they tear apart any other families.

Again, here is the link to the petition



Has she said that she might join Steemit? If so, let me know her username.
@familyprotection could pay the 5 Steem to open up her account using so that she doesn't have to wait weeks to get approved.

So nice of you and mark! It doesn't have to necessarily be weeks by the way. Last week I opened an account for my daughter (for the future ) And it took only 3 days to get approved. But I also know people that have been waiting months a while back. But of course right away is much better.. just wanted to give a heads up that it's not always taking that long anymore as it used to ...

Hi ca-co. I will ask her tomorrow. This has just been posted to me the other day and have not had any direct contact with her. I have insisted that she create a profile but was unaware there was now a charge. I will update my message to her on FB and get back to you as soon as she replies. Thanks for the support.
Sorry I get what you mean about the fee(It is late here and my brain is on half power lol)

Awwwn.... So much love from @canadian-coconut. Thanks always coming through for people when they need it the most.

Thank-you @article61 for submitting this post with the #familyprotection tag. It has been UPVOTED by @familyprotection and RESTEEMED TO OUR Community Supporters.

"Child Protection Agencies" are taking children away from their loving families.

This is a great example why some mothers suffer from post partum depression in silence because they fear their child being taken if they speak out. My sister never let on how bad things were for her for this very reason. Luckily, the family were always there for her no matter what and supported her through anorexia and bulimia as best we could.

PS: is this petition on facebook?

I have only been sent the link I was provided, but it was sent to me via FB, so maybe it will be on there if you type her name in.
That was exactly what I suspected in this case, when I 1st read it. This poor woman was going through very bad times, at the worse time it could happen and then they do this. It is shocking and sad to hear your family have been effected by this type of corruption. Thank you for your comment and I hope Christine gets to read it.

Sorry, I didn't mean to confuse, but thankfully we were not affected by this corruption as my sister never said anything to anyone outside the family. She confided her fears in me years later.

It's ok and I understood that. However there is always some kind of effect. Yours is a good example of how a family can help absorb that effect and it would be good for others to hear that.

This post was upvoted and resteemed by @thethreehugs. Thank you for your support of @familyprotection.