TEMPLE THOUGHTS Proverbial Philistines 1 Samuel 7:13.

in #faith7 years ago

So the Philistines were subdued , and they came no more into the coast of Israel : and the hand of the LORD was against the Philistines all the days of Samuel .
Good morning friends, do you remember that fierce warlike Nation that was neighbor to Israel? The Nation that had giants like Goliath and his cousins as champions That was Philistine, and Oh they were such a scourge to Israel.
I've read all the stories of their military engagements with Israel, there were many, but there seems to be a pattern to the outcomes of the contacts. Sometimes the philistines win, slaughtering thousands , and at other times the Israelites will prevail and chase their enemies to the borders of Gaza. The pattern is, Israel win when they are in right standing with God and the philistines win only when God is displeased with His people.
Over the while, I've identified the philistines of cares, worries and fears and their cousins of financial, health, and general social assaults. They all seem to hangout on the fringes of our existence, sometimes they are very quiet neighbors but at other times they viciously attack. There is also a pattern noticed, there is always peace when I am right with God. So I say to myself, keep your borders safe and clear, ensure God is in the camp.
God did not promise us a life of no conflicts, the philistines will always be there in different names but our Father's promise is that He will never leave nor forsake us. All we need is to ensure that we live within the confines of His instructions. As the song says, lock the doors by obedience, and keep out the devil.
Even though we live in a Nigeria of inconsistencies we will fear no limitations for the tabernacle of God is in the midst of His people. His banner over us is love.


God bless you for his word...really inspiring