One thing I believe you should clarify Jerry is in regards to others that were not so successful. We spoke earlier and I mentioned that this idea was a moment of inspiration. It did indeed help many get thoughts and memories out there. Some if not all spent hours writing their post for the supernatural contest, were all other entries dismissed or most just consumed by other posts taking their place in the queue? I have a method maybe you could use which perhaps may make the contest much fairer. I believe I watched you in a video and correct me if I am wrong, starting at the front of the queue, in order of popularity? Posts that already have earned many upvotes. Well, we both know and believe in the benefits that voting bots have. I am not saying for a minute that those contest winners used them but by going by popularity the minnows on Steemit stand very little chance of getting their stories heard. For their efforts I believe they should have and deserve an equal chance. As always, thank you for your ongoing contributions you make to help make this platform grow. I for one will be following your journey closely.
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Jason I am amazed at the response we got and will make sure we get to as many authors as possible that contributed! If the voting window passes by the time we get to it, we will send the SBD/Steem directly. Sometimes in life we just have to try again if the first attempt did not work and I encourage any author that was missed to communicate in discord with Michel!
Thanks for for swift reply. As always you are a credit to the community. Thank you