joke for the day

in #entertainment7 years ago


<ol> <li><p dir="auto">a young man after drinking after drinking he, went inside the hotel's gent to urinate and on entering the toilet, he saw the reflection of himself on the mirror and shouted Ohhhhhhh<br /> sorry please, somebody is even here and hurriedly came out to wait outside <pre><code> or <li><p dir="auto">a guy who after drinking got up and started searching for his phone all around. He puts on the phones' torch light , the one he is looking for, to enable him look for the the process the same phone rang, he picked up and answered please call me back, i am looking for my phone <pre><code> or <li><p dir="auto">affter drinking, he entered his car and drove off, on*<br /> getting to the major road, he saw a trailer that has been there for for 4 months, he quietly went and park behind the trailer, after three hours, he started shouting<br /> what kind of traffic is this the<br /> thinking he was in a traffic jam. <p dir="auto">have a fun filled week ahead peeps<img src="" alt="CYMERA_20180108_055153.jpg" srcset=" 1x, 2x" />