Donation Competition - Win The Lap Top And Donate It... (Prize 10 SBD + Donation) 10 Days - Day #5

in #donation7 years ago (edited)

The aim of this competition is to extend the idea for Steemit blogging. If we give a donation of food or money, when money and food are spent, we have the same problem - a poor family. If you donate a computer and teach people to make good posts and comments, then they begin to get a regular cash flow. I believe that in the first month, every new user can make $ 500, In the beginning, the most money is made on good comments. Steemit with this idea can feed many people, villages, cities and poor countries. I want to launch a human idea because more users bring higher and faster growth to Steem and SBD. I want this competition to grow, to get a global dimension. Now it's only one computer, the next time the prize can be 150-300 SBD - it depends on the support you give me.

The winner of the last competition :


This has been precisely the proposal I made to the Director of the Esuela San José, conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Angel Custodio, Vista Hermosa, Caracas, Venezuela; Based on the old Chinese proverb: "Give a fish to a man and he will eat one day, teach him to fish and he will eat every day", that many of you will know.

In this sense, I urged the Sisters of the San José School to join steemit, but they informed me that they did not count, first with the internet service and second, they do not have even a computer to start.

Two steps have been taken, the request for the steemit key for the @uesanj account was already made; and we already got the donor of the line for the UTP cabling for the internet service.

And God, I find this blessing, the possibility of making a dream come true, not only for the Sisters of the San Angel, but the possibility of setting up a Computer Room, where children from the third to the sixth year, could receive instruction. That's why my participation in being a possible candidate for the kindness of @dobartim and his wonderful project.

Rules for applying :
Rules for recipients of donations :
Place a photo of your family or children to whom you want to donate Lap Top at the place for comments
Make a brief description of why you need to donate Lap Top to them
The number of people you apply is unlimited
In the end - if you are selected for a donation, you should provide material proof that you used the money for that purpose.

You need to be my follower
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Be active on Steem Schools channel Be part of Steemit School Discord Channel: ( Awards are granted live on a discord channel after 10 days, we win together) .

Donor rules ( Everyone can donate how much he wants SBD to support this project ) :
You can donate how much SBD you want
Donations should be sent to my account
We will publicly put your name and amount of donation as a sign of gratitude to each post that will be posted

Rules for winning the prize :
The competition lasts for 10 days

Be active on our Steem Schools Discord Channel : Only judges can vote: @dobartim ( From now I am the only judge of this competition, and I chose winners on discord channel )

Thanks to donors: @dobartim 10 SBD,

Day #1

Day #2

Day #3

Day #4


See you on the top - Be part of Steem Schools discord project : Believe in yourself @dobartim


keeping on rewarding creativity, hard work and dedication Nice one boss @dobartim See you on the top

We win together

continuing compensating innovativeness, diligent work and devotion Nice one supervisor @dobartim See you on the best

See you on the top

creative is one of our properties

@dobartim you are a very good man. This days you really find people who are willing to help others. I really appreciate your efforts in eradicating poverty. I pray in no time may your dream become a reality.

Be donor with 1 SBD, this is also good.

A very good project worthy of donation!
We win together!

See you on the top

upvote me.

Make a better comment and learn about Steemit and business in Steem Schools

Pero no ha podido desarrollar bien ese don por que no tiene lapton propia Casi no se conecta por que la PC con cual cuenta no es de su propiedad y solamente tiene el acceso un par de horas en las noches, lo cual agradece esta cooperación por que gracias a esto ha podido reunir poco a poco unos sbd y a podido comprarle algunas cosa a nuestro bebe. Estoy completamente seguro que si obtiene su lapton pronto se convertirá en un gran pez y podrá ayudar a muchas personas en este mundo de steemit a hacer también realidad sus sueños.
Estamos contento porque viene en camino Román Santiago futuro steemianito de esta plataforma.

carlos_modificada.jpgAnte todo quiero agradecer @dobartim por este maravilloso concurso. Somos una familia steemiano desde enero del2018 realmente estamos contento porque gracias a dios y a esta gran plataforma hemos podido sobrevivir en Venezuela y poder comer que es lo principal, y la lucha diaria ha sido esta, interactuar en esta gran plataforma somos una familia compuesta de 3 personas. Nuestra hija Karla Sofía de 4 añitos mi esposa @oscarinakr, mi hijo Román Santiago aun está en la barriga y sale dentro de 1 mes si dios quiere y mi persona @carloshernandez , veo realmente importante participar en este concurso por 2 cosas 1ro: mas felicidad hay en dar que en en recibir (hechos 20:35) y 2do: realmente la persona que quiero darle este regalo @oscarinakr mi esposa la necesita porque no tiene una lapton o PC para trabajar cómodamente desde casa. Realmente creo que @oscarinakr necesita esta laptón por que es una mujer muy inteligente y es muy decidida y cuando se propone algo no descansa hasta llevarla a cabo. @oscarinakr Tiene tiempo pidiéndome una lapton para trabajar y meterse de lleno con buenas publicaciones y comentarios y concursos y excelentes escuelas en discord, pero no he podido conseguirla debido a la hiperinflación d este país y lo costoso de las cosas aquí. Realmente quiero hacerle esta donación a mi esposa @oscarinakr lo cual estoy 100% seguro de que le va a dar el uso apropiado y va agradecer en grande esta lapton ya que es una mujer que realmente valora las cosas y amo con todo mi corazón. Muy contento y agradecido estoy a @dobartim por esta excelente ayuda y donación ere un usuario de gran corazón por eso te deseo éxito y prosperidad en todos tus trabajos por esta gran plataforma.
