hahahahahahahahaha i laughed so hard... and can hear you while i'm reading this.
oh maybe cuz.. you're right beside me and i'm .. nevermind.
my baby is a longboarder!!! yayyyy don't listen to the awkward silences!!!! you are a longboarder.
cuz you have it. and i say hold it by those trucks and things. cuz that makes SENSE. be a trendsetter... set the NEW trends. reverse those noobie rules. you make your own cool noob rules. coobies.
hm. ok - well work on the name - but you do you, baby girl!!!
ok @dandays. hehehe come read your new favorite blogger :) she is my daughterrrrrrrrr and so funny hehehe
not as funny as me - but SUUUUUUUPER CLOSE!!!
dang straight i am. he didn't even know what he was talking about.
i am funnier than you I just choose to repress it. humanity can't take it.
awkward silence
um... sure you are!!!!! 😅 yes baby!!! you are anything you want to be!!
Ok but only cuz you said so. I don't have children for a reason.
Then how come you do dad jokes if you don't have kids.. huh??? HUH!!?!