the impact of illegal logging

in #esteem6 years ago

Indonesia has a forest that is rich in the diversity of population types in it, but over time Indonesia's forests become the most threatened forest in the world.

Undermined by the frequent occurrence of illegal logging. Where it is estimated that 70-75 percent of the harvested timber is logged illegally.

From an economic perspective, illegal logging has reduced state revenues and revenues. It is estimated that the state losses reach 30 trillion per year.


losses due to deforestation

The economic impacts emerging from illegal logging are not only economic losses, but they will have more impact on the economy in a broader sense, such as the use of the opti- mity of the cost.

The real income earned by the community from illegal logging from its illegal activities is small, because the portion of income is picked by the funders (cukong).

losses due to deforestation

The economic impacts emerging from illegal logging are not only economic losses, but they will have more impact on the economy in a broader sense, such as the use of the opti- mity of the cost. The real income earned by the community from illegal logging from its illegal activities is small, because the portion of income is picked by the funders (cukong).

Here are the losses of illegal logging:

Illegal logging or illegal logging also leads to various anomalies in the economic sector. One of the frightening anomalies as a result of the rampant impact of forest crime is the process of industrial deform- ization.

Economic sectors that are conceptually sustainable because they are sustained by renewable natural resources demanded by downstream industrial activities and forest concessions in the upstream sector, are now at the brink of collapse.

Illegal logging is also very dangerous for life, because it is very important as a keeper of the balance of nature. As we have found out about the causes of global warming, which is one example of illegal logging.

Global warming not only comes from motor vehicle fumes but also the opposite of unbalanced forests. We know that the leaves can neutralize carbon dioxide, called forest called the lungs of the world. So if forests are still possible global warming will not happen.

For more details, the Impact of Illegal Logging is as follows:

  1. The loss of soil fertility

As the forest is tripe on its trees, it increases the sun's rays so it becomes very dry and arid. Produce nutrients in volatile soil. In addition, rain can sweep away the nutrients from the soil. Therefore, collecting soil has lost many nutrients, then reforestation becomes difficult and develops to be impossible.

  1. Lower air resources

Trees are helpful in maintaining air circulation, through evaporated tree roots and released into the atmosphere layer. When the trees are cut down and the area becomes arid, then nothing else helps for more air, thus, ultimately leading to a decrease in air resources.

  1. Extinction of biodiversity

Although tropical rainforests cover only 6% of the earth's surface, but about 80-90% of the species are in it. Due to massive logging of trees, there are about 100 species of animals declining each day, the biodiversity of many species, many living things, both animals and plants have disappeared from the face of the earth.

  1. Causes flooding

One of the functions of the forest is to absorb quickly and store large quantities of air that mixes heavy rainfall. But mixing the forests is cleared, this certainly creates the airflow and causes floods and floods that flow into the settlements.

  1. Global Warming

Deforestation also affects global warming. The trees in store carbon dioxide are then used to produce carbohydrates, fats and proteins that make up trees, in this process called photosynthesis.
When deforestation occurs, many trees are burned down, cut down, which plans to release carbon dioxide in them, causing high levels of atmospheric carbon dioxide. By looking at the devastating effects, conservation is necessary and immediate. Continuous exploitation of forests, from the beginning to the present without being accompanied by replanting, causes the forest to be damaged.

Burning liars by humans is one of the major causes of forest restoration.
Supreme is known to us, forests are the sustainers of life on earth, because forests not only provide food or production materials, including oxygen producers, windbreaks, and air reserves.
The conversion of forests into agricultural land is increasingly widespread from the past until now, as well as more uncontrollable deforestation, both for the timber industry, for building materials, household utensils, and for fuels.
We can calculate what the volume of wood for all these needs, and how much of Java is coming in, and how much is produced by Perhutani.

Forest Exploitation in Indonesia

Currently, less than half of Indonesia's forests, this represents a significant decline in the size of the forest initially.
Between 1990 and 2005, the Indonesian state has lost more than 28 million hectares of forest, including 21.7 percent of virgin forest.
The decline of the rich primary forests was second only to Brazil at the time, and since the late 1990s, primary forest eviction has increased to 26 percent. Today, Indonesia's forests are some of the most endangered forests on earth.

The number of forests in Indonesia today is decreasing. The area of ​​the rainforest is declining, starting in the 1960s with a depth of 82 percent, with 68 percent in 1982, to 53 percent in 1995, and 49 percent today.
So it would be very dangerous if there is no danger, it is there to save our forests, which prevent us from preserving and keeping them together.

There are several efforts that need to be done to conserve forests:

  1. Seek reforestation or replanting deforested forests.
  2. Prohibit arbitrary deforestation.
  3. Implement a selective logging system in cutting down trees.
  4. Implementing cutting - planting systems in logging activities.
  5. Apply harsh conditions to those who threaten forest provisions.
    source, geography