Dear Steemian
The meaning of "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" is different but one that comes from the book or book of "Sutasoma" by Mpu Tantular / Empu Tantular. Within "Bhineka Tunggal Ika" have meaning in Indonesia there are many tribes, religions, races, arts, customs, languages, and so on but still a unity of countrymen and countrymen. United with flags, national anthems, currency, language and others alike.
Bhinneka Tunggal Ika adalah moto atau semboyan bangsa Indonesia yang tertulis pada lambang negara Indonesia, Garuda Pancasila. Frasa ini berasal dari bahasa Jawa Kuno yang artinya adalah “Berbeda-beda tetapi tetap satu”.
The words of "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" also exist on the symbol of the Republic of Indonesia as the "Garuda Pancasila" Bird. At the foot of "Garuda Pancasila" Bird grips a ribbon that reads ""Bhinneka Tunggal Ika ". The words can also be interpreted: Different but still one.
Diterjemahkan per kata, kata bhinneka berarti "beraneka ragam". Kata neka dalam bahasa Sanskerta berarti "macam" dan menjadi pembentuk kata "aneka" dalam Bahasa Indonesia. Kata tunggal berarti "satu". Kata ika berarti "itu". Secara harfiah Bhinneka Tunggal Ika diterjemahkan "Beraneka Satu Itu", yang bermakna meskipun beranekaragam tetapi pada hakikatnya bangsa Indonesia tetap adalah satu kesatuan.
How not, from everyday life that we live and news from the media we are served by the news will be less unpleasant action. In everyday life, for example in school. There are still many of us who are less able to accept differences. For example, many of our dark-skinned friends are nicknamed the 'Papuan' with a harassing tone. Is not Papua beautiful? Especially the actual color of our skin is dark.
Then, the news in the mass media of many wars between tribes, groups, and also religion. Bomb bombing by the terrorists for example. They reasoned for jihad because they felt that what they professed was the most correct. Don't we all know that all religions teach goodness, so why feel this is wrong is true. Moreover, it concerns trust. We must not impose the will. Even for this matter the constitution has regulated it.
O ma @bangmimi hana habeuh mephom teh
Maju terus PMII...
Garda terdepan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia
Salam pergerakan sahabat pmii
Salam pergerakan sahabat pmii