The Questions Contest #57 | What's your opinion about climate change? | Reply and win SBD & Smartcash!

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Topic: WORLD

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Climate change is the depletion of the ozone layer which indirectly and directly affect all ways or means of life, but with so many summit by world leaders in combating this I see it been repaired and human beings can live a healthy life, with the advent of electric car and energy efficient gadget in the next 20 years mankind will have his own planet become like the garden of Eden.
Trust me on this.

Climate change isn't just about Ozone layer depletion - that's just one of the causes of climate change. It's unfortunate, that we are harming the world we live and are quite ignorant about it (or just deny it).

I truly agree with you.

I doubt that. Check the stat and see tge contribution USA, Germany, China and the rest are contributing to global warming. Do you think they may easily sacrifice those methods that indirectly drive their economies to more expensive ones? I doubt. Why do you think that the Mars projects and colonizations are becoming more rampant? They are aware that the earth will soon become inhabitable for us

Wow...really ?
A new garden if eden?

As sporadic as the awareness for climate change is, it surprises me that some people think its just a baseless conspiracy

True talk bro

Yeah, that would be nice ... but no. We are too late to save the environment and we are completely doomed.

Climate change means the changes in climate...In fact, climate on earth is constantly changing. Various factors are responsible for climate change. These are man-made and natural. The natural causes are variations in solar radiation, orbital variations, ocean variability, volcanising etc. Human activities are also greatly responsible for climate change. For habitation and agricultural purpose, we r cutting down trees and destroying forests. This affects the climate adversely. Besides, use of CFCs and various other chemicals in industries causes serious harm to thr ozone layer in the atmosphere. As a result, there is a rapid increase in earth's average temperature causing greenhouse effect. Climate change has serious impact on the life and existence of plants, animals and humans on earth. Because of climate change the glaciers are melting and the sea-level is rising. A huge amount of land area on earth is under the threat of being inundated by sea water.

My biggest concern is the rise in sea level and the massive loss of housing. I am glad that the project has become a floating cities and gives hope to many people.

The rise I. Sea level is just one out of many problems caused by man's climate change, and a floating city isn't the perfect solution either.

Yes, absolutely, it's a problem in the chain of effects. I also said that my greatest concern about climate change is that the overwhelming majority of people live near water. The increase causes enormous damage. Floating cities (such as Blue Frontiers' Floating Project) also offer overarching solutions. Very exciting to observe!

Climate change is a major issue of this world.everyday the climate in is not same as 50years ago climate.we need to come forward to stop climate change.we need to be careful

I first read about climate change in the late 80s. The New American magazine had an article laying out the hoax the globalists were getting ready to pull on the world. "Man-made" climate change. They went so far as to mention there would be exchanges setup, where the globalists would make billions if not trillions through their user fees. It also explained how CO2 is not pollution. That cows and termites create much more CO2 than man. (They emit huge volumes of methane which breaks down to CO2).
Red flags about the "man-made" climate change hoax:

  • Mars experiences roughly the same climate change as Earth. There are no men on Mars. Perhaps, the culprit is the sun!
  • Some studies show the earth is actually deficient in CO2. Plants consume CO2 and create oxygen. If CO2 levels were higher, plants would thrive and there would be more oxygen.
  • The islands Al Gore said were under water with citizens having to be evacuated in his fake news film An Inconvenient Truth, inconveniently have never been under water and the citizens have never been evacuated. The island is a thriving community still today. Al Gore simply told a flat out lie!
  • There are more polar bears today than ever. Don't believe the #FakeNews excuses that they didn't use to know how to count polar bears. It's just propaganda.
  • The list is long, but there is ample evidence that global warming is nothing but a hoax to milk the world of money.

Too many people have fallen for the propaganda!

Time will tell, but I definitively think there's something going on and it's out fault.

(LOL when you start your answer and realize you might be on to a good post) I'm not sure climate change is a good term. There is a change that is happening, climate, environmental or otherwise. Parts of the world are cooler than they used to be, while other parts are warmer. We have to adjust the calendar for the earth's rotation. I don't think the physical aspect of the rotation has been taken into account. Just a small example: When I was a kid, the heat peak of the day was 2-3 pm. Now it's 4-5 pm. Over 30 years we couldn't wait for the sun to start going down so the temperature would go down. This past summer we would hit our daily high between 5 and 530pm. In fact the part of Colorado I live in used to get snow regularly in the winter. Over the past 5 years we have had 2 years with just flurries where no snow stuck to the ground the other 3 we had maybe an inch in accumulations. Is our planet changing? YES. Are humans responsible for it? MOSTLY Can it be fixed...anything can be fixed if enough people care.

Climate change is all about Environmental change which is an adjustment in normal climate conditions. . Climate change is caused by variables, for example, biotic procedures, varieties in sunlight based radiation gotten by Earth, plate tectonics, and volcanic ejections. Some climatic condition are preferred by some people while some hate it. Different people and different preference. Some love heat while some love cold weather. In my own word I think climate change is just to satisfy all human at different time of the year.

Climate change is a natural phenomenon that has in recent times proven to be a great global challenge. The ozone layer which is the protective layer above the atmosphere that prevents to some extent the radiation from the sun from frying us up.
The radiation most recently had been at alarming rate and oceans tide rising from the attic and Antarctic have not been helping matters.
There has been great disaster over the fever decades owing to the global warming.

An African country , Nigeria, the South south region , had a bad spell of events when flood over took all villages close to the Atlantic . It was a tale is sadness.

Nature was cruel but the ozone layer depletion has been as a result of our cruelty to nature.

Global warming though not fully experienced, it has caused us alot.

Wow this is a beautiful contest.
Been seen my friend doing it but I didnt understand. Now I understand it. Thanks so much. More grease to your elbow

The only thing I would like to say about climate change is that we humans should take the sole responsibility for climate change.No-one else can be blamed for it.The rate at which we are moving towards all these technical advances and living our sophisticated lives is sure to take mother earth to a state of irreversible damage.
The problem is that all of us think the same way.We all think what difference can a small act by us make?A small piece of plastic thrown , using some more smoky vehicles,setting up a few more industries, burning of few more woods, cutting a single tree ;what difference will it make?There are so many people around doing the same.Mine is going to add nothing.This is the thing that gives rise to all the problems.
An article published by NASA stated that the temperature of earth has increased by 2 degree fahrenheit during the 20th century.So what?This again doesn't seem to be too much to concern us.Right?But it will be concerning when we know the fact that the temperature of earth rises by a small amount even with lots of insults.So increase by 2 degree fahrenheit is a big deal.At the end of ice age when parts of USA used to be covered by around 3000 feets of ice,the temperture used to be only 5 to 9 degrees cooler than today.Now the 2 degree fahrenheit must be making some sense ,right?
Changes in the precipitation pattern inviting droughts and floods,melting of the glaciers and increase in the levels of sea,extinction of beautiful animals and birds and disappearance of wetlands must start concering us from now only and we should always keep in mind that even a small act of carelessness by us makes a big difference and we will have no one to blame except ourselves if refuse to listen even now.

We will sure have ourselves to blame if we didn't take the neccesary action, the Innitiave of different NGOs, agencies and policy is helping though, though is not get seen in full scale but the little impact is felt.

in a few thousand years, a new ice age must come, as the climate is always changing

All the decarbonization we can do isn’t going to change the climate much. I think there is no such thing as “carbon pollution.” Carbon dioxide is coming out of your nose right now; it is not a poisonous gas. CO2 concentrations in previous eras have been many times higher than they are today. Sea level will probably continue to rise — not quickly, and not much. Researchers have found no link between CO2 and sea level.

Climate change it is natural process that should not worry us, the earth planet during all it existence has been changing of weather.
Climate change it just a business theme created by all big nations to take advantage of it and make more money

Well, once there's no water and no plants, bees or animals maybe it's time to start thinking?

The climate change is an environmental change, additionally called an unnatural weather change, alludes to the ascent in normal surface temperatures on Earth. A mind-boggling logical agreement keeps up that environmental change is expected principally to the human utilization of non-renewable energy sources, which discharges carbon dioxide and other ozone harming substances into the air. The gases trap warm inside the air, which can have a scope of impacts on biological systems, including rising ocean levels, extreme climate occasions, and dry seasons that render scenes more defenseless to rapidly spreading fires.

Climate Change is the reason of the greed of this capitalist world , we the humans tried putting ourselves so much comfort and ofcourse the money to buy all that comfort that we forgot our nature and mother earth . I can see a lot of leaders talking and saying a lot of things about climate change in Summits and gathering but I still no country(as far as I know) has set up proper protocols among humans so they dont harm enough to stop the depletion of ozone layer .

Climate change is a really serious problem that since a few years here has been disrupting the life of society in many countries, example of this is the lengthening of this last winter where there are still areas where it is snowing, in my country venezuela although it does not fall snow the affect is given by the extension of the summer and the wait of the rains for the harvests, our country has large forest reserves that help to clean the environment but the felling of trees is diminishing this element besides the contamination of the reserves of fresh water from mining for the extraction of gold. The human being at this step will end all humanity

nice post

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I am still confused about this contest .. please you explain

Everyday I ask one question, you just need to reply and give your opinion. If your comments is the most voted or engaged you win. Then there's also a random winner as well :)

Now your last question contest #57
but now if i comment your question #56
and get most voted.
so any possibility for win this contest.

This post has received a 14.35 % upvote from @boomerang.

Climate change is an important issue that every human being should know and understand. This way everybody can act accordingly to work together to find a solution or at least prevent harsher damages that it may bring to the world.


It sucks now... However, it'd be cool if the process was reversed and it started snowing in Bangladesh... But it'd still kinda suck then...

I don't feel climate change is something we have to worry about too much, yes we have done a lot of damage but now we are aware of it and realise the mistakes there is a lot that can be done and I believe will be done.

I think we DO have to worry, if not for you, for the future generations who don't deserve to live in a world worst than ours ;)

Oh yeah, what I mean is that I believe we are on the ball now and are implementing all the changes in order to rectify the mistakes we've made in the past. Not that we can leave it or carry on making things worse.

I work indoors, so it does not affect me very much, and since I live in Venezuela, the rain is really relaxing, but if it is the HAARP Project or however it is spelled, I think they do some wicked stuff...

Natural variation in weather and climate is tremendous. Most of what people call “global warming” is natural, not man-made. The earth is warming, but not quickly, not much, and not lately but there is tremendous uncertainty as to how the climate really works. Climate models are not yet skillful; predictions are unresolved, even new research shows fluctuations in energy from the sun correlate very strongly with changes in earth’s temperature, better than CO2 levels.

well 97% of scientifics agree is man-made..

variations in sunlight, volcanic eruptions, CO2 levels has also caused global warming but i think that's millions of years ago...But recently scientist believe that over 90% of human activity has caused more recent global warming.

Deep State Propaganda!

Electric waste

nice bro..

Climate change is relevent, and it is a very present and real reality for the earth in this day and age. I believe that is MAJOR steps are no taken over the next decade that it will cause major harm to animals causing extinction and air quality leading to more deaths and sicknesses

Looking in which direction)) If toward the tropics, then sharply positively)) I love mango and persimmon. If in the direction of the arctic ......... narwhals and walruses you have not tasted? Delicious?)))))