in #esteem7 years ago


The miracles attached to the figure of our Ulama Abu Ibrahim Woyla, who by some scholars in Aceh considered that Abu Ibrahim Woyla was a scholar who had reached the level of Wali Allah (Wali Allah). it was recognized Teungku Nasruddin, indeed a lot of reports received by the family recounted about the wonders of the life of Abu Ibrahim Woyla.
It is evident during his lifetime Abu Ibrahim Woyla always went to places where the people always in distress, anxiety and his calamities always exist in the midst of that society, But people have difficulty understanding the intent and purpose of Abu Ibrahim Woyla for what he was to visit places like that, because his arrival did not bring any message or mandate for the people he came to. Abu Ibrahim Woyla only came to pray in the places he visited, said Teungku Nasruddin.

In this case Ustadz (Teungku abbreviated Tgk) Muhammad Kurdi Syam (a resident of Kayee Unoe, Calang who is familiar with Abu Ibrahim Woyla reported that Abu Ibrahim Woyla happened to be walking, he sometimes went into a certain house belonging to the community he was in, he circled the house a few times then stop right in the yard and face himself toward the house with the remembrance LA ILAHA ILLALLAH that did not stop coming out of his mouth, after which Abu Ibrahim Woyla left the house.
No one knows the meaning contained behind it, is it so that the inhabitants of the house avoid the danger that will befall them or pray for the inhabitants of the house to be blessed by God? Wallahu A'lam.
According to Tgk Nasruddin, seen from his life, Abu Ibrahim Woyla seems no longer to need worldly things, he pointed out, if for example Abu Ibrahim Woyla had the money, the money could run out in the blink of an eye distributed to the needy and usually Abu Ibrahim Woyla distributed the money to children in an unexpected amount (same as the practice of the Prophet). Such is the life of Abu Ibrahim Woyla in everyday life. ! [image] () ! [image] ()

Another miracle that makes people unexplained and wonder is about the speed he traveled on foot that turned out faster than a motorized vehicle. It is the habit of Abu Ibrahim Woyla when going everywhere always on foot without using sandals. For people who do not know him can assume that Abu Ibrahim Woyla figure is not normal. Because besides his appearance that is not tidy, his mouth continues to mumble us to recite remembrance while walking.

Tgk Muhammad Kurdi Syam tells of Abu Ibrahim Woyla when walking in Teunom to Meulaboh (a journey that takes 1 to 2 hours by motor vehicle), which strangely Abu Ibrahim Woyla was first arrived in Meulaboh, whereas who had the car knew that there is another vehicle that precedes his car, this incident is not once twice happened, even for people on the west coast who already assume that the excesses of the clerical figure of Abu Ibrahim Woyla sacred extraordinary could not be reasoned by the minds of ordinary people.

because it is not surprising that Abu Ibrahim Woyla is in the market, for example all the merchants in the market are hoping that Abu Ibrahim Woyla can stop at their shop, because they want to get God's blessing through Abu Ibrahim Woyla. But it is not that easy because Abu Ibrahim Woyla had his choice to stop by somewhere. ! [image] ()