How To Hack Your Mind To Bring Out Your Creativity?

in #creativity7 years ago (edited)

Today I would like to talk about creativity. This subject fascinates me, as I believe being creative can bring so much fun in our life and help us transform deeply.  

I'm an art-addict. I was born in Paris and since I was a child, I was bathed into the creative scene of this charming city. I love writing, making music, dancing, painting, expressing myself in anyways. My heart needs different mediums to speak out and one art feeds another. When I paint, I may understand something that helps me refine my writing skills or I get some inspiration for my music and vice versa.  But what I love about creativity is the process, the path that the mind and the heart walk together to show where my limits lie; the path they create to take me wherever they want me to go, to expand myself.   

As I'm writing these lines for example, I have absolutely no clue of where this is going to lead me, but I trust that my being does know where it goes. Even if my mind starts to shout "But this is not going anywhere man! This makes no sense!” I just listen to it with compassion and I acknowledge any judgement that arises.   

With judgment often come emotions, my belly starts to contract and I start to feel the heat of some profound impatience, and I observe it, attentively, quietly, patiently... I don’t let my mind stop my creative process anymore; I don’t let judgment block my imagination. Whatever it takes, I persevere, with strong determination. It feels like being a warrior but the trick is not to fight against the mind, as it will always win if you get angry at it... It is more about creating a deeper intimacy with anything the mind has to say during the creative process, and allowing it to have its ups and downs.   

“What do you want to tell me, weird and beautiful mind? Ok, now we're going to be friends, I'm going to listen to you whatever it takes and I will give you all my support so that any judgement you may have, I will accept it, respect it, thank it and love it. Let me see where you want us to go.”   

This it how true intimacy works. If my mind is being angry, impatient, judgmental, ignorant, stupid, greedy, childish or anything I could judge it for, why not accepting that my mind can be like that sometimes? Why would I take only the best of it and each time it does something I judge wrong, I run away from it and I say: "Hey, that's not me! I'm not this crazy mind!"...    

The ego feels so good when it sees how intelligent the mind can be… and the ego feels so depressed when it sees how stupid the mind can be… So we don’t want to keep that depressing part… We just want to be intelligent, not stupid. But whose mind is not stupid sometimes? And who’s judging stupidity is bad or wrong? Why not accepting stupidity? Wouldn’t it be intelligent to love our own stupidity? How liberating would that be?   

When the heart meets the mind, or when the mind meets the heart… This is the key to higher creativity. While I'm writing these words, I feel a great pain in my chest, a massive contraction like a big block of concrete. Some years before, I wouldn't even have written more than the 2 first lines, because sometimes my emotions and thoughts can get so strong while I'm creating that it could stop me straight away. But now I understand how it works, I understand these are just old wounds, old reactions popping up, struggling to be seen, like brain-spams. They don't stop me anymore. They show me the limits of my inner-sky, they are like road signs telling me that I’m actually on the right path, a path of expansion.   

Creativity helps me to transcend and upgrade these old reactions; it helps me to replace them by something more efficient, more aligned with what my heart wants for me. If my heart desires something and I let my mind or my emotions take control, what happens then? I start to feel guilty of not following my heart's desires, I literally stab my heart, telling it: "listen buddy, I know you have really cool dreams but we can't get pass the mind and emotions, so let's remain stuck in the old way, let's forget about these dreams because it's too much pain and discomfort to reach them… I just can't handle that!"... and so when I let my mind and emotions win, just because I don't want to listen to them, respect them and love them, I basically stop myself from growing. How sad...    

But each time I am willing to embrace my mind and emotions, each time I go over my own judgement, I get the rewards, I feel so much love for myself, insights are streaming in, joy starts to radiate in my being and I feel so proud of me because I just won a new battle, with love and compassion as my only weapons.  

If you enjoyed this article, please feel free to upvote and share some love. I wish you a beautiful day!


Life is essentially art when we let it be what it is.

And thinking that I realize your advice is good for life, not only for art. insightful :-D

yes is good for life ;)

hey I saw you are using Patreon, I've never heard of this platform, I have a lot of creative content to share, music, writing and music, would you recommend this platform? thanks for your help

Wonderful writing!

I find myself at my happiest when I allow myself to be creative whether it's coloring, singing, painting or whatnot. When I just allow my heart to express it self by not judging but just feel the flow and enjoying myself. I think that it is important to let your heart express yourself in different ways and on a daily basis, I truly believe that if you don't you can feel tired and drained or even get depressed.

it was difficult for me to start creating without judging the output but when you bypass the mind and start to create in that flow and be in total allowance of whatever comes out, how liberating it is! thank you for your comment! I totally resonate with it!

What a dope way of describing how to let your creativity flow. I do recognize that when I am hard on myself or overthinking a project, I jinx myself. My creative flow dies.

One idea that I have been playing with is making sure that I am really operating outside of the box. I know that is a cliche term, but I think we often operate in someone else's "box" without realizing it. We may think we are being original but we are unintentionally replicating someone else's art. We are operating within a style they made by being truly original and creative.

thank you for your comment.. yes it's interesting to see how judgment can kill the creative flow.. such a fine line to ride..

Looking forward to your posts and a big welcome to steemit. I am following your blog.

Thank you so much for your support! following you too ;)


Beautiful.... Let there be no hurdles between your mind and your heart, let them be one... Let their b free flow of thoughts between them... let them embrace each other in compassion and in love... don't stop the conversation between them, for its eternal... You never know, may be a its a message from God...

;) thank you for your kind reply! this is my goal.. pure free flow between heart and mind.. how beautiful and blissful..

i see what u mean now by we are on a similar path,
i love when one creative project fuels the others, and everything flows faster than can keep up. i never realised this until recently
can't wait to chat some more

:) sometimes I still get confused when I don't want to paint anymore and I'm entirely focused on writing for example, it seems like I'm abandoning something.. but it always come back.. so now i learn to trust what my heart wants to do..