Supernatural Writing Contest Spreadsheet!

in #contest7 years ago (edited)

supernatural writing contest spreadsheet.png

Readers can find the 173+ posts in the SWC while authors can track the status of submissions at which shows the progress @gmichelbkk and I have made in reviewing entries and placing upvote bids! #contest #jerrybanfield

There are 3 pages

Hi jerry i would like to increase my SP delegation . To send the new link do I have to advise you or just send in anytime.

Nice one mate :)

Hi Jerry, where can I ask you this? How can I upgrade my Delagated Power? Thank you and I hope this is not the wrong place to ask you this.

@luisneira you can use the tool at

To upgrade, put more in than before. To undelegate, set it to zero or a smaller amount to remove part of the delegation.

Under the Delegatee ID is enough to write your name? jerrybanfield
An delegator mine? luisneira

It worked great, thank U Jerry

Hi @jerrybanfield İ just posted my entry with great's my link thank you so much

you'r doing great job man!

YES! Thank you so much @jerrybanfield and @gmichelbkk for the care and effort you are making to include us all, and inspire us to share our special stories <3 <3 <3

Mine is still awaiting your attention, though I promise I can be patient ;)

I didn't find my entry in the spreadsheet list, please revisit it, I had a great hope after a period of six
months I may get some compliment from my favorite steemian whale. Here is my link

We are behind on adding the entries and will plan to include it!

Hi, i looked through your spreadsheet and i didn't find my entry on it...i have posted the link here so that you can review...thanks

@jerrybanfield If it has been pass 8 days now and has not been reviewed, do you want us to re-post it?

I would also like to know that ... @jerrybanfield I published my entry almost 9 days ago, and it has not been reviewed :(

Jerry Hi also wanted to add mine posted it a few days ago I know your behind you guys are doing a great job.

Thanks sir, love to hear from you....

@jerrybanfield I didn't find my entry in the spreadsheet list either, please revisit it . Here is my link

posted mine 7 days ago.

I have 8 hours left for an upvote.

Great job @jerrybanfield but i can't find my entry on the spreedsheet, pls revisit it

Did you get my link about the 3rd platform airdropping to steem users?

Ill copy and paste it here:

So I am sure you know about the airdrops for steem that is going to be given from Vice and theres another one called Social Wallet and they will be giving a massive airdrop of their WIRE token....

here is their announcement post

this is the 3rd announced airdrop for steemians and I am sure there will be many more to come

Thank you I did not realize that social wallet included an airdrop also!

173 already?? Wow that's massive.

now its 179 ;D

This contest is a big deal ! Already 179 SWC (supernatural articles) and still a lot more entries to be added.
With this airtable .. and remarks, comments and updates, I am amazed ! We really appreciate your work (thanks to everyone who is uncluded)

ps: Couldnt find my swc entry in the airtable list, surely it will be added soon :)
Hopefully my english translation is not too poor so that I get disqualified? Do you have german or turkish reader in the team as well? ^^

Hi @jerrybanfield, I couldn't find my post in your spreadsheet. Let me know what's the problem with my entry.

same problem here bro.

I have a question about the contest. Can you still submit ? Also I think my story is interesting but it is around 600 words I don't want to stretch it by adding unnecessary words would you still accept it? @jerrybanfield

Jerry I just also wanted to say something as a side line. Really it does not matter to me honestly if it gets picked up or not. What I wrote I never written before and this gave me the want to write the post out and I am glad I did because for years I felt that I could never ever do it.
So thank you so much for opening the opportunity and whom ever is selected well done and if you were not selected well done also these are not easy stories to tell.

@jerrybanfield Have you considered doing a manga contest?

That might be fun next!


Great that you managed to get the community writing things!

Steemit — the platform — is going to revolutionize publishing.

@jerrybanfield very cool holding a contest like this. Makes the community that much more fun. Appreciate you and everyone else who is involved. I don't know what is more fun, writing the story or reading everyone else, luckily we get to do both!

I am very happy to participate in this wonderful initiative, I have many stories to share, experiences of the soul and the mysterious and supernatural, I hope to continue sharing them with you. Many successes to all and thanks @jerrybanfield @gmichelbkk for the support. This ews my post

@gmichelbkk and @jerrybanfield actually reviewed my entry for the Supernatural writing contest and it makes me so happy. It means you guys put in so much effort in going through so many entries. Thanks so dearly for the upvote bid it made me the happiest steemian💛💛. I so much appreciate the warmth of love in the air💚💚

Still haven't got to review mine


Jerry if you upvote I will start crying

With the voting bot I use I only am able to upvote posts by sending a bid through the bot!

That's terribly sad. I have about 0.000 SBD :D

Some day I will make you upvote me ;)

Well thanks for replying your great sir

resteemit done...

Good share

You are a legend the best work please see my work @jerrybanfield

Nice. How are you feeling correcting all of these so far? Very well? Somewhat disappointed?

We may need some more help getting the entries added because currently we have been challenged to just keep up!

I appreciate the effort, they are some great stories.

Thats good to hear because I couldnt see mine either and its 5 days old I think.
I73 on your grid and I think I have been lucky to see 10 of them on my feed - which is a shame because I have been looking out for them to read.

Jerry the steemit god

Looking forward to participate in subsequent editions.

Thank you again jerry! You do great work on steemit!

Very good

You don't stop at spewing out these amazing contests, you also go a step further to compost this comprehensive list which gives everyone an access to the wonderful submissions in this contest. The community surely needs more people like you @jerrybanfield . Continue in your good works. Congrats to all the participants.

Good job sir

Great Jerry, go on

Jerry, this is an awesome contest and I love reading all the entries. This spreadsheet really helped to see the status of what's going on. I noticed that one of the stories I like is not on the list for some reason. Here's the link to it:

Thank you!

BRAVO ..!!! Jerry you're doing a great Job...


@gmichelbkk and @jerrybanfield, thanks a lot for letting me have this opportunity to share my amazing story with you folks and also taking time to read it and provide remarks. It is a commendable effort indeed to organize, read through and share inputs on such large number of entries. Glad to see that you guys have made up this sheet with such organization and tracking. The best part is that it is transparent to the participant which adds much more value to the overall contest and belief in it.

I don't think you expected such an amazing response! Mine's not on the list either...

understandable and it presents accurate information. It is the most amazing and wonderful spreadsheet that I have ever seen and that henceforth, it allows me to grasp and digest the information easily.Hellow @jerrybanfield. The information in the spreadsheet was clear,

<p dir="auto"><span>I guess, it`s <a href="/@gmichelbkk">@gmichelbkk who created the spreadsheet. So, I want to congratulate <a href="/@gmichelbkk">@gmichelbkk for his work and may he keep it up. <p dir="auto"><span>More power to both of you (<a href="/@jerrybanfield">@jerrybanfield, <a href="/@gmichelbkk">@gmichelbkk)

It's all amazing 173 but mine isn't still there

I don't mean to insinuate anything in bringing it to make it easier to see]

here is it

One thing I believe you should clarify Jerry is in regards to others that were not so successful. We spoke earlier and I mentioned that this idea was a moment of inspiration. It did indeed help many get thoughts and memories out there. Some if not all spent hours writing their post for the supernatural contest, were all other entries dismissed or most just consumed by other posts taking their place in the queue? I have a method maybe you could use which perhaps may make the contest much fairer. I believe I watched you in a video and correct me if I am wrong, starting at the front of the queue, in order of popularity? Posts that already have earned many upvotes. Well, we both know and believe in the benefits that voting bots have. I am not saying for a minute that those contest winners used them but by going by popularity the minnows on Steemit stand very little chance of getting their stories heard. For their efforts I believe they should have and deserve an equal chance. As always, thank you for your ongoing contributions you make to help make this platform grow. I for one will be following your journey closely.

Jason I am amazed at the response we got and will make sure we get to as many authors as possible that contributed! If the voting window passes by the time we get to it, we will send the SBD/Steem directly. Sometimes in life we just have to try again if the first attempt did not work and I encourage any author that was missed to communicate in discord with Michel!

Thanks for for swift reply. As always you are a credit to the community. Thank you

Good post your friends My friends are very happy with your post and I thank you for everything you post Thank you for sharing things I can learn

Got a new look now...I thought you were someone else just now...but you still the energetic @jerrybanfield Thanks for the Inspiration

Thanks, I thought my entry was lost in a heap of so many entries...Though it was relieving to see my entry in the list. But It just shows Original, 4+ days, Older Entry and I don’t know if that means is it still under review or not.

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