Have Quantum Computers Already Unlocked Cryptocurrency Exchange Wallets?

Why have most governments been relatively friendly to cryptocurrencies when we all see how obvious the threat digital currencies pose to control? After asking this question repeatedly for months I got an answer which came in a vision in the shower. I call it the "private key spreadsheet" because this is how the person that has access to it thinks of it.

This simple Microsoft Excel document has nearly all of the information necessary to open the wallets of all the major cryptocurrency exchanges such as Poloniex, Bittrex, Coinbase, Bitstamp, etc. All of these were cracked by quantum computers most likely under the control of the National Security Agency (NSA) which monitors all electronic communications on earth in real time as was already leaked by former employee Edward Snowden several years ago along with details of how the US government has been actively collaborating with extraterrestrial forces since World War II. Over the last 70 years, these eight foot tall white humans from another planet have given the USA the majority of the advanced technology we use today in exchange for helping them to discretely rule this world.

Over the last two years as Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and the rise of altcoins showed the highest levels of governments the rising power of blockchain technology in the hands of users not under direct supervision, the logical response was to put a few of the agency's best computer scientists to work using quantum computers to basically brute force the private keys and encryption on the most vulnerable targets which were the exchange wallets because these wallets are easy to locate and hold massive amounts of digital currency.

Armed with the ability to instantly destroy the top exchanges and end user trust in these cryptocurrencies, the government now can afford to play nice without having to fear a revolution in money. Would you join me in learning more about this, because I think this is critical information for all of us investing in cryptocurrencies to be aware of in considering our future?

The Cryptocurrency Kill Switch

I'm grateful today that I have about $100,000 in Steem which is the only cryptocurrency I feel has mass adoption potential going forward. Meanwhile, I realize this can be all taken away with just an email because of simple facts we can each look up online.

How did I figure this out? Since I've been investing in cryptocurrencies over the last several years, I've continued to ask one question:

Why are governments not acting more scared and confrontational with cryptocurrencies? Governments are looking at potentially being wiped out by all these cryptocurrencies, these revolutionary financial instruments that allow individuals like you and me to take control of money.

With us taking control of money as individual citizens, we are also potentially taking the power away, the number one instrument of power away from governments.

I've continued to ask:

Why aren't governments fighting back the way say I would fight back if my wife invited another attractive man to stay with us and kept bringing more and more of them home?

Why don't governments try to just ban cryptocurrencies or regulate them to death, or take other actions that are hostile or confrontational towards cryptocurrencies? I continue to ask this question because as an investor in cryptocurrencies, this one thing kept not adding up and kept bothering me.

I got an answer.

I call it the "Private Key Spreadsheet."

Now, what I'm showing you here is a publicly available Bitcoin private key database located here http://directory.io. This has all the private keys for every Bitcoin wallet apparently in this.

Now, at first you might think, “Oh my god.”

It’s no big deal because as you can see there's a lot of pages. If we go over here, that's a thousand, then that's a million, a billion, a trillion…

You can see Bitcoin works because while you can generate every single private key, then how would you know which wallet to load this address into? On top of that, how would it be possible to break encryption on a wallet with that private key in it?

Theoretically, if just by dumb luck you loaded up these private keys, you could use a private key and just randomly open a wallet assuming it wasn't encrypted which is probably true of many wallets in all different digital currencies. For months I had a Dash masternode in a wallet that was unencrypted because I was scared of locking myself out of my own wallet!

This means you could theoretically, in simple terms, just pull a private key and load up a wallet, but the odds aren’t very good if you look at all these numbers.

There's one thing that's going to essentially ruin this, it’s called "Quantum computing."

The current computers we have are powerful, but Quantum computers are predicted within five years to be able to essentially crack the algorithms that protect cryptocurrencies.

This means that computers could sit there and just figure out exactly which private key to un-encrypt information, just by Brute Force, essentially, by using an algorithm that the computer is so fast, it can sit there, and just figure it out.

Google expects to achieve what's called "Quantum Supremacy" by the end of 2017. IBM says that the best classical computers will be beaten on some task within about five years.

Quantum Supremacy has not been achieved yet and some skeptics doubt it will ever be. There are obstacles to it, there are various reasons people suggest it's not achievable, but here's the thing.

Do you think our governments give out the very best technology as soon as it is available?

Or is it more likely our governments have the best technology first, and then allow it to be publicly released through companies afterwards?

Let’s look back in history a little bit.

In World War II, when we were researching atomic bombs, do you think this was immediately publicly available as well?

No, in fact, that information was kept secret, and an atomic bomb was dropped on people, and killed hundreds of thousands of people, before hardly anyone even knew about it.

Yet our government — I'm in the USA — had this information way before anyone else did.

Now, do you think that process has simply stopped?

Do you think the government makes available the very best computers in public when companies are sitting there and making new discoveries?

Do you think the government just lets this go on?

Or do you think they come in and say, “Hey, you're going to give this to us first, and then you can make this publicly available in five years.”

I am certain that the government already has Quantum computers.

The government not only has one or a couple working Quantum computers, the government has a lot of Quantum computers already. The government has had Quantum computers for years, that's why we are seeing things like this where companies are expecting to achieve Quantum Supremacy.

Why are they expecting to achieve that?

Google expects to achieve Quantum Supremacy in just a few years. The government already has computers powerful enough to crack almost every single cryptocurrency, and not only does it have computers powerful enough to do that, the government has already done that.

All these cryptocurrencies we see here, the government has gone through, just to make sure it's possible, and cracked the private keys on the biggest wallets.

You can see exactly that the addresses each have matching private keys to them, and I call it the "Private Key Spreadsheet," but obviously there's more than that, that's the simple version of it.

The government has a spreadsheet in something ordinary like Microsoft Excel or something like that. It literally has a spreadsheet that could be given to a hacker who could allow all the Bitcoin and all the other currencies with high volume and high value, to just be taken all off an exchange at once.

With one email, this spreadsheet could be sent out to any hacker or done internally to make sure things didn't get messed up. The government has the ability to wipe out all user trust in cryptocurrencies at the drop of a hat.

Now, this is just simply logical, when we look at the things that are available and that are already publicly being discussed, it's only reasonable the government is at least 5 if not 10 years ahead on these things.

It's only reasonable that what was done in the past such as secret research projects, is continuing now, it is public knowledge. The government has gigantic secret research bases often referred to as Area 51 and 52. It is even theorized that there's a secret government that really runs the country, and makes phone calls to politicians, and tells them what to do, and they end up having accidents or being killed if they don't follow the instructions.

Now, you can get further out into those things if you want to, this is just logical. The government has technology that’s superior to our own. The government has the addresses which are easily obtainable directly from cryptocurrency exchanges. The government use Quantum computers to crack all the wallets open, and at any time can clean the wallets out for all of the top exchanges just by sending an email and that would immediately crush the whole market.

Imagine if one or two huge exchanges got their whole wallet cleaned out at the same time. It would ruin all trust, there’d be a massive sell-off, and cryptocurrencies would essentially die.

Now, I'm not saying this is something we should be afraid of, this explains why governments do not need to fight cryptocurrencies. Governments do not need to attack cryptocurrencies because governments — I don't know if every government in the world per se, but I'm certain the US government and allies — have the ability to crush cryptocurrencies at the drop of a hat.

I would guess China does not have this ability. You can see their responses, and essentially the regulations and the fear there.

Think about it this way, if you could end the cryptocurrencies at any time, there’d be no reason to fear them. When you can just push a button, send an email and cryptocurrencies will be wiped out, there's no reason to attack them or be afraid of them, in fact, it's kind of a fun game.

“Oh, let's see what these people do with these cryptocurrencies. If they get out of hand, we will regulate them at a minimum just to keep things reasonable, but if they really start to make a big difference, we can just wipe them out, and it won't be a big deal.”

I think this is really valuable information to have a hold of, I'm very grateful today that I just logically put this together: a Bitcoin and private key database, plus Quantum computers to crack encryption, and that's it, that's all you'd need to do.

Final words

Thank you very much for reading this post, which was originally filmed as the video below!

If you thought this sucked and I’m a stupid conspiracy theorist, and you hate me, and I should just kill myself, I welcome your feedback in the comments because I am sure you will find another that agrees with you!

I appreciate you being here and I hope you have a wonderful day today.

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Jerry Banfield with edits by @gmichelbkk on the transcript by GoTranscript

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Not sure how accurate this is but I've heard that if you can imagine each grain of sand in the whole world containing a whole worlds full of grains of sand then you are getting close to the number of possible Bitcoin addresses.

The Steemit Shop

Sounds about right! Just like with sand if we know where to look we could go find a specific grain!

Not worried. If the government has quantum computers they will just fuck them up - like everything else they touch...

Theres a chinese robinhood story that explains why you should be worried, even if there are that many BTC addresses:

A wise chinese man does a favor for the king. The king offers to pay him lavishly for his favor, but instead, the chinese man tells the king to simply pay him 1 grain of rice on day 1, 2 grains of rice on day 2, and then 4, 8, 16, etc. The dumb king laughs and thinks the old man foolish, until 30 days later the king must pay the wise man over 1 trillion grains of rice.
Imagine that bitcoin addresses are the grains of rice. Quantum computers can exhaust through the space of all bitcoin addresses at the same rate the wise man was being paid in rice.
The cryptocurrency community needs to be aware of this vulnerability because many currencies are secured only through problems that would take thousands of years to solve on a traditional computer, but are easily solved by quantum computing. Blockchains need to start implementing quantum-resistant cryptography algorithms in order to truly be secure.


I don't know whether quantum computers will attack crypto world. I wish if it won't happen. Or else block chain should take safety precautions to avoid from attack of quantum computers.

Thank you Jerry :-) This is your opinion and I respect it. I have read Russian scientist worked out a way to protect the blockchain technology from a quantum computer attack. You can find the article here https://www.technologyreview.com/s/608041/first-quantum-secured-blockchain-technology-tested-in-moscow/

Nice reference!

Yes, it is from MIT technology review! For me is the best source of information about technology.

It's not the gov't in control of these super technologies of quantum computing. It's in the hands of the secret control groups that control the World gov'ts. This quantum computing power was likely available before BitCoin was even known. We are always 10 years behind in the know. They now have technology that appears to be warping our time dimension, i.e. The Mandela Effect.

I second what you shared here!

If you got better technoloy you will evolve faster, so at this point in time to put it in some years ahead will not be realistic anymore...

Jerry Banfield's tinfoil hat has a tinfoil hat.

This guy needs a tinfoil hat just to contain his ridiculous hair!

I'm in!

hoax theories, coil caps, quantum super-duper comp.wake up bro,we are in 2017.no teleports,no Marty McFly and Doc with jokes about "superpositions" of elementary parts.

The Drive to Cryptocurrencies, Who is Really Driving This Bus, by Lynette Zang
Officially, there is only 4 cents in value left out of the original 100 cents and as the value of the dollar has declined, so have interest rates. So here we are at the end of the currencies lifecycle and the only place to go now is to attack principal and that’s where negative interest rates fit in. Thus the push to cyber space. There are those that believe cryptocurrencies bypass central banks. But what if they don’t? What if they actually support the goals of the established system? What would that mean if everything we earned, owned and spent was controlled by a small group of technocrats? Today’s webinar explores these questions and more.

Okay now you have gone and done it. Look what you have made me do, I am done with crypto before I even get started. Selling my computer and cutting my Internet cable away from my house. Look what you made me do!

This effected me worse, I'm going to unplug the washing machine and beat my cloths with a stick by the river.

You've got a stick?!?! The government took mine. :-(

Mine was encrypted with 128 bits of security in a symmetric-key-based system, only my cloths and I had the symmetric key...


omg you guys are priceless

I don't know about conspiracies but quantom computing is not something kept secretly by governments or big companies. Several big companies are working on it which already means knowledge is not centralized. Science is published, this is no WW situation atm. AFAIK this technology is not yet worked out enough to be commercialized but I'm quite convinced it will become available to the industry and later consumers.

Quantum technology (simulated though) is already made available to the public :https://www.theregister.co.uk/2017/03/06/ibm_has_cloud_access_to_quantum_computer_400_times_smaller_than_dwave_system/

Microsoft just recently made available its language to program them:

There's also a thing call post-quantum-cryptography

Also note that the moment security breaches like this occur they will most probably not focus on some 'cheap' blockchain. Think banks, financial markets, warfare, mail, cars, ... There's more to do than steal our nuts. Do you think the government is safe for it? Russians tried/succeeded in manipulating the US elections without quantum computers.

It's the same with AI. The future scares us, society needs to be careful but not afraid. We can as well embrace the future and make the best out of these advancements.

Agreed! It helps to have humility for me when I get so excited about things like Steem to realize that there are ways for everything to be undone and end also!

I highly disagree, the knowledge is VERY centralized. Have you done much research on the pioneering company behind Quantum Computers -- DWAVE? You should listen to the founder and CEO talk as if he's bowing down to some godlike monolith when he speaks about it. When you understand the actual true concepts of what they are doing, it's very disturbing.

Please watch THIS VIDEO

"We can build machines now that can EXPLOIT those other worlds." @ 5:02 in the video -- talking about being able to pull resources out and use parallel universes for the benefit of our world. Disturbing.

There are many theories and it's tough to even scratch the surface without a full suit of tinfoil, but I'm ready to dive down the rabbit hole if you all are as well!

You are speaking about 'the' pioneering company. By saying that you are neglecting two facts. First you are talking about public companies in the western world. China and Russia are also doing research. Second IBM has a different approach and will have commercial models available soon as well.

A bit unrelated. Quantum computing is just one appliance of the technology. There are others. For example quantum stealth.

Crazy! Something to think about for sure and I hope they don't drop a kill switch on crypto!!


Really disappointing that you fall into this shit hoax theory... The only reason the government inst fighting crypto is because they know its a fight they cant win, any regulation or banning would lead into a black market that would lead into crypto raising in price even more...
Even if governments had quantum computers ready in secret, crypto could continue with post-quantum cryptography https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Post-quantum_cryptography which is in fact ready to be used whenever it is needed...

Hmm i dont know, he has a point.
Take the stealth bomber, they kep it secret for 20 years or so.
Manipulating the weather is also possible, one of the methods they use is Cloud Seeding.
No one believes it is real, but you can just look up the de-classified documents about past expiriments.
So yeah i cannot say he is right, but i can also not say he is wrong.
Military industrial complex is ahead of the most companies.
And they collaborate with Companies and al discoveries during the contract wil be kept secret most of the times.
This is nothing new, its not even a conspiracy.
Just the normal way governments and military operate.
We might never know, or maybe in another 50 years there wil be new De-classified documents.
Have a nice day!

just think of DARPA and all the ground breaking research they did all these years.

Is that so?

nah, dude's a FUDster. Foil on.

This. Also governments are usually one-step behind private individuals.

Agree! Jerry stop conspiracy theories.

The US government is in fact fighting it. The IRS has subpoenaed Coinbase.

Wow. If this is a thing is a real concern,

Very nice! I remember when we talked about this a couple weeks ago. Kinda freaky but I still think it would be hard to do.

Excelente Hermano.. saludos desde Venezuela

Jerry you look fucked up, everything all right?

Upvoted and resteemed.
Love you sir for your passion,
Please follow me
Hey @jerrybanfield awesome post sir. @juliawilliams

Jerry, you get too worried about the extraterrestials, when it is so obvious that they are on our side and not on their side.


You don't think a head that big is normal for humans, do you?

Damnit! I knew it :-D

and if they already develop quantum computer and with this, they also control darknet so way thy not control pedo or black market? and if not then I really think a darknet is a good option.Hi, @jerrybanfield I agree with your article most part but some questions I have what about the darknet, means if all cryptocurrency shift on the darknet?

Let's say everything you mention is true.
Let's say that 25% of the population is using it, they will embrace it to the fullest.
Actually I think they are already invest in it so deep that is why it is allowed.
A group will always benefit big from crypto. This is reality. Human nature.

Thank You For sharing thia information
You are the best , i see you on youtube 😂👌

Thanks for this insightful hardwork.
I'll surely earn money with this info you just shared.Always on point @jerrybanfield...

I am sure governments are doing there best to keep secrets but why should they do a better job on things than private companies do? All government i know are very inefficiently working and in reality influenced by the industry.
So i am not afraid. They will destroy them self as they always did. First they disrespect the ppl then the ppl get control about the things and everything starts from the beginning. :D

Damn. So many replies here that i couldn't find mine.

Been thinking the same, why haven't they (the Governments) stepped in and started regulation. No reaction to an unregulated financial system worth billions doesn't make a lot of sense, especially after 2008 financial disaster.

Which kinda brings you back to, they don't need to because they already have control in some way!

As for how far ahead, I think you're on the right lines with 5-10 years. Look at the at the stealth aircraft that we know about today and those that are still hidden.

Quantum computing will bring many benefits while it's used for good. As always someone will come along and throw a spanner in the works namely a Quantum virus at which point I shall shut the door on my IT career and go and live by a beach somewhere!

started out like serious stuff, that is until you mentioned the extraterrestrials. the answer is probably more simple like who makes all the profit from the massively high transfer fees. plus its not real wealth until you cash it in and then you will have to pay tax. so it seems like the banks and government are still controlling the whole deal.

Jerry, you think that cryptocurrency could take out one source of power that they have, which is money. That's based on a very big assumption though. The assumption is that they didn't invest half of the value of cryptocurrency when it costs nothing with billions of dollars. What if they put in billions from black budget in bitcoin when it was $10, how much do you think they have now? I don't think they'll just crash it, they'll cash out slowly and have even more $$$ while others with their 5 -10 bitcoins per person won't even get that much compared to them.

Here's my simple of formula of how I see it:

U.S. invest billions in crypto when it's not worth much $$ ---> billion people in China power up crypto increasing it in value ---> U.S. cashes out trillions --> crypto prices go down --> China needs money --> U.S. pays China debt with money made from crypto ---> peace on Earth --> ETs go to Jerry's house to thank him for promoting steem and helping create peace on Earth.

I believe that the quantum era is closer than what is predicted in public. Hard to tell because quantum computing is much like A.I. in that it's an arms race. Progress is naturally secretive on just how close and how fast the research is moving, and I sense from my readings that the tech is much closer to key breakthroughs than the public at large thinks. It's also a mistake to think the tech won't move fast into the mainstream because of the cost to operate a quantum computer. That barrier will evaporate very quickly.

Thank you @jerrybanfield ! Is a really good work , you are an example.

I have a news :

BREAKING : for who are doing short tradings , is time to sell BTC and buy after , I think at 3900$ target . Is my advice , may I mistake but this is my signal.


Thank you Steemians !

Follow @braveheart if you like my work :)


there we can the financial politics of a country, we must be careful with it, high risk becomes a recommendation that should be considered

OH Bravo! Very Interesting!!

"another attractive man"

You rock, Jerry!

This a great info to share

You are Amazing. East or West Steemit is the best.

Glad to be part of the crypto age @banfield

When that time comes, we would have a counter solution. Lovely article by the way.

Quantum immune algorithm is the best solution @jerrybanfield. Upvoted!

Valuabale info Jerry .We have to awlays keep crytical tinking .

I voted definitely sir. how can't i forge to vote you, you are the one who introduced me this site
thanks sir

good post
Information is very important and useful
Thank you for your efforts to create this post

Governments and Bankers are running numbers all the time, waiting to pounce when the timing is right. Perhaps they waiting for better advantage to themselves, I hope not but only time will tell.

Theories will come and go, why they waiting nobody knows but be sure of one thing they are watching from the wings @jerrybanfield good post and totally logical.

Can we just change the code to be quantum resistance. Like: IOTA is a quantum resistance cryptocurrency.

Thanks Jerry, this has been a concern of mine from the start. This post is more likely just going to be ignored than flamed. But I think needs to be discussed. I'll add, directory.io is not a database, it generates the keys on the fly. I used to play around from time to time with another that covered 4 coins for the search based on clamcoin digging. Once I actually found a wallet that once had coins but where moved. But proved that you can have random luck while searching. If the Man doesn't have all keys mapped yet, you can be sure it's in the works. The sooner this is addressed the better our chances of overcoming it.

I definitely believe the US government has the potential to kill off cryptocurrencies just by outlawing exchanges and the coins. Your arguments take on some rare assumptions, but it could be possible.

Thanks for sharing sir.

Very good article, Jerrybruv. Some very good questions and points raised. That spreadsheet file is insane. But yes, unlikely to ever get a 'hit' on one. However like you say, quantum computers are pretty much going to crack that one shortly. If not already... It's pretty obvious people are kept in the dark about most things.

Good information sir

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