Get Shit Done Contest #2

in #contest7 years ago

Win 100 Whaleshares worth up to $22

If you participated in my last Get Shit Done contest, welcome back! If not, here is how it works. I am not going to ask you to do anything for me, you are going to do something for you! It's going to suck, but it will be totally worth it!

What is this contest about?

If you haven't read about my upcoming worfkflow series, let me explain. I am a big student of efficiency and automation, and there are a lot of tools I use on a day to day basis that makes my life easier and more efficient. I've mentioned some of them a few times on calls and during discussions with other members. I've been asked a few times for more information about them. I plan on writing up a post focusing on each one in detail. I will explain why I use it, the problem it solves and how to go about making the most out of it. If this sounds interesting, follow me so you know when it gets released.

This contest is simple, but you are going to hate it and that is a good thing!

I once read a book from Brian Tracy called "Eat That Frog" (if you haven't read it, I highly suggest you do. It's very short). One of the key ideas from the book is simple.

“If you have to eat two frogs, eat the ugliest one first."

The meaning is simple. If you have a lot of shit to do, pick the thing you dread most and do it. Once you do, everything else will be simple and the dread in your head will be gone and you will find flow. Flow is a state of mind when you have eliminated distractions and work at insane efficiency. Any writer, programmer, a musician will know this state perhaps not by name. So that's what I want you to do!

Find something you have to do, but you have been putting aside because you don't want to do it. Something big, that will make a large impact on your life. Do it, get it out of the way and let us know about it. How did you feel afterward? I am looking for something that will make a big impact on your life or goals, but you keep putting off until later. That later is now! I am not looking for something routine or you are going to do anyway. I'm looking for something you pushed aside for "some other day" but it is preventing you from doing something else or getting closer to your goals.

  • Resteem this post
  • Upvote this post
  • Comment below that you are participating
  • Get Shit Done
  • Make a post about it, and share it in the comments. Pictures/Video huge plus.
  • How you feel? Let us know!

Resteem this post so we can get as many people involved as possible. Upvote the post, bigger posts means I can offer bigger rewards! Last time I gave away 500 SP for 4 weeks!

What's the thing you can do today that will move you in the direction of your goals but you haven't done this because it's too hard? Do it, do it now!

Make a comment letting us know you participating. Provide an update of your comment when you are finished with a link to your entry post. What did you do? Got pics? Has it helped you? How do you feel? Do something big, this isn't for me, this is for you!

My favorite response will receive 50 Whaleshares. Second place will win 30 Whaleshares, and finally, third place will win 20 Whaleshares.

If I am blown away, I will add even more prizes! I will be much stricter with the rules, this time, last contest not everyone followed the rules. If you don't know how to use Whaleshares, no worries I have you covered.

I will make a new post posting the results and highlighting my favorite responses, so make sure you are following me or checking back often. The contest will end one week from today, Tuesday morning October 10th. I will post an update in a few days where you can jump in and talk about where you are at. I all posts should be linked in this post as a comment to be accepted. Only projects that have started after this point and completed all the steps above will be considered.

The Prizes

First Place 50 Whaleshares
Second Place 30 Whaleshares
Third Place 20 Whaleshares

Shout out to @akrid and for the donation of Whaleshares for winners.

Image Sources: 1 2 3

Build A Whale-small.png



Please vote for me as a witness here


i am going to play

Here you go Mr. @themarkymark -it would be appear I am the first completed entry - while technically my 'project' started a long time ago I hope you will consider it for contest...if not no worries - I am still awesome - at the very least have a laugh and give someone around you a high five - and heres a free suggestion for a halloween costume...


on a serious note - if you got any posts that explain the witness' that would be helpful - still do not really understand the witness'

This is the goto post on that subject. Sorry about the delay in getting back to you.

This next job I have that I plan on starting tomorrow is a big one, will likely take a few days to finish but I am gonna do before and after photos. ( I allowed my garage to become trashed and I have no clue how it happened really, it is bad)

I'd play but I just did a lot of "SH!T" and hope t be starting a new job Wednesday...
I will have to reassess at that point! :D
Get after it, @tecnosgirl! How is the new house coming?

It is coming along, I got most of the permits today and the rest I will be able to get tomorrow. That is why I am gonna work on clearing out the garage, when we moved here we used it for all the moving boxes (and they are so old now they can't be used they are trash) and other thing that have been in there since we moved here that we apparently don't want or need. I don't know how we collect so much stuff, but some how we do. So I get to go through the stuff and take a few select things out and get rid of the rest, throw the trash out and donate what we don't need.

Just got back from eating another ugly frog! My article and entry is going up tonight.

Awesome, you killed the last contest. Can't wait to see what you did this time.

Took all night but I got the article up!

By the way I am really enjoying your SP ;p


Have a taste ;)

OK, I just found this now but since it ends Tuesday that means I can eat a frog tomorrow and I'm going to go for it. I think @ecoinstant is gonna win it, though - I just read his post (which is how I found this post) and there was a machete in the jungle involved. That's a big honking frog!

Alrighty! Frog eaten. Finished writing the post just as the fire alarms started going off in my apartment building. It's been a day. LOL

I'm so late, but I'm participating. This is motivation to help
me get it done regardless. I bombed my Finance midterm and I have to study and meet with the professor. It won't help my current test grade but he's a reasonable dude who will reward effort put in and shown on the next couple. So I'm meeting with him and crushing problems, then I'm claiming this prize.

Will you make an article of your journey of improvement? I could use a finance refresher ;p

Nice contest. One thing I've found that works is just doing things for 5 minutes if I'm talking myself out of it. Just do each of those things you dread for 5 minutes, and after a few sets of just 5 minutes it can be done

I am going to participate. I resteemed (for the first time ever) and I upvoted your post.

And now I am going to get shit done.

My iPhone was lost, and so I asked for it to be blocked... so it is blocked... then, my iPhone was returned to me one week later... Now, my iPhone is blocked. I went to an Apple Store and they told me that they cannot unblock it, and they gave me a number to call to unblock it. But I wrote it down on a piece of paper, and that piece of paper got lost... So I have to go BACK to Apple to get the number that I have to call.

I the meantime, I bought another cell phone, which has the number of the old chip. My iPhone receives WhatsApp, and Wi-Fi, but not telephone or direct internet, and my new telephone receives phone calls but not WhatsApp. In any case, I have postponed to get this problem fixed, because it is easier not to do anything than to fix it, so I carry both telephones with me in order to speak by telephone, do what I want to do on the internet, and send and receive WhatsApp... It is a pain in the ass, but it works, so I have not gotten my iPhone unblocked. THAT IS WHAT I AM GOING TO DO!

If I lose this contest but I get my ass in gear and I Get Shit Done, I will be a winner anyways. So I am going to do this for me, and it would be a nice surprise if I win or even if I lose.

Thats the spirit! Just by doing our task we are winners!

I need a help from you if you can.
I want to know , What I want or trying to achieve in my life?
I am totally lost to make money but don't going anywhere. How can I stop procrastinating and start doing my work? I will be very grateful to you if you help me to figure it out........

That's a lot you got there. I don't think there is much I can give you in a comment that would help much. If you came here to make money, it isn't easy and you will fail if that is your only reason for being here.

I will mange myself through your challenge.

All I can say you done the best participate and reward will come.

Cool Stuff, Mark!
Your girl from Discord just got me to vote for you
as WITNESS, she knows how to "Get SH!T Done!" :D

It has been 3 years I have graduated and I am yet to collect my degree from the university. I have been putting that aside for 3 years and I am loosing opportunities like big scholarships etc. just because I don't have an attested degree to submit. I guess it is time. Lets see if I can get the shit done this week.

This is good, Mark.

thats a big one there!

Tell us about your progress Naveed!

I have to say that I failed again. But this time it wasn't procrastination. It was the circumstances. I had to go out of station and hence, couldn't visit my university.

@randowhale 101 - Everything You Need to Know!This post received a 2.62% upvote from @randowhale thanks to @themarkymark! To learn more, check out

I'm going to participate. I've been postponing creating a Steem app for several months.

Now, I'm just going to launch it today (October 3, 2017) by getting shit done and see what happens.

How is that coming along?


This is just testing of posting because I know how to create an app. It's delayed because I suddenly got approved for the university and needed to move right away 😀

Probably will launch it on this weekend if everything will be okay.

Sounds exciting.

Ok, this is awesome. I'm new in this conversation but it's hitting a nerve. I'm doing this. And I already hate it. But it is important in my world. Yikes. Here I go. You will hear about it by the weekend. This is going to hurt SO bad.... (can I just whine a little louder first?)

Did you make a post? Share the results here!

Hey Bossman!

100% Steem Juice... Been busy, getting shit done;)

Hope I find time to join in;)

Stay awesome!

You know what? You're right.... I doneed to get shit done... Thanks for this much needed kick in the ass! I'll link my post when my shit is done 😉

Hows it going?

My code is giving me a headache 😢 I'm hard at it, but I'm not sure I'll get my shit done...

How I missed this before??? I like the idea! Not just the contest but the whole concept! I'm not sure will I make an entry, but I will see about big things that inspire me! But resteemed anyway :)

You can do it!

Hey I want you to tell about my new project.
I've been on this for a long time, maybe you've seen in one of my posts, I wanted to start playing the guitar. I've not a lot of time and I kept this idea for almost a year.

But here it is, my brand new guitar:


I bought it last week and I already had some time to practice. Following a simple book with old school cd I managed to play some little but simple songs and just having fun. Ouch my fingers hurt, but its going better and better. So I'll keep trying to be on it to make more progress.

Thanks for reading

I am in this week. Missed it last week. Will have a post by midnight tonight....when I finish getting this shite done :-)

Hahaha. Thanks for sharing this @paulag. Never would have found it if it wasn't for your re-steem.

Well aren't we all just such heroes! This is fabulous for everybody!