A 'Cashless Society' Where Bitcoin Trades at 50-100% Premium [VIDEO]

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)


Since the mainstream media puts out nothing except lies and propaganda about what is happening in the world... particularly in Syria at the moment… Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change and myself have somewhat taken it upon ourselves to go to as many places as possible and actually tell you what is really going on. No one else seems to be doing it!

Luke reported on our experiences in Nairobi, Kenya where a cop in Nairobbery tried to shake me down and how I told him to beat it… and he did. Try that in the USSA!

We also reported from Mogadishu, Somalia and eventually landed in Zimbabwe.

Zimbabwe is one of the more interesting places in the world from a monetary perspective as they went through the world’s largest hyperinflation a decade ago. It was so bad that a $100 Trillion Zimbabwe dollar note was worthless!

Zimbabwe Trillion_3_CROP.jpg

The people then went on to use other fiat currencies from numerous other countries for the last decade, and now the government is trying to relaunch another Zimbabwe dollar… but no one wants it or trusts it!

All this means that Zimbabwe is probably the most cashless country in the world today. There is very little actual cash… and what cash there is, usually is really old, frail, dirty US dollar bills. All the rest of the transactions are done digitally with mobile phone and bank debit cards.

And, because of this, bitcoin trades 50-100% higher in Zimbabwe than anywhere else in the world.

But, there’s a catch! Watch Luke and I report from Zimbabwe to find out the facts.

As I point out in the video, there may be some absolutely massive investment opportunities in Zimbabwe currently. I wrote about some of them in the last issue of the TDV newsletter which you can subscribe to HERE.



Take a good look at these Zimbabweans. They know why cryptos were invented and what a value is behind them now.

I've been saying for a while that crypto is going to make Africa a major player in the near future. These people are hungry for power and see the power that crypto holds

with the development of lightning network, bitcoin will become a world currency just a matter of time, bitcoin isn't a pro war fiat is. :)

Because off chain transactions that can be throttled by providers is really what crypto needs....smh

Zimbabwe needs NO new fiat currency but can accept 60 different ones and 60 different crypto's using Palmpay.
Found them at Anarchapulco 2018.
Thanks Jeff!Wait til the Zimbabwean retailers and owners of Crypto's hear about http://palmpay.io/

informative post

Good stuff here Luke and Jeff. Even if I have a different perspective on one topic, I still enjoy each of the videos you put out. I think decentralized technologies will bring out of these corrupted systems . Hopeful it can also bring mass millions into electronic "banking" without needing any banks at all.

can you share something about
those country has been ripped off because of their dictatorship turn against USSA Dollars.
and mention also The 45 Million Nation without a state ( The Kurd and their Cuntery Kurdistan )Thanks, @jeffberwick For your effet & sharing the reality


A FREEMan Refused to Be SLAVE.

I like your content most of the time, but I am not sure if you are aware that if you upvote your post immediately you cut anyone else from being allowed any curator rewards. I would wager that if you employed the 72 hour upvote rule on your own posts you would make far more with them... as I am now withholding my vote power from your post for this very reason.

Could you expound on where you obtained this information [72 hour rule]? I just don't see the profitability in curation unless the timing is near perfect. There is definitely more earnings potential in commenting! Thanks.

The thing is if the entire world just used bitcoin then everyone would be on the same playing field thats good and bad people alike and governments alike. Something that could either be very good or honestly be very bad

It's just not that simple. Technology (software) development has not improved to the point where it makes it easy to use cryptocurrencies. Mass adoption will take time... at least until everyone can learn and begin to transact easily. Currently it is just not that efficient and is very cumbersome. And BTC transactions are expensive.

You would be surprised at how fast mankind can adapt when it needs to ;)

That might be the big holdup... no adaptation currently needed!

BCH tx's cost $0.0001. Therefore, bitcoin seems cheap to me. Sorry to hear you had such a bad user experience on a fork of the original bitcoin chain, try BCH :).

Fees might seem reasonable now, but the real problem is this; with accumulated congestion on the Bitcoin blockchain, it leads to a bidding war over block space. Last year fees were known to exceed $30.00 per transaction. No thanks. I think I would prefer to transact with 3rd gen blockchains.

Awesome sharing, again! Thanks a lot for the information.

When it comes to the rise of potential best crypto-currency country, I figured Greece would have to be one of the very top. This article of yours underlines the potency of this place, ripe for becoming one of the most powerful cryptocurrency cradle in the world.

Thanks again for the info, safe travels and namaste :)

Rhodesia was the jewel of Africa. Destroyed by political malfeasance

Do Zimbabweans speculate with other cryptos? Because if bitcoin is trading at a premium, they can always use bitcoincash or litecoin or whatever isn't at a premium.

From what I could tell all cryptos are at the same premium. It's because their government only let's so much USD into their country at a time.

This is why crypticurrencies can bring hope to such countries. Interesting article.

This is a close to the real picture as you would get. Great insight on their Bitcoin use there. It remarkable that the government has found a way to use the banks to curb the inflow and out flow of Bitcoin and other fiat. Bitcoin may not be all that decentralized after all, or not until it's accepted by all in all form of commercial exchange, only then will it truly be peer to peer and free from government influences.

It's in countries like Zimbabwe and Venezuela that you come to appreciate decentralized money like bitcoin because the government has misappropriated funds and taken the economy to the dogs.

And this can happen to any country. Hyperinflation is just a bad government/governance away.

Zimbabweans should just start using cryptocurrencies. Maybe in a few years, Fiat would be obsolete and the whole world would be using crypto!

Haha!! $100 trillion note, worthless! That's insane; certainly not trying to make light of a bad situation, but it's pretty remarkable. Well, a cashless society isn't so bad; especially when you bring crypto into the mix. I hope it has a significant positive impact on their economy

Zimbabwean hyper inflation taught us how vulnerable this centralized system is

Well looks like I might be going to Zimbabwe and checking out the investment opportunities. It looks like it is a very beautiful country. Does anyone know if you can own the land there or do you have to lease the land from the government? Thank you for the info, looks like I might bail on this country anyways with the bombing of Syria which might be the start of WWIII.

You kinda have opportunities like those in Venezuela too with a little less risk (little less).

The problem with Venezuela is that its extremely dangerous, you could die in any corner stabbed.

Very interesting post!

"Massive investment opportunities in Zimbabwe".

What does that make you? An opportunist? Or are you suggesting that your investment approach vis-vis anarcho-capitalism is immune to exploitative behavior?

Well if it's truly anarcho-capitalism then it can't be exploitive because that would violate the non-aggression principle.

Where might be a good place for Jeff to visit next to advocate for blockchain and cryptocurrencies?

Emperor, 6 of Cups, Wheel of Fortune

A maritime culture with a government and a lot of cats out in the public sphere that is dealing with serious economic issues.

Greece? Isn't there some Greek island with a bunch of cats all over the place?

Valla con Dios where ever you go next!

Great work! Thank-you.

I enjoy what you bring forth - Keep it up!

pv_590.jpg =)

hie @dollarvigilante l'm actually from Zimbabwe and for the past few days l'm busy doing a project proposal on how l can motivate people to join steemit . lt's so sad how we live without money and jobs. l guess joining steem . The sad part is that l'm the only consistent person on this platform others have been inactive for months now. l will be so glad to have some ideas from you

@rudee I like to invite you to the #smartcash community. You can also earn #smartcash writing here on Steemit too. Use this like to join our discord and maybe you could come up with a proposal to support your community.https://discord.gg/DC9tbUe

thanks hey

Are you on discord? I am on there with the same user name. You can DM me otherwise any of our moderators would be glad to help. We have a steemit channel.

Great work guys 👏👍❗️Really love seen all these places . Looking forward to your next destination . ✌️♥️👊🏻

An interesting and important story for me to know. Thanks for your sharing @dollarvigilante

Excellent graphics good and interesting information thank you greetings

Your post is very good!

Follow Me @cryptopay-blogBitcoin cloud mining HashFlare

Wow! That's quite an experience you have had. We know that most African countries are pioneers in cashless economy. It will indeed be interesting to see how the economy shapes up after the elections in July. Blockbasis is a platform that could help the community. We allow extremely low fees and sometimes even free exchange of cryptocurrency. The main feature from Blockbasis is that we allow users to send and receive Bitcoin, Ethereum and other cryptocurrency with just an email address! Pushing the boundaries to a cashless community!

Awesome post! Makes me want to get out and travel

Thanks for sharing valuable information

:) A little shameful plug here - I see this as a good space to share our goals & plans.

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great stuff, thanks for reporting