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RE: Have Quantum Computers Already Unlocked Cryptocurrency Exchange Wallets?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Jerry, you think that cryptocurrency could take out one source of power that they have, which is money. That's based on a very big assumption though. The assumption is that they didn't invest half of the value of cryptocurrency when it costs nothing with billions of dollars. What if they put in billions from black budget in bitcoin when it was $10, how much do you think they have now? I don't think they'll just crash it, they'll cash out slowly and have even more $$$ while others with their 5 -10 bitcoins per person won't even get that much compared to them.

Here's my simple of formula of how I see it:

U.S. invest billions in crypto when it's not worth much $$ ---> billion people in China power up crypto increasing it in value ---> U.S. cashes out trillions --> crypto prices go down --> China needs money --> U.S. pays China debt with money made from crypto ---> peace on Earth --> ETs go to Jerry's house to thank him for promoting steem and helping create peace on Earth.